A Delightful Christmas Audio Play

Anything Christmas seems to stand the test of time and become a classic as it is broadcast every year. Be it National Lampoons Christmas Vacation or or a Christmas Story the one where the kid get’s a BB gun and starts shooting kids eyeballs out or something.

Created in 2015, this hour of radio is cringe worthy at times but I assure you it’s worth it. Created in four parts, part one is the standard sitting by the fire place and sprouting some morals about Christmas, slowly but surely our hosts Garrett and Karl are inundated by each one of Garrett’s four mothers.

Part two is an interview with Jaypee Muldoe and Ryan White as they play along with host Karl Wyssen as their band Whiskey Fingers.

Part three is the most ambitious as we premier a new blind date christmas themed dating show “Under The Mistletoe.” Cindy-Lou must decided who she would like to meet under the mistletoe, Contestant one being Jesus of Nazareth, contestant two is 1980’s rock band Pink Riot, and in a Murray esque twist contestant three is Cindy-Lou’s baby daddy!

The forth and final part is a classic as Garrett and Karl stay up late to try and capture Santa Claus to try and sell them to the Japanese Mafia!

Certainly not your average Christmas special you can catch a broadcast of this special Sunday’s at 8 on 88.7 CFUR! Up to and after New Years! Or you can listen here at your convenience.