
Shrimp n Grits for Gritty Times. Supper!

This week on Suppertime we are eating shrimp and grits ..(and okra) whilst listening to gritty frenetic songs that have that southern feel. This is a meal and playlist for swamp doddling through the night while you chase swamp monsters and beavers. And in case you can't find grits - look no further than the western swamps of the Bulk Barn. 20150412_185720[1] For the grits:

You can use polenta ( follow package instructions)...or if you venture to the westy woods to bulk barn and get grits ( aka cornmeal) do this:

1 cup of cornmeal

4 cups of water

dashes of salt

  • bring all of the above to a boil over high heat. Stir lots!
  • once boiling, reduce heat and continue stiring for 5 minutes.
  • finish with lots of salt and pepper and butter

For the shrimp:

However many raw prawns you have



Salt & Pepper

  • Cover your raw prawns in the above spices. I prefer heavy on the cumin light on the rest.
  • Heat a pan over medium heat with oil and butter in it
  • Put prawns in and cook on each side for about 2 minutes or until firm and white and pink


  • Turn oven on to 425 C
  • Cut okra into 1/3 inch chunks
  • Put on a cookie sheet with oil, salt and pepper
  • Cook for 10ish minutes or until goldy brownish

Eat this lovely meal all in a bowl! Top off with hot pepper jelly and or chili oil if you want.

A playlist:

Bad Way to Go - Lydia Loveless

See America Right - The Mountain Goats

Bed Rock - Shannon and the Clams

Roadside Wreck - Southern Culture on the Stilts

Wrong Side of A Gun - Nashville Pussy

Johnny - Ty Segall

I Got Drunk - Uncle Tupelo

Wynonna's Big Brown Beaver - Primus ( palate cleanser)

Whipping Post - The Allman Brothers Band

Mystifies Me - Son Volt

Star Witness - Neko Case

Hollywood Ending - Hayden

Vaseline Machine Gun - Leo Kotkke






Full-time Summer Jobs

UNBC's campus and community radio station CFUR 88.7fm has four pending applications for summer student positions through the Canada Summer Jobs program (CSJ) and the Community Radio Fund of Canada (CFRC). We were successful in both applications last year so, this year, we would like to get a head start on hiring.  

If you are interested in any aspect of media including broadcasting, journalism, performance, production, curation, and social media, there is a whole world of each that CFUR would like to help you explore.


Student positions are available to those between the ages of 18 and 30. CSJ applicants must be in the process of completing their fall semester and intend to return to full-time studies in the fall (any post secondary institution).


Positions include: Local Sports Program Director (CSJ) Fund Development Coordinator (CSJ) Music Department Director (CSJ) On-Air Host (Northern BC Spotlight Program)(CRFC)


All positions are full-time and will start May 5th, ending on August 28th.

Please submit, by email, your resume with a cover letter describing what position(s) you are applying for and why you would like to work at CFUR to Station Manager, Fraser Hayes, fhayes@cfur.ca. All applications must be submitted by April 24th at 4pm PST.


CFUR is an equal opportunity employer. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. All position availability is subject to funding approval.

Good Burger Good Friday! Hallelujah it's Suppertime!

Err-Body get in the car we are going for burgs. This week on suppertime I decided to focus on the extra special extra Good Friday - don't be oppressed by the tyranny of regular Fridays and celebrate the weekend with meat patties.                                                   goodburg

For wicked burgers:

A big ol pile of meat, preferably ground up. For traditional burgs, I suggest regular ground beef.

1/4 white onion, chopped thinly

1 clove of garlic, minced

2 tbs ketchhup

1 tsp mustard

A bunch of shakes of Worcestershire sauce

Salt and Peppa

1 egg


CHEEzE - chunks of something like cheddar or mozza

  • Mix the above ingredients minus the cheese in a bowl
  • Take about 1/4 of cup of of meat in your hands to make a pattie
  • Put a chunk of cheese in the pattie
  • Cook now!! Top with even more cheese near the end of cooking


A cool Good Burger Playlist featuring songs from the motion picture soundtrack and other burgalicious rock songs.

All I want - 702

That's The Way (It's Goin Down) - Mint Condition

Man - The Presidents of the United States of America

Do Fries Go With That Shake? - George Clinton

Knee Deep - George Clinton

Down At McDonelzzz - Electric Six

Suburban Beverage - Real Estate ( Inverse palate cleanser)







Care Failure of Die Mannequin - LIVE @ CFUR Mar 31st

Okay, it's Tuesday, you work the next morning, you go to class the next morning, you must generally wake up and be responsible the next morning.


Die Mannequin, Marilyn Manson, and Deap Vally stand to blow the roof off the CN Centre Tuesday night @ 7:00 PM. That sounds like a much better idea than waking up well rested. (There are still a few tickets left too!)

Tune in to CFUR 88.7 FM @ 3:15 pm to hear a Live Performance from Care Failure herself!


