
Ether in The Attic - Episode #133: The Food Episode #1 - 20160808


Rockin' Ronnie Rizetto Guest-Hosts the Show with Hubcap Walter as they step across the genres of food, foodies, crumbs and cuisine. Prepare your brain belly for a six course meal in indie, surf, dance, garage, psychedelia. Mmmmm... Pic Credit:



My Artswells Experience


So I just got back from Artswells, and it was absolutely amazing, I had a blast. But this was my first ever festival and as I walked into the tiny town of Wells, I honestly didn't know what I was getting myself into. I was camped behind my car in a parking lot and there were definitely people from all walks of life in the town. As well, although I went with the CFUR crew and I did hang out with all those lovely people, for a good majority of the time I was 13661983_10154352606671873_4413523522240623735_oby myself (which was at first pretty intimidating). I checked out all the vendors and food trucks to begin with, and it was really nifty. Nifty is honestly the best word to describe, it was unique, creative, and personable, and each vendor seemed to love the festival. On the second day I talked to two vendor owners, and the executive director of Island Mountain Arts on why they have decided to keep coming back to the festival, and some favourite memories <iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=";auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;visual=true"></iframe>

The food there is pretty great there as well: My Saturday night dinner consisted of a veggie taco and wild rose tea, and it was SO good. Maybe it was just because i was tired, hungry, and a little cold, but it ranks up there with the best tacos I've ever had.

Now, of course my favourite part was the music, its the reason  why you go to a festival! I am not exaggerating when I say there was something for everyone ! From beat boxing, to a Balkan inspierd orchestra, to a rock b13717444_10154352592716873_4871376376137057714_oand, there was so many different types of music there. Three performances stick out to me, and each for different reasons. The first one was by a newer duo by name of Kitty and the Rooster. It was one of the first bands i saw and they  honestly just put a smile on my face. It was during that performance really got excited that I was actually at Artswells. The two were having so much fun on stage, and so was the crowd. The ridiculous lyrics, and the surf rock groove was the perfect combo. The next performance  that really suck out to me was Bend Sinister. I personally just love their sound and energy, you could tell the band was having a blast and that positive vide was contagious. The entire hall felt it, and we managed to convince them to come back for one more song. The final performance that sticks out to me was the Gabriel Palatchi Trio. Their sound was so different, as they were a latin-jazz group. Not only was their sound very cool, but it was awesome to see how everyone who started sitting down ended up pushing the chairs to the side to  dance.

But I think that one of the things that stood out to me in this festival was the general vibe, and the people that were there. Everyone was friendly; I don't think I could count how many random people said "Hi". I also met lots of people, and simply talked to them fo13925806_10154352622476873_614692207868179087_or a few moments before going on our own ways. By being by myself I got to watch people, and see how they interacted and greeted everyone. As well, all the artists interacted with both their fans and other artists. I wasn't at one performance without seeing another artist there supporting them. It was great to see.

Overall I had such a fun time. I was crazy busy and I was pretty tired for the drive home, but i am so glad i went. I think its a great festival for both those who have had festival experience and for first timers like me; its not too big but there's still some great headliners. As well, although some people got a little crazy late at night, in general it was pretty chill and there were even families that were there. If you like any type of music...or any type of art in general, you may want to check out Artswells for 2017! And if you don't have someone to go with you, don't let that stop you, you can still have fun at a festival by yourself.

-Laura Smith, Twitter: @lasmith98

The Fresh Sheet (Take Over #4) : #24 Post ArtsWells


Did you miss ArtsWells? Yeah, me too. Here is a glimpse into some of the artistes that graced the stages of ArtsWells this past weekend. Let's just hang and enjoy it as much as possible even if it makes us a little Blue to think of the awesomeness we missed. You'll see what i did there. [embed][/embed]

WikiNews -July 28 2016 Artswells Episode 1


Realtime news according to Wikipedia's most recent edits. This episode's notable edits include: 1) Wikipedia's list of Hillary Clinton endorsements is longer than Wikipedia's list of royal weddings throughout history, 2) The Wiphala flag of the Indigenous people of the Andes, and co-official flag of Bolivia, is the only "red, blue, green, yellow, white, orange, purple" flag listed under Wikipedia's list of flags by colour combination, and 3) "Shoes on a table" writes that, "even among people who are not superstitious, shoes can be associated with contamination." Source:

The Fresh Sheet (Take Over #3) : #23


Exploring the new hits of artistes from all over the place who's hometowns are as diverse as the music they play. Enjoy another set from Ze Brain on the take over. One small step in music, a giant leap for and towards world domination. Enjoy the tunes. [embed][/embed]

WikiNews -July 21 2016


The news according to Wikipedia's most recent edits. This episode's notable edits include 1) Kraft paper is used for paper bags and as the backing to sandpaper, 2) Ted Cruz self-immolated by pouring gasoline on himself and lighting a match during this week's Republican National Convention, and 3) iOS users of Pokemon Go were "erroneously" asked to give the app permission to access their Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos. Source:


Celtic Fire Retro Summer Season Episode 8

The final episode of year 11 of Celtic Fire! On tonight's show....Fiona J Mackenzie, Mairi MacInnes, Karen Matheson, Rayleme Rankin and many more! I hope you have enjoyed this past year with me and I sincerely hope that you will come back and listen on September 12, 2016 - the first show of season 12! Suas e!!  

[embed][/embed] [mixcloud width=260 height=120 hide_cover=1]