
Today's Top Wikipedia Edits: Kapre is a filthy giant who smokes huge cigars and scares children

According to Wikipedia:

  • In Philippine mythology, "Kapre is a filthy giant who likes to smoke huge rolls of cigars, and hide within, and atop, large trees, particularly the Banyan and old acacia or mango trees. A Filipino bigfoot, it scares away little children who play"
  • As of December 11, 2017, Vladimir Putin is leading in the polls for the 2018 Russia Presidential election, at 68%
  • "Despite 'The Last Jedi' being critically well-received and an overwhelming box office success, fan reaction has not all been positive. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has the lowest user approval rating of any of the major films in the franchise; user review on IMDB as well as on Metacritic received a number of poor reviews from fans. Many fans have cited the film's overuse of jokes, general cheasiness [sic], plot holes, pacing, the ultimately unnecessary story line between Finn and Rose, changes in lore, and tonal and storytelling shifts from previous movies in the series"


This episode includes top songs/performances of 2017, featuring Dan Johnson, Drum and Bell Tower, Rachelle van Zanten, and Ora Cogan.

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to CFUR 88.7 FM on Tuesdays at 9am and Saturdays at noon, or listen online at



Today's Top Wikipedia Edits: Which US Presidents Were Nicknamed Lord Dampnut, The Teflon President, Bam, and Slick Willie?

According to Wikipedia:

  • History through the lens of presidential nicknames: Donald Trump is nicknamed Lord Dampnut and The Donald. Barack Obama was nicknamed No Drama Obama and Bam. Bill Clinton was nicknamed Bubba, Slick Willie, The Comeback Kid, The First Black President, and The Big Dog. Ronald Reagan was nicknamed The Teflon President, and Richard Nixon Tricky Dick.
  • "The first law of holes, or the law of holes, is an adage which states that 'if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.' Digging a hole makes it deeper and therefore harder to get back out, which is used as a metaphor that when in an untenable position, it is best to stop carrying on and exacerbating the situation"
  • "The argument from poor design, also known as the dysteleological argument, is an argument against the existence of a creator God, based on the reasoning that an omnipotent and omnibenevolent God would not create organisms with the perceived suboptimal designs that can be seen in nature"
  • "Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson were portrayed by the US Mint on the 1925 Commemorative silver US half dollar, along with the words 'Stone Mountain'"
  • In the "list of fictional astronauts as imagined before the Space Age.... Miss Pickerell Goes to Mars (1951) [depicts a]...secret expedition to Mars. Haggerty is accidentally left behind on Earth due to Miss Pickerell unexpectedly boarding [the] rocket"

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to CFUR 88.7FM at 9am on Tuesdays and noon on Saturdays, or listen online at


Today's Top Wikipedia Edits: Pokémon Episode 38 Banned Due to its Danger to Health

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According to Wikipedia: 

  • List of Pokémon episodes removed from rotation: Episode 38, "Denno Senshi Porygon" was removed because it was claimed "to be dangerous to health. 20 minutes into the episode, there is a scene in which Pikachu stops some vaccine missiles with its Thunderbolt attack, resulting in a huge explosion that rapidly flashes red and blue lights.... [V]iewers started to complain of blurred vision, headaches, dizziness and nausea." Two episodes (19 and 23) were also "temporarily removed after the September 11 attacks for destruction of buildings, the name and/or weapons in the episode"
  • "In 1987, Marvel staged a mock wedding at Shea Stadium [in New York City] as a publicity stunt to promote the wedding issue of The Amazing Spider-Man"
  • The number 101 is "a Sexy prime since 107 and 113 are also prime, with which it makes a sexy prime triplet"
  • "The concepts of facial familiarity and similarity of people are of practical importance for criminologists due to the instances of wrongful convictions based on eyewitness testimony. In one case, a person spent 17 years behind bars persistently denying any involvement with the crime he was accused of. Eventually, he was released after a doppelganger sharing not only a striking resemblance, but also the same name, was located"
  • "Whey has a pH less than or equal to 5.1"
  • Kim Jong-su was "disqualified [from the 2008 Summer Olympics] for doping and stripped of both [his] medals"
  • The National Macaroni Manufacturers Association "is said to be the first organization to publish a recipe for [spaghetti with meatballs], in the 1920s"

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to CFUR 88.7 FM on Tuesdays at 9am and Saturdays at noon, or listen online at


Today's Top Wikipedia Edits: Bikinis Replaced with Athletic Wear for Miss Teen USA Pageant

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According to Wikipedia:

  • "It has been suggested that the opening of the Arctic Ocean to commercial traffic could result in exposure of humans to yet unknown pathogenic vectors"
  • "In 2002, a female high school vice principal in San Diego, California, physically checked up to 100 female students' underwear as they entered the school for a dance, with or without student permission, causing an uproar among students and some parents and eliciting an investigation by the school.... In her defense, the vice principal said the checks were for student safety and not specifically because of the wearing of thongs"
  • For Miss Teen USA, bikinis were banned in 1983, then allowed in 1997. In 2000, "tankinis were provided as an option for the first (and only) time," and in 2016, "bikini competition was removed and replaced with athletic wear." In 1951, "Pope Pius XII condemned the crowning [of Miss World] as sinful [due to the inclusion of a bikini round]"
  • Keith Urban, Nicole Kidman, Bono, Lewis Hamilton, and Madonna are listed in the Paradise Papers

