
WikiNews -March 24 2016


Realtime news according to Wikipedia edits. This episode's notable edits include: 1) "Two Egg, Florida is an unincorporated community with a population of four, 75% Caucasian and 25% Asian" 2) Wikipedia's extensive list of gangs and mobs includes the Bacon Brothers in Canada, the Binion Mob in the US and the Hormone Mafia in Belgium, and 3) Full House's Danny Tanner had a son named Ethan who "leaves to make music under the name Etho-Trumpets."

Source: www.listen.hatnote.com






This week's episode is all about FEMINISM because it's INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY! Listen to songs by strong, badass women who've had enough of patriarchal oppression, and reflect and celebrate how far women have come, despite being diminished and persecuted for their gender! EQUALITY FOR WOMEN MEANS PROGRESS FOR ALL! https://www.mixcloud.com/britt-meierhofer/this-is-britt-am-episode-10-the-international-womens-day-badass-women-in-music-episode/

2015...What A Year!

Here at CFUR, we have emerged from the sugar-crash coma of the holidays, and are now reflecting on a great year gone by! 2015 saw CFUR tackle a bunch of really cool projects and events, and the local music that came through our airwaves was stellar! Here are some local artists that released albums in 2015: Black Spruce Bog  Confluence (Prince George)

Brad Strang  Brad Strang (Quesnel)

Britt AM  Songs From the Spider Den, Volume One (Prince George) 

Crones  Air Chud (Prince George)

Dead Body Juice  Fresh Squeezed! (Forest Grove)

Drum & Bell Tower  Out Of the Time (Williams Lake)

Kill Matilda  Songs Of Survival (Vancouver)

Pharis and Jason Romero  A Wanderer I'll Stay (Horsefly)

Phos  Matriarch (Prince George)

Power Duo  Power Duo (Prince George)

Shadows Cast  Life Or Something Like It (Haida Gwaii) 

Winona Wilde  You Lose Some, You Lose Some (Vancouver)

One of the highlights of our year was the star-studded First Waltz, a CFUR fundraiser at The Playhouse which featured some of Prince George's most well known and loved musicians. It was an evening to remember, and the community support for our growing radio station was humbling and inspiring! We were also able to launch a series of live performances and features here in the CFUR studio, of which we were able to record over fifty during 2015! Check out those videos on our Youtube channel!

We worked hard to curate and provide a great selection of tasty music for our listeners during 2015, and some of the most played new releases of this year were:

Power Duo  Power Duo 

Drum & Bell Tower  Out Of the Time 

Pharis and Jason Romero  A Wanderer I'll Stay 

Kurt Vile  B'lieve I'm Goin' Down 

Peaches  Rub

B.A. Johnston  Sh*t Sucks

Dilly Dally  Sore

Tame Impala  Currents

Sleater Kinney  No Cities To Love

Leon Bridges  Coming Home

In amongst the great music, we've been thrilled to showcase quality, varied content featuring local hosts-with-the-most, with more shows being added regularly, be sure to check out our hosts and shows HERE.

Many, many thanks go out to our listeners and supporters, we look forward to another year of featuring great local and independent music and programming here at CFUR Radio, 88.7 FM!

Honeybunny rocker host suppertime and shares spinach fritters critter recipe


  This week a special guest Honeybunny hosts suppertime. Honeybunny is an underground rocker who rarely. surfaces. After coaxing the hun bun with raisons to come up and host the show, Honeybunny agreed. This is the show.

Here is a recipe for spinach fritters:

2 lbs spinach, sauteed and drained

2 eggs, lightly beaten

2 cloves of garlic, minced

1 onion, minced

chili flakes

1 cup of bread crumbs

  • sautee your onion and garlic and chili flakes after sauteeing and squeezing out your spinach
  • mix sauteed onion, spinach, garlic, egg, salt and pepper, and bread crumbs in a bowl
  • form into little spinach balls
  • fry on each side on medium heat for about 4 minutes20151216_165810




Bourbon and Blues. Baby Back Ribs and a sampler of Blues on Suppertime

IMG_0745 Yum it's suppertime! This week we are listening to the blues and drinking and eating bourbon. Here is recipe for a bourbon bbq sauce, a sweet and spicey rub, and a method for cooking ribs over the bbq real quick! I used 2 racks of ribs from PG Meat people Homesteaders Meats. They were super!

