Today's Top Wikipedia Edits: Jeff Sessions Previously Urged Sally Yates to Disobey Unlawful Executive Orders


According to Wikipedia:

  • During former US Attorney General Sally Yates' confirmation hearing, Jeff Sessions (recently nominated by President Trump as Yates' replacement) "urged Yates to disobey unlawful executive orders"
  • Notable current tenants of Trump Tower: Cristiano Ronaldo, Bruce Willis, Juan Beckmann Vidal (owner of tequila brand Jose Cuervo), Gucci, CONCACAF, Qatar Airways
  • "In Japan and Korea, the "O Mark" (marujirushi) is used instead of the checkmark, and the checkmark is commonly used instead of an "X" for wrong"
  • If you acquire the board game Acquire, an "instruction manual is included in all versions"
  • "Less than two years prior to the Miracle of the Gulls in 1848, many Mormon settlers were saved by quail that flew into their camp, on their trek to the Great Salt Lake, and made available as food"

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to WikiNews Tuesdays at 1pm and Saturdays at noon. Right here on CFUR 88.7 FM.