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This Week's Top Wikipedia Edits: Good King Wenceslas Eats Cheeseburgers

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According to Wikipedia: 

  • Timeline of Russian Interference in the 2016 US Presidential Elections: On November 1, 2017, "Facebook's general counsel, Colin Stretch, is scheduled to testify before the House and Senate intelligence committees on the social-media giant's role in the Russian election meddling"
  • "Good King Wenceslas eats cheeseburgers"
  • "In general, liberalism is complete and utter rubbish" 
  • Joseph Stalin: "In the US during the latter half of the 20th century, when Stalin's government was often compared with Hitler's, it was a common claim that Stalin's regime was responsible for the greater number of deaths. Subsequent research revealed that this was erroneous; while the Nazi regime killed approximately 11 million non-combatants, Stalin's deliberately killed about 6 million"
  • Book Censorship in the US: Banned Book Week is celebrated the last week of September

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to WikiNews on Tuesdays at 9am and Saturdays at noon, or listen online at


Today's Top Wikipedia Edits: Police Stop Drivers for their Behaviour, Not for the Colour of their Cars

According to Wikipedia:

  • "In August 2017, Birmingham Mayor William A. Bell ordered the [Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Monument] covered in plastic and surrounded by plywood, acknowledging state law prohibits removing it, but arguing the law does not prohibit covering it up.... The Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall sued the Mayor and the City over the action."
  • "The socialist magazine Jacobin pointed out that [architect Frank] Gehry's work can be summed up as architecture for the super-wealthy, in the sense that it is expensive, not resourceful, and does not serve the interests of the overwhelming majority. The article criticized Gehry's statement that 'In the world we live in, 98 percent of what gets built is pure shit.'"
  • "It is common belief in the United States that red cars are stopped for speeding more often than other colour cars. However, there is no statistical evidence that this is true. Many police department have denied it, saying their officers stop drivers for their behaviour, not the colour of their cars."
  • "Moisture and heat can cause baking powder to lose its effectiveness over time, and commercial varieties have a somewhat arbitrary expiration date printed on the container. Regardless of the expiration date, the effectiveness can be tested by placing a teaspoon of the powder into a small container of hot water. If it bubbles vigorously, it is still active and usable."
  • "A pea galaxy, also referred to as a Pea or Green Pea, might be a type of Luminous Blue Compact Galaxy which is undergoing very high rates of star formation.... Only five Green Peas (GPs) had been imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope."

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to WikiNews on CFUR 88.7 FM on Tuesdays at 9am and Saturdays at noon, or listen online at


WikiNews -Ethereum Miner Special

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A feature interview with Darren Ditto, member of the board of trustees at Two Rivers Galley and owner of an Ethereum miner, which will be showcased at the Prince George Mini-Maker Faire on Sept. 30th from 10am-3pm at Two Rivers Gallery.

Visit the PG Mini Maker Faire facebook page for more information. Hope to see you there! 

Tune in to WikiNews Tuesdays at 9am and Saturdays at noon, or listen online at


This Week's Top Wikipedia Edits: Show Homes can be Built and Sold like any Other House

According to Wikipedia:

  • "The aluminum air battery was invented in 1989 in the city of Montario" 
  • "The original grandfather clauses were contained in new state constitutions and Jim Crow laws passed by white-dominated state legislatures from 1890 to 1908 in most of the Southern United States to restrict voter rolls and effectively prevent African Americans, Mexican Americans, and poor white people from voting.... White Democrats developed statutes and passed new constitutions creating restrictive voter registration rules. Examples included the imposition of poll taxes and residency and literacy tests.... The term 'grandfather clause' arose from the fact that the laws tied the then-current generation's voting rights to those of their grandfathers"
  • People go to school and learn the alphabet, so "why did you even need to make the alphabet on this crappy encyclopedia if you can just go ask a random teacher and learn it?"
  • "Show homes are often built in such a way that they can be sold like any other house, and as such are connected to electrical and telephone cables and have functioning water systems"

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to WikiNews on Tuesdays at 9am and Saturdays at noon, or listen online at


Today's Top Wikipedia Edits: Women Tend to View Wikipedia Editors as Male

According to Wikipedia:

  • "A 2017 study found that women participating in an experiment by editing a Wikipedia-like site tended to view other editors as male, and to view their responses as more critical than if the other editor was gender-neutral.... Surveys have indicated that between 8.5-16 percent of Wikipedia editors are female...[which] may be in line with other public thought-leadership forums"
  • Lolita fashion is "a cross between Alice in Wonderland and the Addams Family, whose influences include Victorian children's wear, the French Rococo period, goth-inspired darkness and Japanese anime." Substyles of lolita fashion include: sweet lolita, bittersweet lolita, Country lolita, sailor lolita, and pirate lolita"
  • "The saltwater perch is also known as 'touch-me-stripes' and was named such by a group of young children who caught this fish and didn't recognize it. They hope the name will catch on"
  • The short-lived Free Soil Party grew out the Democrat Party and eventually morphed into the Republican Party
