
The Joey Only Outlaw Band Rips Up Riley's Pub

  The Tools of Rock & Roll

Country, Punk, Rock & Roll, and whatever else the band wants to play comes screaming from their amps. Literally nothing can stop this band from playing a genre, or from playing it well. Stompin' Tom Connors, Corb Lund, Sid Vicious, and Hank III would all be green with envy to witness the versatility and raw energy of January 8th's show.

The Anthem, Fire On Anarchist Mountain


The noteworthy mix the crowd represented would surprise more than a few. Students, blue collars, white collars, no collars, young, and old all came out to cut a rug. The outlaw atmosphere brought on by the band's reckless feel-good-mofo attitude proved irresistible as nearly all social norms dissolved into anarchy. More than a few people had a hard time nodding off in the Days Inn above.

The Greyhound/Hitchhiking Song


Well travelled across this land, the band wasn't afraid of sharing an experience or two. The miles put on the road have multiplied over the years, as have the notes per minute. Every member could hammer out a solo worth shouting for, even the tambourine player. Joey burst through the rhythm with a blazing streak of rockabilly rage on guitar again and again. We thought our heels would break from all the stomping.

Birthday Blizzard Busride Blues


Stompin' Tom Connors' tunes came in to break the blistering tempo up, and we were happy for the break to grab a beverage and sing along.

A Stompin' Tom Tribute


No doubt influenced by the Canadian Troubadour, the band didn't try to hide it as they highlighted colourful characters they met along their path.

Maybe you have to see them for yourself to realize that seeing this band is in your absolute best interest. Just in case you're already convinced, check out their itunes page here. If I haven't sold you on them yet, check out CBC's page here, it's a beaut :D

Huzzah to Geoff, Volunteer door guy!


Busy Feet


'Bad Grandpa' – Trying To Teach An Old Jackass New Tricks

BadGrandpa IMDB/www.imdb.com The Jackass series was born at the beginning of the 21st century and immediately had a cult following. After three theatrical movies, alongside several DVDs released, the Jackass guys are back with Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa to try a different approach to the familiar formula. The end result is a movie that, while entertaining, is not as funny or as heartwarming as the creators would like it to be.

Anyone who has seen anything from Jackass will know what to expect, as there is no shortage of pranks or stunts done to unaware members of the public. Unlike the television show or the previous movies, Bad Grandpa attempts to have an actual story to tie these antics together, as opposed to the usual mash-up of clips. The story is a simple one, Johnny Knoxville plays Irving, an 86 year-old recently widowed man who has to take his grandson, played by Jackson Nicoll, across the states to the boy’s biological father. Along the way, there are consistent pranks involving prosthetic testicles, public embarrassment and awkward situations. Knoxville once again adorns the “old man make-up” that the audience has seen before from previous endeavors and plays up the part, all while trying to make life as uncomfortable as possible for anyone he encounters.

The biggest difference from the pranks seen in Bad Grandpa than in previous Jackass movies is that it lacks the usual sense of danger associated with most of the stunts/pranks. It may be due to the fact that Knoxville is pretending to be a senior citizen, but most of the pranks do not put him into harm’s way. Previous Jackass films had Knoxville putting himself into direct confrontation while playing dumb, whereas in Bad Grandpa, most of the situations involve uncomfortable dialogue. When a prank is pulled, people generally act surprised without much of a follow through. This also may be a sign of the times, as people may be becoming more passive or understanding when dealing with people who are causing a scene.

When Knoxville and Nicoll are not harassing people, there are scenes of the two bonding along the way to their destination. Anyone who has seen any road trip movie knows what to expect: the two characters do not get along, they bond slowly over time and then eventually realize that they are inseparable. While it may seem silly to expect anything substantial from the Jackass crew, the fact that there are three names attached to the screenplay and five for the story allowed it to have enough minds behind it to make the story more substantial. There is the attempt to inject a little heart into the story, but it does not come off as genuine as the writers were hoping it would.

