This Week's Top Wikipedia Edits: Good King Wenceslas Eats Cheeseburgers

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According to Wikipedia: 

  • Timeline of Russian Interference in the 2016 US Presidential Elections: On November 1, 2017, "Facebook's general counsel, Colin Stretch, is scheduled to testify before the House and Senate intelligence committees on the social-media giant's role in the Russian election meddling"
  • "Good King Wenceslas eats cheeseburgers"
  • "In general, liberalism is complete and utter rubbish" 
  • Joseph Stalin: "In the US during the latter half of the 20th century, when Stalin's government was often compared with Hitler's, it was a common claim that Stalin's regime was responsible for the greater number of deaths. Subsequent research revealed that this was erroneous; while the Nazi regime killed approximately 11 million non-combatants, Stalin's deliberately killed about 6 million"
  • Book Censorship in the US: Banned Book Week is celebrated the last week of September

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to WikiNews on Tuesdays at 9am and Saturdays at noon, or listen online at


Hallowe'en is tomorrow night - a very important day in the Gaelic world. Tonight marks that night with information about the night and a song sung by the late Angus MacLellan of Cape Breton. Also - stay tuned for tunes by Clannad, Chrissy Crowley, Coig, and more!

Aboriginal Outlet - Surrender (Album) by George Leach

Hey Everyone! I'm BACK! with George Leach's Album Surrender. George Leach is an Indigenous Artist and Actor. If you haven't heard of him already, you can find him on Soundcloud, Spotify, ITunes and YouTube. If you haven't heard the interview I did with George Leach, you should take a listen to that as well.