CMHA’s Connections clubhouse needs your help

Canadian Mental Health Association has founded the Connections Clubhouse to help people mentally so that people can live more confidently. In August of 2018, after over 35 years of quiet service, This clubhouse burned down. Now, CMHA is rebuilding this clubhouse and needs your help.


If you want to help to rebuild this clubhouse, you can provide a cash donation through their website, by cheque or cash. CMHA will provide a tax-deductible receipt for any donation over $20.Also, if you purchase a tile for $20 and CMHA will place your name or the name of a loved one in the CMHA mural that will welcome people to the new Clubhouse and again tax-deductible receipt provided. Moreover, You can provide products that can help to rebuild this clubhouse.

For more information contact clubhouse on 250-563-3147 or Visit
