Another week, another episode of the Fresh Sheet. Join Sara as she plays the newest music from Canadian artists. This weeks’ playlist is packed full of new songs from a large range of genres. A little something for everybody!

New Northern Static Series Video with Brandon Geldart & we say farewell to our late Program Director

Our final Northern Static Series video created, shot, and edited by Karl Wyssen is complete and available to view on YouTube :) We want to thank Karl for all of his creativity and hard work at CFUR. He will surely be missed around here! Karl moved on to Terrace for a new adventure in late 2023, but was working for CFUR remotely since then. His contract is complete and it is time to pass the torch to someone new! Stay tuned :) But for now - Enjoy Brandon Geldart’s incredible tunes!

Listen to Madeline Clarke's Album 'Nostolgia For Mars' Recorded at CFUR Studios

Did you know that we have a wicked studio available for recording, right here at CFUR?! For rates and other information email Today! Madeline Clarke’s album "‘Nostalgia For Mars” was recorded last year right here at CFUR by our late Program Director Karl Wyssen. This porject was supported by Creative BC and the Province of British Columbia.

Check it out on Spotify: