Due North Story - People's Party of Canada - 20181214

Maxime Bernier was a Member of Parliament of the Conservative Party of Canada, but following some controversies and other disagreements, has decided to leave the Conservative Party and start his own party, the People’s Party of Canada.

In June, Maxime was removed from the Conservative Party’s Shadow Cabinet. This was following some disagreements with the ranks of the CPC in regards to supply management. An anonymous Convervative MP said the reason for the removal was because of Maxime republishing a chapter from his book regarding supply management, which also accused Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer of having won the leadership because of “fake Conservatives” that joined for the purpose of protecting supply management. This controversy also raises the important issue of party discipline and its resulting implications.

Shortly after Maxime announced his departure from the Conservative Party, there was some controversy at the Conservative national conference in Halifax. A Dairy Farmers of Canada briefing book was leaked, detailing their plans for how to proceed in some given scenarios regarding motions on supply management. Notable was their “Safety Net”, which said that Andrew Scheer’s power as leader can prevent a policy against supply management, and that Andrew would be willing to use it to protect supply management. Both Andrew’s office and DFC say the info put into the book was false, but it nevertheless generated speculation. There is also some interest in being able to see the booklet, otherwise.

Supply management is a common theme. What is the PPC’s stance on it? How important is it?

When Maxime announced his departure from the Conservative Party, causing some more controversy. Maxime accused the party of being “too intellectually and morally bankrupt to be reformed”, and many Conservatives accused him of seeking to divide conservatives, or even help Justin Trudeau win next election. Is vote splitting a concern?

The potential appeal to Prince George citizens and university students, as well as possible broader value of the existence of this new party are also discussed.










CFURadio’s Broadcast Boost: Turning up the Volume on Local Culture

Bundada' hoonzoo

(good morning)

CFURadio is excited to announce that we have received the largest ever individual donation in our organization’s history, of $11,000.00. It has funded our new transmitter, which has been a goal of ours for the last six years. It’s hard to get more excited than this folks!

You can now hear us clearly in College Heights, Buckhorn, Miworth, Tabor Lake, and Salmon Valley. Plans to push the transmitter to its full capacity of 1Kilowatt are in place for the summer of 2019. Carried on this strengthened signal is the Carrier Bible Studies (CBS) Hour, An incredible project we’ve worked with community partners on over the summer of 2018. It was only with a tremendous amount of generosity from CBS and our anonymous donor that any of this was possible. We’d like to publicly thank them for their support, for appreciating our efforts, and believing in our capacity to grow the positive effects our station works to provide. We move into this coming solstice season with our spirits high, and ready to spread the joy.

We’re aiming for licensing completion to permit a full Kilowatt of power on the 88.7FM wavelength in 2019. This will get our community’s arts, culture and content much further afield, ranging North to Bear Lake, South to Purden, East to the Ancient Forest, and West to Vanderhoof, doubling our current quality and range of 500 Watts. Over the past six months, we’ve been running cables, tweaking dials, editing, recording, and archiving content into the NBCAA (Northern BC Audio Archive). This is where we have digitized an anthology series from Carrier Bible Studies, created by the Carrier Linguistic Society on Nak’azdli Whut'en traditional territory in Fort St. James BC. Content has been compiled and partly recorded in our Prince George studio with local elders. These sessions showcase the Carrier dialect of our region. To listen, check out our broadcast at cfur.ca/listen-live/, or 88.7 FM every Sunday at 8pm. During the summer of 2018, we worked with CBS director Dick Walker and Nak’azdli Elders Nellie Prince and Yvonne Pierreroy to record Genesis. This origin story recording begins broadcasting at the dawn of 2019, Sunday January 6th, 8pm. This creates local programming for CFUR’s archives, promotes indigenous language revitalization in our community, and access to it all for our audience. This content is sparsely represented in our mainstream media, we are happy to start here and grow the initiative further with the strength of our upgraded transmitter.

Best wishes in 2019 from CFURadio. We hope you will have the opportunity to spend quality time, cozy by the warm hum of the radio, with friends and family over the coming weeks.

If you have your community’s consent and are looking for a place to record & digitize your traditional language and/or stories, don’t be shy! Email us at stationmanager@cfur.ca, our in-house recording studio can fit your needs for the best price in town. If you’re looking to share what you record, we’ll also guarantee broadcast time every day.

Joy to the World!

Want to volunteer? Want to chat about advertising? Email stationmanager@cfur.ca. Curious about what that song was? Visit Twitter (@CFUR_Tracks) or Email music@cfur.ca. 

You can always follow our feed on Twitter (@CFURadio), Facebook (CFUR 88.7fm / @CFURadio) and Instagram (@CFURadiofm) And, of course, you can always drop us a line at (778)-693-2387.

Ready To Learn?

If you’re interested in learning more about the Carrier Linguistic Society please visit their website https://nakazdli.wordpress.com/dakelh-culture/carrier-linguistic-society/ 

If you’re interested in accessing more Carrier language resources online please visit the First Voices Archive where you can find Dakelh Language Dialect archives along with many more. Also Dakelh Good News http://dakelhgoodnews.org/, and the Lheidli T’enneh online Carrier dictionary to name a few.

Resources can be accessed in hard copy in Fort St. James at the CLS bookstore by appointment only, 121 Kwah Road, located behind Nak’azdli Natural Resources,  Many can be accessed at your local library, while UNBC’s Bookstore and the Final Chapter bookstore in Prince George both carry the Central Carrier Dictionary.


For You, By You

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