Special Earth Day Programming!

Special Programming Alert!

In account for today being Earth Day we will be substituting all of our music blocks with the Wetland Project, an environmental soundscape recorded from the TEKTEKSEN marsh in unceded WSÁNEĆ territory, Saturna Island, British Columbia.

Artists Brady Marks and Mark Timmings invite you to fill your home, work and leisure spaces with the sounds of birds, frogs, insects and airplanes for the entire day! Over 17 other radio stations are participating nation wide.

"Climate emergencies, political upheaval and the ongoing pandemic are raising societal anxiety. It’s important to stay informed, but now more than ever, taking a day to pause and reconnect with the “other-than-human” world helps listeners to collect their thoughts and find a footing in these tumultuous times. The slow-radio format provides a life-affirming break from the stressful news cycle and offers time to reflect upon a more lucid and caring future."