Help Handsome Cabin Boy Rebuild

The Handsome Cabin Boy Tattoo shop was a victim of arson in the early hours of this morning- the damages estimated to be around $200 000. This women-led business is home to some of Prince George’s most talented tattooists, and artists in general. They also happen to be some of the most community-involved and supportive people around. Let’s help this help this team rise from the ashes and get back to decorating the folk who love them so.

Link to the GoFundMe started by the fantastic @cairoglyfics is here.

Stay tuned for a fundraiser event to be put on by Mad Loon and Bydand Creek Farm,

Katie Rose, Nadina Shepert, Reese Lightning, @neptunetattooer,

Reese Lightning Prince George loves you.


Authored by Silky Hen Design,

originally published on Facebook 20210721