
Celtic Fire Summer Retro Season Episode 6

Join in the look back at the theme songs of Celtic Fire history. We are looking at #16, 17, and 18 tonight! Incredible tunes by the fanta-bulous Gillebride MacMillan, Mary Jane Lamond, Willie Campbell, and Manran will be exploding on the scene tonight as well as many more! Tune in and hear for yourself!   [mixcloud width=260 height=120 hide_cover=1]

Ether in The Attic - Episode #130: Craving the Voracious Calgary Folk Fest - 20160704


The Calgary Folk Fest rears its carefully farmed head. It's nostrils bellow mandolins and its hooves clack hip-hop bass trots. Its fur ripples with a mosaic of nations prodding it on stage. Truly something to behold let Hubcap Walter tell you. He's got a bundle to sell down south this year, and it's even better than the apparition of lockable hubcaps on sullen street, the Calgary folk fest, July 21-24 2016. [embed][/embed]

Pic Credit:

Just for Fun:


Celtic Fire Summer Retro Season Episode 5

Celtic Fire - Prince George, BC's long-running Scots Gaelic and Celtic (whatever that means) music show (11 seasons!)....brings to you another in the Retro Summer Season - a look back at the show's history through its theme songs. On tonight's show - Maggie MacInnes, Manran, Lewis MacKinnon, and Mary Smith...not to mention Prince George's very own Out of Alba. Tune in and enjoy!!  

  [mixcloud width=260 height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1]

Ether in The Attic - Episode #129: Matrimonial Episode - 20160627


Mare Rye Age,  Marriage, even Matrimony, no not the cruel treatment of small fabric floor coverings resulting in yowls, but the number one cause of divorce (Hehe). In all it's pomp, tradition, and glory, the agreement to commit the duration of one's life to another. Yup it's a biggie, so make sure you have a good party. The show starts with a divorce song just to level right down to below zero, but the rest will build you up, guaranteed ;) Congratulations to all you lovers out there who decided its worth the risk and everyone who'd just love to be loved, don't forget to step out into the light, and of course if you don't believe in marriage way to think outside the box by golly.

[embed][/embed] For everything in between,



Pic Credit:,d.cGc&psig=AFQjCNEThbIvyl10zjm_cdBB4ZLoDhZ6Ig&ust=1467163729790784

Celtic Fire Summer Retro Season Episode 3

The third in the look back at Celtic Fire theme songs over the years. Tonight, listen to #7, 8, and 9 - Jenna Cumming, James Graham, and Catriona Watt. Also tunes by the North Shore Gaelic Singers, Alasdair Whyte, and Aon Teanga will make their way on stage for a great hour of Celtic music. Enjoy!

The Fresh Sheet- Oh yaaa....


WARNING- the contents in this show may force you to order a pizza... Some music videos from the Fresh Sheet artists played this week.... especially stoked about Still Parades Video... its 360 ya'll!!

Also! very important... local band The Flying Machine... here's a write up on the folks....

Levitation Room: crystal ball

Still Parade: 360 video…. chamber

Band of horses: casual party

Susanna- sacrade revolution

Oddity- presures gone

Sara Watkins-

Tegan and Sarah- Pkew pkew pkew





Ether in The Attic - Episode #128: Rad Relativity - 20160620


The relativity, in our city will obsess us to to a fault, our own hang ups, until we're wrapped around a telephone cord or our own shoelaces. Horrendous lobsters masquerade as honest practice and law abiding habits. We wish to extrapolate the gumption from proper footwear, but we won't until we realize that we can do without feet. [embed][/embed]

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