
This Week's Top Wikipedia Edits: Artswells Should be Listed on Wikipedia -Callout to Wikipedia Editors

This episode showcases mostly experimental artists who played at Artswells 2017 in Wells, BC.

According to Wikipedia:
- David Bowie, Jim Morrison, and Jimmy Page are listed on Wikipedia's list of occultists
- The Avocado Green Mattress was founded in 2017 by Jeff and Alexander D'Andrea. "Concerned with off-gassing, they wanted a mattress made without petroleum-based polyurethane foams and harsh industrial chemicals that also did not greenwash their product to promote sales. Because they could not find a suitable product, they started Avocado Green Mattress"
- Paul Galvin "created the name Motorola by linking 'motor' with 'ola,' which was a popular ending for many companies at the time, e.g. Moviola, Crayola"

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to CFUR 88.7FM on Tuesdays at 1pm and Saturdays at noon. Listen online at


Today's Top Wikipedia Edits: Neopalpa donaldtrumpi and Tetragramma donaldtrumpi, Species Named After You-Know-Who

According to Wikipedia:

  • Fast-and-frugal trees are a "type of decision tree.... The fast-and-frugal tree establishes a ranking and, according to the ranking, a 'topology' of the tree"
  • List of species named after Donald Trump: "neopalpa donaldtrumpi, a species of micro-moth...with distinctive yellowish-white scales covering the head in adults [and]... tetragramma donaldtrumpi, a species of fossil sea urchin"
  • "This is a list of present and extant earls in the Peerages of...the United Kingdom. Note that it does not include extant earldoms which have become merged (either through marriage or elevation) with marquessates or dukedoms and are today only seen as subsidiary titles"

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to WikiNews on CFUR 88.7FM on Tuesdays at 1pm and Saturdays at noon. Listen online at



Ether in the Attic: Episode #143 - Existing in the Light - 20170731

An oncoming heatwave lurks in the waning August Sun. Embrace it or run from it? Ride the snake my friends. It all comes back on itself eventually. Turn off the A/C (if you have it) Grab some ice (if you can get it), and celebrate the fact that its hot enough to melt it.


P.S. I'm making hats made out of hubcaps at the stand this week. Far more fashionable than your standard tin-foil hat, and with equal heat radiation & signal interference properties.

Mental Health Matters


This week, Britt AM talks matters of the mind. She provides mental health resources for those that may be struggling, and dishes on some weird dreams she's been having, while slinging some of today's dreamiest tracks. If you are in crisis, you can call 310-6789 (do not add 604, 778 or 250 before the number). This number will connect you to your local BC crisis line without a wait or busy signal, 24 hours a day. Crisis line workers are trained to help provide emotional support as well as mental health information and resources.[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]