Both Marilyn Manson, Die Mannequin, & Deap Vally dropped new albums in recent history and the best part is, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM HAS BEEN REALLY FREAKIN' GOOD! Seriously check the reviews. If you miss this show, you will have effectively reduced your overall quality of life, forever.

 Deap Vally know how to kick out the jams.

 The Pale Emperor's reign continues...

That's not him in the above video though ;P

13 Ways To Resolve The Strike @ UNBC

While the strike charges on, we may as well wonder… how can we get 25 million clams to the Faculty Administration, then get back to school? Here are a few thoughts: Everyones a winner!

1. Though many have a experienced a dirge in this season’s coffee shop reaping, perhaps this will work. If you win a few bucks, or anything at all, from your Tim Horton’s coffee cup rim, offer it as payment to the Profs! Who wouldn’t exchange a lesson or two for a five-thousand dollar pre-paid Visa, a few Toyotas, a big screen TV, or literally MILLIONS of instant food and beverage prizes? Just look for the profs holding signs that read, “Will teach for coffee!” and you’ve got your class back on schedule. There’s your purchasing power working for you.

coffee sign

2. Ok let’s get controversial for a moment. Let’s sell UNBC to the highest bidder! This bidder will likely be Enbridge though. They’re looking for a way to win over the town. Why not buy its ivory tower? We might get back into class, but not for long.

Cambridge University: some university activities may be financed with private cash

The Lheidli T’enneh ceded the land the University is on, so rest assured we would be trading picket signs for protest signs in a very short period of time. Let’s scratch that one, and any ideas of selling off any UNBC land to top up the coffers. Governments keep doing that and they’re running out of space now. We could build up to get some skyscrapers, then sell off the office space. I guess we tried to do that downtown with the wood innovation centre… Hmmm, that leads me to the next option.

3. Build a more innovative Wood Innovation Centre. This time though we’ll get really innovative. I mean... like... really innovative. Ideas?



4. Let’s go corporate! That’s right, we’ll trade publicly on the market. Buy, buy, buy! Sell, sell, sell! The advantages of being a corporation lay in its utter size and fear tactics. No one messes with a corporation because it’s too big to sue, and if in time we grow enough, then we're too big to fail. UNBC will get all the bailouts it needs, debt free. UNBC wouldn’t pay taxes because the government needs this money-making, job-creating, wonder machine to perform at peak efficiency. In no time at all we’ll become more valuable than the Canada’s fallible resource-based currency because at UNBC we produce more... education than anyone! Right? Well, the last couple weeks are an exception but we’ll turn that around in the next quarter. Come on! You’ve gotta’ believe me! Just buy a few grand in shares! They’re penny stocks! You can’t lose… gulp.

5. Another aspect of finance, which isn’t exactly the act of selling property to someone, but sort of like temporarily selling it to one evil entity, would be to re-mortgage UNBC’s assets. So instead of selling to some nasty company, we can take a whole bunch of money from an evil bank instead. We just have to promise to give the money back at some point, which means UNBC will have to find a way to make enough money to pay it back with interest. This will probably mean tuition hikes, corporate sponsorship (with all it’s nasty trappings), slashed services, crappier food, prof lay-offs, strikes, wait a minute…

We live on a giant Monopoly board.

6. Leave it to chance. Just get some lottery tickets and donate the earnings to the FA. Use the dough normally spent on ethical produce at the Farmer’s Market, Stackers deli, and Degrees coffee to buy as many scratch and wins as you can. We only need to get about 300 Set For Life winning tickets, and we’ll have well paid staff for 25 years, or we can let them spend it all in one ridiculous lump sum. Maybe they’ll put a bowling alley and a curling rink complete with beer taps in the sport centre after raking all that sweet BCLC dough in. Talk about a greeeeeeen university! Maybe before we fork the cash over, we should take it over to Treasure Cove and put it ALL ON BLACK. YEEEHAW! Okay next idea.

set for life_lottery

7. Have a fundraiser at Riley’s Pub. Make that many fundraisers. They’re always a good time, and why not have more of them? Let’s say we make $500.00 per fundraiser, with a final goal of $25, 000, 000. That’s only 50, 000 fundraisers if we decide to party ourselves out of this situation. We better get crackin’.

Let the good times roll!

8. Go Hollywood! Two moderately successful films were shot here in Prince George. Strange Brew solidified Bob & Doug McKenzie’s celebrity status worldwide (cough), while Reindeer Games launched (ahem) Ben Afleck and Charlize Theron’s careers. As long as too may people don’t download the film before it hits the theatre, and we don’t start a grudge match with North Korea we could really rake in on a Made-In-Canada feature. Who knows what lurks beneath this bowl-like geographical anomally. For thousands of years, we assumed a glacier created it, but this summer the town confronts a different type of earth mover… Jeez, this is starting to sound like Tremors. Good thing there’s an entire English and Drama department to give this thing some teeth with their new-found free time.