In the end, viewers of Bad Grandpa will already know if they like the film before they watch it. The movie does not depart that far from the Jackass style, so longtime fans already know what they are getting into. While the trailer does give away some of the funniest moments, there are still some genuine gut-busting laughs during some of the scenes. The movie does, however, feel like it is taking the safest route possible, while trying to give the audience a story. The slight injection of heart into the story does give the movie a little bit of a more personal feel, but it almost seems to be tacked on at times. It is not the deepest or most heartfelt story around, but it does keep the movie plugging along at a consistent pace. Those looking for a mindless laugh at the expense of other people will enjoy themselves, but anyone looking for a comedy with substance will be disappointed.

From ‘Archer’ to ‘Archer Vice’: How to Make a Shakeup Successful

Archer_Vice_Logo_Better The newly rebranded Archer: Vice.  Archer Archerwikia/http://archer.wikia.com/wiki/Archer_Wiki FX’s Archer has been one of the few animated shows on TV to make it to the fifth season. When a show has lasted as long as Archer, it has no doubt built a loyal fanbase that will continue to watch the show. However, when a show is on for numerous years, there is the fear from producers that the material will become stale and the fans will slowly become less interested. On the flipside of the argument, if the show is changed too much, it can end up alienating fans and make them stop watching. Archer took a substantial risk when the creators decided to change the core concept of the show, but it looks like the gamble will pay off. By finding the balance of old and new, the newly rebranded Archer: Vice has found a way to keep the old fans happy while attracting new ones.

For those who are unfamiliar with Archer, the premise is pretty simple. The title character, Sterling Archer, works for an international espionage agency called ISIS. Archer is not so subtly inspired by James Bond, but the absurdity is cranked up. Archer is more than a capable agent (he is arguably ISIS’s best agent), but his womanizing and alcoholism is set to hilariously exaggerated levels. He also has a severely dysfunctional relationship with his mother, who happens to run ISIS, along with his various co-workers who he treats like absolute garbage. The humour is very dialogue heavy, as the various other agents and office workers are constantly going head-to-head with Archer while he nonchalantly goes on dangerous missions. The dialogue is loaded with a lot of sarcasm, as well as bits of pop culture references, giving Archer a sense that he could exist in our world.

What differentiates Sterling Archer from James Bond, is that Archer is not always successful in his missions and he lacks Bond’s set of high tech gadgets. Bond has always completed his missions successfully, while Archer on a few occasions completely failed in trying to accomplish his mission. This inconsistency of accomplishing missions keeps the show fresh, as the viewer may not know how it is going to end until the credits start rolling. Also, the lack of gadgets allows Archer to come up with some exaggerated ideas on how to get out of a situation which adds to the ridiculousness of the show.


Since the characters are established but the creators of the show wanted to change up the concept, the creators got rid of the whole spy angle and set Archer and company on the path of drug dealing. Without giving away how everything comes to be (just watch the season 5 premiere and see), ISIS is no longer around, but the characters are still present and they have about $60 million worth of cocaine that needs to be sold. So, while the changeup may seem like it is out of place, it is not that much a change up from the original outline. The characters and their personalities are still the same, as well as their job titles with the exception being Cheryl/Carol, who now wants to be the number one country star in America. Although instead of trying to complete missions of espionage, the group is trying to complete drug deals in order to sell off their entire stash since their assets were eliminated. The drug deals are still attempted with the same lack of finesse and teamwork that the viewer has come to expect. The premiere even gives clips from upcoming episodes in order to give the observer a taste of the ridiculous antics of what longtime fans expect from the series. Of course, Archer is more than excited with his new line of work, as he says in the second episode of the season five, “…The point is, we are highly trained covert operatives with an extremely dangerous set of skills. And since the government has unjustly accused us of treason, we are now forced to transfer those skills from espionage to criminal activity. Kinda like the A-Team. But we sell drugs”. Clearly the show has not lost its ability to mix in pop culture into the dialogue, all while making sure that the characters sound like their usual selves.

