Attend the Public Hearing on the OCP: March 19th, 7pm 2nd floor City Hall

A hodgepodge of parcels (Pg. 241) make up the area of land Prince George residents refer to as “Ginter’s,” a mixed use area criss-crossed with trails for people, horses, bikes, and dogs. After a 2017 proposed transit exchange facility was quashed, the group Ginter’s Green Forever has advocated for the area to remain as green space.

The City of Prince George has a Future Use plan map that displayed roads going through the space, which have mostly been removed to the satisfaction of this group of citizens. — IF THOSE ROADS HAVE BEEN REMOVED, WHY MENTION THEM? — Current concerns now include the undesignated nature of land in the area —WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? WHAT DOES “UNDESIGNATED” MEAN AND WHY IS THAT BAD?— , and the city’s future Urban Containment Boundary — WHAT IS THE UCB AND WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO TO DO WITH GG?— The group, and all residents are encouraged to express their concerns — ABOUT WHAT? — at the Official Community Plan (OCP) hearing in council chambers on Wednesday March 19th — WELL THAT SOUNDS LIKE THE NEWS. IF IT IS, IT SHOULD BE AT THE TOP —. Now in its final stages, the OCP is unlikely to change direction — WHATS AN OCP AND WHERE IS IT GOING? —, but land designations and other amendments could be altered under direction from City Council to City Administration.

  • Ian Gregg, CFUR Due North