
Audiomap / Episode 23


Here's the latest episode of Audiomap! This week's theme is that I'm very unorganized & chaotic so I'm perusing through CFUR's music library and playing one artist from each letter of the alphabet. Basically I'm playing whatever my lil' heart desires. It's radio anarchy up in this joint.

P.S. yes, I know you can hear other music in the background. I'm sorry. The board in Studio A is not ideal. We're workin' on it. In the meantime, thanks for bearing w/ us.


Celtic Fire Season 12 Episode 6

A fantastic line-up in store for you! The out-of-this-world Celtic-Galician-Spanish band Celtas Cortos come roaring back with two awesome tracks; a very catchy track from the incredible Scottish percussion and pipe band Clanadonia; and the amazing Cape Breton band Coig providing the back music throughout the show. Also tune in for more from my season themes: One Tongue (Aon Teanga), Red Hot Chilli Pipers, and Traditions of Tiree. Click on iiiiiiiiiiiiit! Ya know ya wanna!  



Today's Top Wikipedia Edits: 'Highly Newsworthy, Little Known Topic,' Wikipedia's Site for Social Credit System in China, 'Needs Attention from an Expert in China'


According to Wikipedia:

  1. Listed under "Extreme Points" of Canada's geography, the country's pole of inaccessibility ("location that is the most challenging to reach owing to its remoteness") is "allegedly" near Jackfish Lake, Alberta.
  2. "The Social Credit System is a proposed Chinese government initiative for developing a national reputation system. It has been reported to be intended to assign a 'social credit' rating to every citizen based on government data regarding their economic and social status." Wikipedia policy flags this website as "needing special attention from an expert in China. The specific problem is: Highly newsworthy, little known about topic, much speculation."
  3. "Personal life is the course of an individual's life, especially when viewed as the sum of personal choices contributing to one's personal identity."

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to WikiNews on Tuesdays at 1pm and Saturdays at noon. Right here on CFUR 88.7 FM.




C.R. Avery and Eliza Mary Doyle at the Legion


C.R. Avery

On October 22nd, C.R. Avery travelled through space and time to close out his West Coast tour at the Legion, branch 43.

Backed by four musicians who brought with them a tight understanding of tried and true folk tunes and original songs alike.

Each song, whether formerly heard or not, was brought into a new understanding of what it means to truly perform a song that has been kicking around the folk world for ages and to craft one’s own work into a composition that fits it like a well built cabin in the woods would a hermit.

Eliza Mary Doyle, a supreme Saskatchewan banjo picker also took the stage as the opening act. A three piece harmonious experience with a pumped up vibe that kicked off the night.

While talking with C.R. Avery between sets, he expressed that he aims to find a new home for a song by experimenting with genres and styles. In short, to not bore and not to be bored. The night was visually stimulating with various lights being consciously chosen for segments of songs and a theatrical demeanour that occurs when you’ve got a musician who is also a performer. Not to mention the fantastic pre-recorded samples being played alongside live performance and futuristic harmonica beat-boxing that sounds like ocean, trains and all of these other things you don’t always get to hear from the short harp.

So you missed out this last weekend but want to see what the Legion has to offer next? Don’t worry, Mad Loon Entertainment and CFUR have got you covered. On Friday, October 28th there’s a hallowe’en show featuring Blackberry Wood and High Society.

Adam Farnsworth who was on keys and Chelsea Johnson who played bass, tambo and sang with C.R. Avery are both in High Society. While speaking with Chelsea, I learned she has a background in theatre that manifests itself somehow in every band she’s in. This coupled with the infamous Blackberry Wood means you best put on some kind of costume and get out there!



Today's Top Wikipedia Edits: POKEMON Gene Linked to Cancer Development


According to Wikipedia:

  1. On Wikipedia's List of Unusual Biological Names: "Pokemon threatened to sue the discoverer of the POKEMON gene (POK erythroid myeloid ontogenic factor) because the name was attracting attention when its link to the development of cancer was published."
  2. "The Spice Boys emerged as a term coined to characterize the antics and lifestyles off the pitch of the Liverpool FC 1990s players as high-earning playboys who were underachieving in the game, based on a play of words of the pop music band at the time, the Spice Girls."
  3. "Freeze branding is done by cooling the branding iron to a temperature of -160C to 250C.... The hair falls out, and after two to three months the hair will be fully regrown, without pigment, unless the hair is dyed back to the original colour.... On white-haired animals, the brand is kept on longer, destroying the hair follicle altogether, and the area remains bald."

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to WikiNews on Tuesdays at 1pm and Saturdays at noon. Right here on CFUR 88.7 FM.





Celtic Fire Season 12 Episode 5

A bit of a rocky start, technologically, on tonight's show, but it ended up being a good one! Tune in to hear tunes from Capercaillie, Colcannon, Catriona Parsons, and more! [embed][/embed] [mixcloud width=260 height=120 hide_cover=1]