Archer-S5-poster Poster for Archer: Vice.  Archerwikia/http://archer.wikia.com/wiki/Archer_Wiki


The characters behave like their usual deviant selves, but there is also a lot more emphasis on the team. The first couple seasons of Archer portrayed some of the characters as throwaway people, simply there for someone for Archer to bounce insults off of. As the show has come into its own, it has expanded the importance of Pam, Cheryl/Carol, Ray and fan favorite Dr. Krieger (who they consistently make him more twisted but somehow lovable). Some characters have grown in importance, such as having Cheryl/Carol being a multimillionaire so the Archers have some kind of cushion to operate on. Also, the return of some enemies or characters from previous episodes serves as a reward to longtime fans, since they can see a familiar character in this new situation for Archer and company.

While Archer may only be three episodes into its latest season, it appears that the creators have found the ideal way to make a show fresh without alienating longtime fans. The crazy antics, sarcastic dialogue and eccentric characters are all there, but the fundamental goal has changed. Even with the end goal changing, the show still feels familiar enough that it is not too jarring. If anything, the sudden change of the cast to being drug dealers accentuates the ridiculousness that viewers have come to expect.

Game Quest: Ending the Drought of Local Competitive Video Gaming


GameQuestCFUR2 Photo by Jon White Prince George went without a locally owned video game store or arcade for over a decade. That all changed in September 2013 when Kelsy Polnik, decided to open a shop that would appeal to video gamers of all ages and skill levels. Kelsy’s shop, appropriately named Game Quest, is packed with video games from most systems one can imagine. He has also snuck in a few classic arcade machines and hosts video game tournaments at least once a week. The times of being unable to go to a locally owned video game shop have initially come to an end.

The response has gone over quite well and Kelsy is pleasantly surprised about how well the community has responded to his shop. When asked if he was concerned about finding a fanbase in town, he replied, “Absolutely. I was a little concerned that there wasn’t a market. Talking to a few shop owners around town and potential customers, doing some surveys I got similar responses that it’s not likely going to work.” Despite the pessimistic advice that Kelsy received, the shop has exceeded his expectations, “It’s been insane. With all the negative responses we figured we’d maybe have ten to twelve people on the first day because no one knew we were open and I couldn’t afford to advertise much, but when we opened we had a lineup around the block and the store was packed full. Like, it was uncomfortably full for the whole day.”

GameQuestCFUR3 Photo by Jon White

Along with the varied selection of video games, there are some arcade machines spread out across the store. These arcade cabinets are a reminder of a time when these machines were found all over-in fact, it was hard to find a place that did not have a cabinet. While those days are gone, the machines bring back memories for some of the clientele. Kelsy told me that, “The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles machine actually used to be at the Wendy’s here, in town, at one point. I even had some guys say ‘I remember this exact machine.’”

GameQuestCFUR1 Photo by Jon White

The spirit of competitive and cooperative gaming is strong in the store. Kelsy holds weekly ‘Friday Night Fights’ where anyone can drop in, pick a fighting game and then battle it out with friends or strangers. It is very reminiscent of the old “winner stays, loser pays” mantra, only that you do not need to have a pocket full of quarters to compete. The whole competitive gaming focus was not an accident, “I definitely wanted to encourage people to play the games they were picking up and what better way to do that than by hosting some events,” Kelsy said. “I’ve always been into the competitive side of gaming and I thought I’d see if there was a market for that in Prince George.” As it turns out, there is a community of gamers that is happy to fill that market, “I didn’t know there was a big Smash Bros community in this town but they’ve been showing up in huge numbers to all our tournaments. It’s been great.” These title-specific tournaments happen at least once a month and they do have an entry fee, but all the money goes towards the prize pool for the winners instead of going towards the store’s income. Some of Game Quest’s tournaments have included classic competitive games like Halo 2, Goldeneye, Super Smash Bros. and Tetris. When asked if there are any particular games that he would like to see in the upcoming tournaments, Kelsy responded, “So many I’d like to do: Mario Kart, Nintendo World Championships, and Mario Bros.” It seems that the biggest problem that these tournaments have to contend with is space. Due to the limited space inside Game Quest, tournaments are generally held around the block at The Armory, a store that specializes in board games and collectible card games.