Here is the saucy recipe for a bourbon bbq sauce to slather over your baby back pork ribbers:

1 onion, minced

3 cloves of garlic, minced

2 thai chilis or whatever hot things you got, minced

1/4 butter

1/2 cup ketchup

1tbs Worcesterchire sauce

1 tbs soy sauce

2 tbs brown sugar

1/4 vinegar

1/2 tsp cumin

1/2 tsp dry ginger

Dry rub for ribs:

1 cup brown sugar

2 tbs paprika

1tbsp chili powder

1tsp cumin

salt and pepper

For the bbq sauce:

  • start to carmelize the onion and garlic in the butter over lowish medium heat
  • raise to medium heat, add your bourbon!
  • let that bubble for about 5 minutes
  • add remaining ingredients and let simmer for about 10 minutes. If it's gettin real thick, add a little more water

Dry rub:

  • mix all ingredients in a bowl

To Cook the Ribs on BBQ in Short amount of time (45 minutes):

  • liberally dress your ribs in the dry rub
  • wrap in tin foil with some chunks of onion and apples and butter
  • place on medium high bbq ( 350ish degrees)
  • After 30 minutes, remove from tin foil
  • Throw on the bbq and slather in bbq sauce, let them get all sticky and coated for about 10 minutes
  • save some sauce for dippin!

Listen here to the blues mix on mixcloud :)



Eggs in Purgatory because it's November on Suppertime!


20151124_085242 This week on suppertime we cook a very simple yet satisfying meal. It can be a breakfast lunch or dinner or desert. And it's very good because it is November and people are busy and frantic and feeling hellish, yet so cold, and this quick one pot meal is warm and comforting.

Go ahead and jazz this sauce up. I like it super simple and garlicy with a small amount of spice but you just do what you want!

This recipe makes 4 poached eggs

1 can of whole or diced tomatoes

1/2 tsp or more ( go up by increments of 1/2 tsp for more spiceyness) of red pepper flakes

3 cloves of garlic, minced

4 eggs

mozza cheese

fresh basil

  • In a frying pan or pot, warm up about 2 tbsp of oil on low-medium heat
  • add garlic and chili flakes - over low heat, let these little buddies sizzle together
  • After about 5 minutes on low heat ( do not burn! ) add a can of tomatoes
  • add some salt and pepper
  • raise heat to about mediumish and let simmer for at least 15 minutes ( the longer the better)
  • raise heat to about medium high so the eggs don't drastically bring down the temperature
  • Once bubbling away on medium high, crack your eggs into the sauce
  • let bubble with the lid off for about 5 minutes
  • reduce heat to medium and put a lid over your eggs
  • depending how many eggs you are cooking, the times may vary. check back in about 5 minutes
  • once the eggs look close to your preferred doneness, add some slices of mozza or any cheese you have on top and put the lid back on to melt your cheese
  • top off with fresh basil and serve!
  • eat with toast! or for supper with noooodles! or desert, ice cream! just kidding

Listen to an Italian/hell/devil/fire/frantic inspired playlist!






Nostalgia - Nat-chyo! Grilled Cheese. Mixed CDs @ age15 this week on Suppertime



Hi CFUR! This week on Suppertime we are diving into Jill's mixed cd's from when she was 15, celebrating nostalgia and cheese. "Party Hardy and Rock n Roll" - Hot Action Cop from the song Fever for The Flava

This week I was inspired by watching the movie "Boyhood". I liked it. It reminded me of being 15. So here are some samples from my age 15 collection. Also, grilled cheese was the first thing I learned to cook. And nachos were my favourite thing as a kid because my dad would make them. And I still love both. So here is a memory lane recipe. For a grilled NATCH-YO cheese.

Nacho-Grilled Cheese 

Left over taco meat or beans

Grated cheese

Fresh tomatoes, diced

1 or two nacho chips, crunched up

  • Butter 2 slices of bread
  • Fill the bread with the above ingredients
  • Grill on medium low heat for about 2.5 minutes on one side, flip, then about another minute on the other side
  • Eat with salsa and sour cream!
  • Yummmm




Who likes Pierogi? Suppertime Pierogi party! With special guests...



It's a crazy Pierogi party! Everybaady polka now one two three four!!! Suppertime hosts interviews with Alycia Mutual and  Alice and Karl Domes telling tales about their Ukraine roots in generations of pierogi festivus and family feasting.

This week suppertime featured Alycia's grandmother Lucy's pierogi recipe. Lucy is a is a trail blazing spirited pioneer, who in the 1940's studied bio-chem and played varsity basketball, while making hundred's of pierogies and pies on her Ukrainian family's farm near Edmonton. Lucy remains an active pierogi prodigy, turning out scrumptious little dough pillows while listening to Hawaiin hero  Israel "IS" Kamakawiw'oole serenade humid skies and sunny rainbows. Go Lucy Go!


