Our Bingo mascot, Bingy the Bingo Paper!
Socially Distance Yourself, grab a lucky charm, and play Radio Bingo on CFUR 88.7 FM
Method of play is laid out below. Scroll to bottom if curious.
Visit cfur.ca/bingo or Call 778-693-2387 and press 2 as soon as the recorded message prompts to arrange the purchase of your BINGO paper ($2 per sheet). We can arrange safe delivery by mail without any human contact if order is placed before 4pm on June 1st. After that the mail delivery cannot be guaranteed on time, but your sheets will be valid for the following bingo. SO, the earlier the better.
Thank you Scotia Bank College Heights and stalwartly CFUR volunteers for making this event possible!
Visual Stream will be posted here on cfur.ca publicly, 5pm, June 1st.
It's easy. Find your troll dolls, champagne corks, rabbits feet, special shirt, or whatever else you need for good luck, because its time for BINGO!
You could WIN a totally awesome CD! A Vinyl + Stickers + $30 bucks
OR $$70$$
You can purchase CFURadio Bingo Paper for
$2.00 a sheet
Available for purchase by visiting cfur.ca/bingo, calling 778-693-2387 Ext.2, before 4pm May 17th. Or by email, stationmananger@cfur.ca
Each sheet has three cards for 3 games on it. Prize 1, 2, & then 3...
Buy sheets in advance in order to play anywhere via 88.7fm or the online video stream @ CFUR.ca (be aware the stream has a lag compared to the broadcast). Call 693-CFUR*2 (778-693-2387 Ext.2) to call in and claim your BINGO.
Game 1 / Prize 1 / Top Square
Game 1 - A LINE - It can be vertical, on any column, or horizontal on any row.
Game 1 - A LINE - It can be vertical, on any column, or horizontal on any row.
Game 2 / Prize 2 / Middle Square
Game 2 - X - Top Corners to opposite bottom corners
Game 3 / Prize 3 / Bottom Square
Game 3 - Blackout - All Numbers Blotted
Play on the roof, the parking lot, in your fallout shelter, your car (not while driving please), your living room, while fishing in the river, or anywhere else the signal lands.
Proceeds of this event support the upgrade & replacement of our failing Broadcast equipment.
This is a BCLC licensed event.
Know your limit, play within it.
Visit https://www.gamesense.com/support.html
Game 1 Prize: A Genuine CFUR Sticker, + Album from one of your Festival Favourite’s, The Party On High Street’s Dave Saroka tribute “I Quit The Shit in 72” + a highly sought after Black Spruce Bog Vinyl LP “Confluence” + the highly sought after followup “Hatchery Session” full length CD
A Genuine CFUR Sticker
Game 2 Prize: A Genuine CFUR Sticker, + $30 CAD, + The Brain Porter’s Brand Spanking New Release “No, You Have A Problem” + His totally wicked Sticker
Game 3 Prize: $70 buckaroos! + A Genuine CFUR Sticker
This will arrive in cheque form actually…