With digital distribution and online gaming steadily increasing in numbers, it may seem that a brick and mortar store that specializes in physical copies of product and human interaction may have problems sustaining itself in the long term. On the subject of physical copies of games, Kelsy said, “I’m more worried about the younger generation growing up without an attachment to [physical copies]. Like, my age group getting close to thirty, grew up with that attachment to rental stores and saving up your allowance to go purchase a game. It’s a little different when you don’t grow up with that. So I’m not sure if I’ll be able to bring up that younger group, but there’s definitely a quarter of that age group that’s over their twenties already that I think will always be looking for those physical kinds of things.” While digital distribution is on the rise, there will always be a place for people to come by and purchase the items they held dear to them when they were young. Gaming is a huge part of some people’s lives and those cartridges hold a lot of memories. There is something about holding that piece of one’s childhood that means so much more than a bunch of data stored on a hard drive.

With weekly in-house tournaments and a huge catalogue of video games, there is something for every type of gamer at Game Quest. The tournaments and arcade games do an excellent job of bringing people together for events and for being social. The antisocial stigma that is attached to video gamers is very inaccurate, when in fact most gamers are inherently social beings, gathering in groups to conquer a video game or battle each other. At 423 Dominion Street there is a place that helps promote the social aspect of video gaming. Oh, for anyone curious about what an avid gamer Kelsy is, he currently holds the world record for the fastest completion of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the original Nintendo.

GameQuestCFUR5 Photo by Jon White

Scott Dunbar Pays a Visit to the CFUR Studio

Last night Scott Dunbar made his way up the hill and jammed his way to glory on the Garret & Karl Show 2000, and had a little chat about the ColdSnap 2014 line-up on Ether in the Attic.

Get a hold of his brand new track on bandcamp,

and so much more HERE... fresh.


Link up to the Live Performance on Garret & Karl's show HERE

Link up to the ColdSnap Review HERE


Suppertime is a radio show broadcast from Prince George BC on Cfur 88.7. Combining glorious music and super food. Just eat it!Sundays 6pm-7pm live on 88.7

Country Baked Apples Bacon & Ice Cream

Here's what you missed on the last episode of Suppertime:

Country Baked Apples Bacon & Ice Cream

An old cowboy/cowgirl recipe. Eat as breakfast or desert.

1 Granny smith apple, sliced

3 pieces of bacon

Cute bacon into 1 inch pieces. Fry in an oven safe pan. Once bacon fat is rendered, add the sliced apple. Bake at 350 degrees for about 25 min. Add bits o’ bacon and warm up for another 3 or so minutes. Serve with ice cream or butter.

A country list to enjoy your country meal:

Ghost Riders in the Sky – Johnny Cash

Custer Don’t Ride very Good Anymore – Johnny Cash & Buffy St. Marie

Big City – Joyce Smith

Dust Bowl Refugee – Woody Guthrie

Lovesick Blues – Dust Bowl Refugee

I’m Gunna Break Every Heart I Can – Merle Haggard

Take Me Home, Country Roads – John Denver

Joshua – Dolly Parton

Can’t You See – The Marshall Tucker Band

Ridin’ Out the Heartache – Tanya Tucker

Anniversary Song – Cowboy Junkies ( Palate Cleanser)

Holy To The Lord – Neko Case

Unknown Legend – Neil Young

Cartoon Gold – The Drive by Truckers

Desert Skies – Marshall Tucker Band

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Listen online: http://www.mixcloud.com/suppertime/

Meet the tasteful host, Jill, every Sunday @ 6pm and Friday @ 5pm