
WikiNews -Sept 1 2016


Realtime news according to Wikipedia edits. This episode's notable edits include:1) Donald Trump is considered the presidential candidate to have provided the most misinformation of all American election campaigns 2) The judge for Lionel Messi's tax evasion case allegedly used to work for Real Madrid



WikiNews -August 24 2016


Realtime news according to Wikipedia's most recent edits. This episode's notable edits include:1) The Amazing World of Dr. Seuss Museum is scheduled to open in 2017 2) Wikipedia's website for "Racewalking" suffers from link rot, which occurs when a website has multiple dead links 3) Wikipedia's List of Nicknames Used in Basketball formerly listed Stephen Curry's nickname as "Disappears during the finals"



WikiNews - August 18 2016


Realtime news according to Wikipedia edits. This week's notable edits include: 1) "Mumblecore is a subgenre of independent film characterized by naturalistic acting and dialogue.... Mumblegore has been used for mixing mumblecore and horror genres," 2) On Wikipedia's list of Concerns and Controversies at the 2016 Olympic Games, "the Australian Olympic athletes were banned from Rio beaches after dark following USA swim star Ryan Lochte's alleged armed robbery," and 3) Wikipedia's list of Conspiracy Theories of the 2016 US Presidential Election alleges that "Donald Trump is racist".





Interview with Spencer Morphy, of The Velveteins - 20160816


In August of 2016, we caught up with Spencer Morphy, of The Velveteins during breakfast and talked labels, surf, winter, and more. Check out their sound on bandcamp:

...and tune in to 88.7FM to catch them during the Barrage of Garage, Ether in the Attic, and soooo much more

Here's the interview:


pic credit:

WikiNews -August 11 2016


Realtime news according to Wikipedia's most recent edits. This week's notable edits include: 1) International Youth Day is celebrated on August 12 but many countries, including South Africa, China, and Ukraine celebrate their own youth day, 2) After Manchester United hired a new general manager, Bastian Schweinsteiger "was demoted and sent to training with the U21 team," and 3) Catholic guilt "is a term used to identify the supposed excess guilt felt by Catholics and lapsed Catholics."



WikiNews -July 28 2016 Artswells Episode 1


Realtime news according to Wikipedia's most recent edits. This episode's notable edits include: 1) Wikipedia's list of Hillary Clinton endorsements is longer than Wikipedia's list of royal weddings throughout history, 2) The Wiphala flag of the Indigenous people of the Andes, and co-official flag of Bolivia, is the only "red, blue, green, yellow, white, orange, purple" flag listed under Wikipedia's list of flags by colour combination, and 3) "Shoes on a table" writes that, "even among people who are not superstitious, shoes can be associated with contamination." Source:

WikiNews -July 21 2016


The news according to Wikipedia's most recent edits. This episode's notable edits include 1) Kraft paper is used for paper bags and as the backing to sandpaper, 2) Ted Cruz self-immolated by pouring gasoline on himself and lighting a match during this week's Republican National Convention, and 3) iOS users of Pokemon Go were "erroneously" asked to give the app permission to access their Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos. Source:


The Longest Charity Ride in the World takes a Pit Stop in PG


Texas and Alaska are separated by about 6437.4 km’s of road, trails, cities, villages, lakes and rivers. Imagine biking… no not motorcycling, but actually peddling that entire distance in 70 days! Well that is what a group of determined Texas University students are doing right now, and it’s all for a great cause. “The Texas 4000’s mission is to cultivate student leaders and engage communities in the fight against cancer”.Each individual that partakes commits to raise at least $4,500 and volunteer 50 hours in community before the race even begins. The group on a whole has already raised about $560,000 dollars this year alone! This means they are getting closer to their 2016 fundraising goal of $825,ooo. On top of their fundraising efforts, the riders are spreading messages of cancer prevention and early detection across North America, through educational programs put on in many of the towns they ride through. To get this message to as many people as possible the riders are split into 3 different routes. There’s the Sierra which takes riders along the coast up to Vancouver before heading more inland to finish the route, the Rockies which lead bikers through Calgary, and Ozark which took them through the heart of the US and across Ontario to the Yukon. Two of these routes (The Rockies and Sierra) lead some of the dedicated riders right to Prince George where today they got  to stop for a well deserved rest day. Another group of bikers (those taking the Sierra route) will also be rolling into town on the 28th. I got the opportunity to speak to some of these riders and learned why they decided to go on the ride, heard some great memories, and more on their fundraising efforts.

The three riders I spoke to were Andrew Coulter, Alexandria Lawrence, and Olive Arena. They all had very personal reasons for riding, and all stated that they are very happy for having the opportunity to take on this challenge. They are all getting closer to their fundraising goals as they get closer and closer to the finish line. To hear from them, listen to the podcast linked.

For more info, or to donate, visit

-Laura Smith, Twitter: @lasmith98

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