9. Get a little sleazier. Screw it, if the sequel to Strange Brew doesn’t work. Just make a porno á la Zack and Miri. I think that’s pretty straightforward. Enough said.


10. Donation campaign. Back in 1988, some people had the swell idea of petitioning around the area to drum up support for a university. The petition was signed by ~16,000 people who had paid $5 for the privilege of doing so. Wowee huh? It may be difficult to get 5,000,000 individuals to donate $5.00 each to the FA, but anything is possible.

11. Truly anything is possible with the internet. Such a campaign could be launched on Kickstarter, Indiegogo or some such site. Why not?


12. This lack of money raises the question of what exactly money is. Put simply, it’s just a rectangle with a pretentious person’s face printed beside a number. I wish I’d thought of that one first, but I didn’t and neither did you. Right now, the EU doesn’t want to make any cuts, so it’s starting a program of quantitative easing. In many respects, this centrally involves printing money. Let’s get the Royal Canadian Mint to do the same for UNBC. The government will probably do it in a few years anyway, so if we have to cart a wheelbarrow full of cash to the Farmer’s Market to get a loaf of bread now as opposed to later, screw it, let’s do it. On the other hand, Ukraine has avoided printing money by becoming eligible for IMF loans. We just have to make the case that Putin is really bullying us and the IMF should come bail us out. In both situations though, UNBC would have to pay back debt, with interest, to someone very shady…

Would Canadian Tire Print Us Money?

13. Perhaps Mickey Mouse would be a less shady business partner, and we can become a branch of Disneyworld and Disneyland. I found a badge on the ground the other day that said “My 1st Visit to Disneyland!” That proves that most of the groundwork is already done. People from the US have never seen a forest as huge or as enchanted as Forests For The World. We just need to install some robotic kids singing, “It’s a worldly forest after all.” again, and again, and again. The 25 million bones will roll into town during the opening week. After that we’ll dismantle the robots and set them up at the wood innovation centre where they’ll educate passersby how innovative the building is.


Have a few ideas of your own? Forward them to programming@cfur.ca! Or post your ideas to us on twitter (@CFURradio) with the hashtag #StrikeSolutions for the world to see. Come on Ed, I know you’ve got a few ;)

Great letter directed to both @UNBC and @UNBCFA about #unbcstrike

Dear UNBC Administration and Faculty Association, Speaking on behalf of the undergraduate students at UNBC, we are disappointed with the lack of progress made in negotiations during the strike. It is imperative that both sides come to a compromise. At this point, nobody is going to attain what they set out to get in the beginning.

At school, you are teaching us to think critically and become problem solvers. We are told, it is not necessarily about the program we are in, it is about the skills we are learning to become active citizens in our communities. We need the members of our community to work together to find a solution to this problem. That means you!

The longer this strike goes on, the lines dividing our community become more defined. When this is all over, we must be able to work together in order to continue to build UNBC. If someone must be the villain in this situation, do not make it each other. As students, we need both the faculty and the administration to come to an agreement in order for us to get back to class. Let this be your goal: students back to school.

The most difficult task at this point is NOT to stick to your guns. The most difficult and admirable task is to take the first giant step towards agreement. We cannot wait for these incremental counter-proposals. If compromise is inevitable, please make it now. We cannot wait.

I understand this is a complicated issue, that there are limits to what each side can concede - but those limits must be acknowledged to establish a common ground to work from. This must stop being a matter of 'us vs. them'. In the end, everyone is working for the continued excellence of our institution, which is made by all of us. With open communication, compromise, and a common goal we can find a solution.

We are all UNBC and we must carry on together.


Angela Kehler President Northern Undergraduate Student Society (NUGSS) University of Northern BC

Follow the conversation on Twitter.


Blues at Shiraz - Mar 24

2015 Maple Blues Award Winners, Wicked Grin, will be appearing LIVE at Shiraz Cafe, 1600 15 Ave  Prince George, BC

Tuesday March 24 2015.

Since 2003, Murray Kinsley and Wicked Grin have been rockin' festivals and clubs throughout Ontario and Quebec with their distinctive hard driving, in your face blues. Murray’s fresh take on gritty blues and killer guitar delivers full-tilt blues with a groove that just won't quit.

Wicked Grin’s lasted CD, “Shame On Me” is quote "Bitchin'!" Says CFUR's Programming Director. The Ottawa Citizen described “Shame On Me” as “Dark, bluesy ruminations on love and loss featuring the weathered vocals and nasty guitar of Kinsley, who must have sold his soul to achieve such depths of sonic wickedness.” The song “Heaven” from “Shame On Me” was selected by the Ottawa Citizen has one of the top ten tunes of 2013 recorded by Ottawa artists.

Stephen Harper has yet to make a comment on this band, despite being in Ottawa most of the time. So head down to Shiraz so you have one more thing to wave in front of his eyes. Maybe he'll notice this time :D