Today's Top Wikipedia Edit: US Police Officers Advocated for Vehicular Ramming on Twitter

According to Wikipedia:

  • "Early in 1852, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, by then very deaf, gave Derby's first government its nickname by shouting "Who? Who?" as the list of inexperienced Cabinet Ministers was read out in the House of Lords"
  • "By printing a notice on the page, such as 'This page has been intentionally left blank," test-takers will not be concerned that their test has been misprinted.... These pages may also be useful as scratch paper"
  • "Vehicular ramming has sometimes been advocated as a means to deal with protesters who block public roadways.... Two police officers were suspended and fired...for tweeting such advice in relation to Black Lives Matter rallies.... North Dakota state legislator Keith Kempenich tried and failed to pass a law granting immunity to drivers who accidentally hit protesters.... Similar legislation has been introduced in Florida and Texas"

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