COLDSNAP 2021- Feb 1

Just because the weekend will be over, doesn’t mean the fun has to stop! The Monday blues won’t get you down this time with Rock N Roll right around the corner! Rachelle Van Zanten is back with Elijah Quinn!

At 12:00 pm on Monday, February 1, Van Zanten will also be doing an Intro to Slide Workshop! Even better, the workshop is FREE thanks to the sponsors and funders! Advance registration is required in order for participants to receive the Zoom link to the workshop. Links will be sent out two days prior to the workshop. This is your chance to learn how to tune a guitar and learn some other guitar skills!

Here is the link to register:

Here is another sneak peek of what you can be hearing from Rachelle Monday night at 7:30!

Equipped with a powerful voice and a huge selection of instruments, Elijah Quinn is a genuine musical force and a joy to listen to. He has been in a band for seven years and has had lots of life experience that shows in the lyrics of his songs. Make sure to tune in at 7:30 pm so you don’t miss his songs!

Elijah Quinn.jpg

More to come this week! Lots of great entertainment until Saturday, February 6!