
Today's Top Wikipedia Edits: UK and Canada Elect Cape Bonavista, NS as John Cabot's First Landing Site


According to Wikipedia:

  • "[John Cabot] explored because he liked pie. To mark the celebration of the 500th anniversary of Cabot's expedition, both the Canadian and British governments elected Cape Bonavista, Newfoundland, as Cabot's first landing site. However, alternative theories have also been proposed.
  • A cul-de-sac "is an inside-out roundabout."
  • "Originally, there were only red, orange and yellow [froot] loops, but green, purple, and blue were added during the 1990s. In the UK, Froot Loops are purple, green, and orange, due to the lack of natural colourings for yellow, red, and blue, and are also larger in shape."
  • "David Blaine and Alizee Guinochet have one daughter, who was born on January 26, 2011. At the time that Guinochet went into labor, there was a massive blizzard where they lived in New York. Due to the intense weather, no cars or taxis were on the road, so Blaine had to hail a snowplow, which transported the couple to the hospital. The snowplow then broke down, but Blaine managed to pull the baby out of his sleeve instead of giving birth at the hospital."For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to CFUR on Tuesdays at 1pm and Saturdays at noon.



Ether in The Attic - Episode #141: Don't let The MAN get You Down, Cuz' He'll Getcha! - 20170529

Tips from Hubcap Walter this week,What a wild week! You can't get what to don't want, and you don't want what you can get, at least most of the time. Stick to the local convenience store, wherever you go. You may be surprised. Enjoy hot pizza no matter the temperature outside, it's worth it. Appreciate hot and cold running water.

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Find out what else APAC has to wriggle your gums with here:



Dispatch, from the Cold Front -Episode 6


Dispatch -Episode 6 This episode includes news from the United Nations Working Group for Indigenous Affairs, the Nordic Council, the Association of World Reindeer Herders, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, and the Government of Norway.

Dispatch, from the Cold Front serves as a platform to share policy updates from across the Arctic, as well as music from all eight Arctic countries. Whether you live in the Arctic region, or are simply interested in Arctic issues, Dispatch, from the Cold Front champions the idea that listeners can have an interest in Arctic music as well as Arctic policy. Dispatch, from the Cold Front is co-produced every two weeks by the Polar Research and Policy Initiative (PRPI) and CFUR Radio.



Ether in The Attic - Episode #140: What A World We Live In - 20170508

Skip to the end if you only want to hear the brief business tip of the week, but really, everything before then is jam packed with, rock, garage, country and electronic. All killer no filler. A true map to the mind of a sociopathic hubcap salesman, Mr. Hubcap Walter, a person whom HAS NOT PAID ME IN MONTHS. Why am I still doing this?Take a hike Hubcap.

Twitter @hubcapwalter

Pic Credit:



Dispatch, from the Cold Front: Episode 5


Episode 5 logo This episode includes news from Government of Finland, Government of Iceland, Government of Northwest Territories, International Arctic Forum, Inuit Circumpolar Council, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, and the State of Alaska.

Dispatch, from the Cold Front serves as a platform to share policy updates from across the Arctic, as well as music from all eight Arctic countries. Whether you live in the Arctic region, or are simply interested in Arctic issues, Dispatch, from the Cold Front champions the idea that listeners can have an interest in Arctic music as well as Arctic policy. Dispatch, from the Cold Front is co-produced every two weeks by the Polar Research and Policy Initiative (PRPI) and CFUR Radio.