Also on the show, Karl Domes of CFUR's Yellowhead and his wonderful mother Alice. Alice reminisces about growing up in Oakburn Manitoba in a small farming community with her Ukraine family and friends. She remembers making pierogies for her mother's restaurant, then blowing off steam at the hall dances featuring the critically acclaimed Canadian Ukrainian musicians Pete Lamb and the D-Drifters!

This show was a riot. So much pierogi fun and nostalgia and culture. Plus lots of tasting. Alice brought in some potato dill pierogies and butter tarts. Karl brought his home-made sauerkraut. Life is good.

Here is a pierogi dough recipe with sauerkraut filling. Check the web for lots of other fillings, ask your family or friends, or make up a new filling yourself! 

Homemade pierogi dough for 100-150 pierogies (compliments of Lucy):

4-5 cups of flour

1 3/4 warm cups water


1 egg

1 tsp salt

dash of baking powder

2 tbs oil

Sauerkraut filling:

2 cups of sauerkraut

1 onion minced

10 mushrooms minced

Salt and pepper to taste

For the stovetop:

1 pot of lightly boiling water

  • Mix all of the dough ingredients in a bowl until a nice ball forms
  • Blend well with your hands
  • Cover and let sit for 30 minutes
  • While dough is sitting, make your sauerkraut filling
  • Add all ingredients to a frying pan with some oil and fry until golden brown
  • Work with only one handful of dough at a time, so the dough does not dry out. Take a handful of dough and use a rolling pin or wine bottle to roll about as thin as about your finger nail. Or about 1-2 mm thick.
  • Use a tuna can or something about that size to cut circles of dough
  • You are ready to fill your pierogi dough circles!
  • Take a spoonful of the sauerkraut filling and place in the middle of one of your dough circles
  • Fold the dough circle in half to form a crescent moon shape
  • Pinch the sides of the moon so that there is a nice seal and no cracks between dough
  • Drop into boiling water until the pierogi floats
  • Done!
  • If you want to eat now:
    • Fry in lots of butter and onions. Bacon too. Serve with sour cream.
  • If you want to save for later:
    • Freeze your pierogies. Create one row of pierogies than separate stacks of pierogies with wax paper. Once frozen, the pierogies do not need to be re-boiled. Only fried. In butter.

You did it! Congrats! 

To hear amazing Pierogi Music, Manitoban Ukraine Polka,  60's blues-rock Ukraine group Breakout, and modern Polish electro-pop duo The Dumplings...check out mixcloud.


Elk meat hunters treat! This week on Suppertime.



Celebrating hunting season with beautiful northern BC elk

My awesome brand new brother in law Morgan got an elk a month ago and sent some of the meat down to PG. How nice. What a fine chap.

So this week on Suppertime we celebrate elk by cooking it in a rich coffee gravy and listening to tunes which celebrate Morgan & Dani, the elk and their herd life, hunting, hermits, velvet, and outdoor pretty songs.

For the elk:

4-5 chunks of elk minute steak ( thin cutlets of elk, or whatever cut you have cut about an inch thick)

1 onion sliced into rings


1 bouillon cube of whatever flavour or water (about 1.5 cups)

2 tsp flour

1 tbs instant coffee

2 tbs greek yogurt or sour cream (optional)

  • In a medium-high frying pan with oil, fry up your elk on both sides for about 2-3 minutes each. Until a nice crisp brown carmelization process takes place.
  • Add about a 1.5 cups of water, or stock, or water and bouillon cube, or just water. Whatever your have my dear.
  • Add flour and stir into water
  • Add onions
  • Place a lid on the pan slightly ajar so steam can escape
  • Reduce heat to a low or low-medium and let simmer for about 40 minutes
  • Add 2 tbsps of instant coffee and stir
  • let simmer about 5 more minutes
  • tada! Done
  • Add some greek yogurt or sour cream for a little tang and creaminess if you wish

An elk playlist:

In Spite of Ourselves - John Prine and Isis Demente

Moose Hunter's Blues - John DeYoung

Grizzly Waltz - Brad Strang

Hungry Eyes - Merle Haggard

Ojo- Leo Kottke

Reason to Kill (Ballad of Big Boy) - Johnathon Bennett

Old September - Pharis and Jason Romero

Mackenzie - No River

I Live With You - Grizzly Bear

Elk-Lake Serenade - Hayden

No Boi - The Velvet Teen

Hermits on Holiday - DRINKS

New Kind of Love - Plants and Animals
