Home Routes Concert Series Presents: The NATIONAL ON-LINE FOLK FESTIVAL


Home Routes / Chemin Chez Nous is thrilled to announce the creation of the Home Routes National On-line Folk Festival. This brand new festival, hosted and curated by Home Routes, will present a concert every night on their facebook page at 6pm PST or 8pm CT. Audiences will be treated to folk, roots and blues performers who were previously scheduled to tour rural and urban areas across Canada during Home Routes 13th Season. Additional programming is being confirmed now and will be announced as schedules are finalized. "Like" our facebook page to get notifications about new show announcements and live stream concerts here → https://www.facebook.com/homeroutes/

TONIGHT, Wed. Mar 25 they will host Toronto's Kalyna Rakel, with more confirmed performers listed below. All shows begin at 6pm PST/8pm CST, and run for roughly 30 minutes. 

National On-line Folk Festival Schedule -->
Monday March 23 – Sherry Ryan (NL)
Tuesday March 24 – Sherman Downey (NL)
Wednesday March 25 – Kalyna Rakel (ON)
Thursday March 26 – TBA
Friday March 27 – James Gordon (ON)
Saturday March 28 – Willi Carlisle (Ark, USA)
Sunday March 29 – Gangspil (DEN)
Monday March 30 – TBA
Tuesday March 31 – The Schotts (ON)
Wednesday Apr 1 - Annie Avery (of Two Piano Tornado) and Sarah Hamilton (YT)
Thurs Apr 2 - Ken Whiteley (ON)
With more shows TBA.

For financial support in these difficult times, our performers will share donation information and links  - virtual "tip jar"- during the live show and it will be posted with the video.  These 'pay what you can' shows offers patrons the flexibility to donate anytime. By adding this virtual tip jar it will be easy for anyone to support at anytime.

After the live stream, Home Routes will post the National On-line Folk Festival concerts on our youtube channel. Donations can be made anytime to Home Routes / Chemin Chez Nous at our patreon page.

Having to cancel the balance of Home Routes’ Season 13 tours due to COVID-19 left their artists, hosts and patrons wondering what they could do to continue our support of the artists, while keeping the commitment to entertaining patrons, so they decided to host the artists digitally. This shift to hosting online allows Home Routes to present entertainment to an even larger audience, and not have to cancel any shows.

“To support artists and bring fresh entertainment to folks during this time was an obvious win/win, and doing live streaming concerts has been something we have been talking about for a while, so we decided that this was the perfect time to launch it,”

Home Routes has been pairing artists with rural and urban hosts throughout Canada for more than a decade, presenting more than 7000 performances at nearly 1500 locations before 207,000 fans to date, generating more than four million dollars in artist revenue and royalties since its beginnings in 2007.

Initiated by the founders of the Winnipeg Folk Festival and the West End Cultural Centre, Mitch Podolak and Ava Kobrinsky, in collaboration with Tim Osmond and with the support of a nationally based volunteer Board of Directors, Home Routes was incorporated as a not-for-profit arts organization in February of 2007 to create new performance opportunities for French and English speaking musicians and audiences in rural, remote, and urban communities across Canada, hosted by volunteers in their homes and other community venues.

Since its inception in 2007, Home Routes/Chemin Chez Nous has received consistent funding from the Canada Council for the Arts, Manitoba Sport, Culture and Heritage, FACTOR, Manitoba Arts Council, and SOCAN Foundation for which we are eternally grateful. Without this support this wonderful project would not be possible.

Rick Fines (ON) LIVE performance, Mar 21st, kicked of the National On-line Folk Festival - join them nightly at 6pm PST or 8pm CT!

Home Routes/Chemin Chez Nous was incorporated as a not-for-profit arts organization in February of 2007 to create new performance opportunities for French and English speaking musicians and audiences in rural, remote and urban communities across Canada, hosted by volunteers in their homes and other community venues. They present the annual Winnipeg Crankie Festival and the On-Line National Folk Festival. Follow Home Routes on twitter or instagram  @homeroutes or “like” on facebook