Local School Districts Discuss Opening Curriculum to Traditional Language Options

Plans are being put into motion for youth to gain the option to learn Dakelh!

Ts'iyaowh Lhulhyats'oolhtuk -

Everyone is Speaking with Each Other!

School District 28 (Quesnel), 57 (Prince George) and 91 (Nechako Lakes) want to work with Dakelh Nations, Speakers and Knowledge Holders to develop a provincially recognized Dakelh Language Curriculum.

This curriculum will ensure students can not only learn Dakelh, but also get credits towards graduation and fulfill their second language requirement versus having to learn other languages.

Join us for the Virtual Live Gathering over Zoom Apr 14, 2021 07:00 PM (PST) and/or watch our video and provide feedback through our short online survey.

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Dakelh Currirculum - Save The Date Poster 2.jpg

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