International Day Of Clean Air For Blue Skies - September 7th

2019 marked the first year for World Clean Air Day, or the International Day Of Clean Air For Blue Skies. It’s 4th annual observance was on September 7th 2023 (source IQ air)

In 2021, the WHO (World Health Organization) updated their Global Air Quality Guidelines in response to the updated scientific and medical information that had been accumulated since its guidelines were last revised in 2005. As it turns out the threshold that impacts human health is much smaller than previously thought. We may have known this to be a global issue for decades, but to what degree? Locally in Prince George BC a combination of researchers and private citizens have taken it upon themselves to monitor the local air shed with small “internet-of-things” monitors that report back to a greater cloud. This has picked up momentum since 2016. UNBC’s Dr. Peter Jackson and some interested Grad Students he has supervised have conducted research into this area and explain more about it, and what 2.5PM has to do with your health.

You can find Air Quality measurements of Prince George BC and many areas on sites such as Purple Air, UNBC’s, and IQAir to name a few.