CFUR Radio Programming and Community outreach is made possible through generous donations from community members, and Support from students.

Become a CFUR community member

For only $25, you can become a member of CFUR Radio Society! Becoming a member not only helps fund CFUR, but can provide opportunities for yourself within our radio station. If you would like to volunteer, host a show, or just simply support our non-profit organization, becoming a member is the way to go! We love making and promoting local, unique content for Prince George on the traditional unceded territory of the Lheidli T’enneh. We want to continue to do that! Amazing support from all of you lets us do just that.

If you would like to become a member of the CFUR Radio Society, please click on the button below, donate $25, and add a message saying "Community Membership" with your email address and phone number.

If you are a local business owner and would like to become a corporate member, please make a donation of $250 and add a message saying "Corporate Membership" with the name of the corresponding business and contact information. Your business will be listed on-air as with our other community minded supporting businesses.

Online Donations powered by PayPal and STRIPE

General donations of any amount are, of course, welcomed and appreciated. We count on them to get us through the year!

Thank you for your support!

How to get a Charitable Tax Receipt:

Donate To CFUR - HowTo + Charitable Tax Receipts

Tax Receipts

Believe it or not you CAN receive a charitable tax receipt by donating to CFUR Radio Society. You may make a one-time donation, or a recurring monthly donation. There are two methods of doing so.

Method 1 - Online


Under “Give To:” Be Sure to Select “Other”
In the text box that appears, please type

“Care of: CFUR Radio Society”

Save the image below to edit as you wish

Method 2 - Hard Copy

Right click on the image of the form below. Select “Save Image As..” or “Save Image to Downloads” to save it to your computer. There are a couple options form there

Fill out the form below by downloading it and fill in either by printing it out or using a .pdf editor app if you have one.

If you don’t have a printer, hard copies are available at the CFUR office ready-to-go if you would like to pick one up, or we’d be happy to mail one to you. Make this request to the Station Manager by calling 778-693-2387 Ext.4 or by emailing

If your form of donation is a cheque that’s great! It must be made out to: UNBC, care of CFUR Radio Society.  This is to be written in the “pay to the order of” line.

Hard-copy donations typically use either cash or cheque, and can be brought to either:

  • CFUR’s office, location detailed in our about page, in-person or by post/mail

  • the Office of University Advancement in the Admin Building, detailed on the form

  • or give the Station Manager a call and they’ll swing by to pick it up 778-693-2387 Ext.4


YES! We are now accepting bitcoin. A lot of much needed equipment can be purchased with cryptocurrency, it’ll also help us in the long run when central governments collapse and we still need to get you local information and quality independent entertainment.

Our Bitcoin Wallet is: 338QJu9QVkjNGRwUqCK7b9dCTnwB36ZxLq




WE Accept Bottle Donations

Return-It Express

A Return-It Express Kiosk, BC's convenient method of returning bottles for their deposit.

Do you want an easy and helpful way to donate to CFUR radio society? Return-it express is a great way to help! Just type in 250-960-7664 on the machine and that will assign your bottle donation to CFUR! If this sounds crazy just swing you bottles by the station. We’ll happily take them :D

Find out all the information on their website.

Enter the number 250-960-7664 on the Terminal at the Return-It Express kiosk

Press Yes. The Terminal display will ask you to confirm the number, it should look like this once you confirm the number 250-960-7664

Each bag needs a label, so select the amount of labels you will need for the amount of bags you are dropping off. Press Print.

Peel the sticker and Place your label on the bags

Drop your labelled bags into the drop-off bin :) You’re done!