Celtic Fire: Season 19 Episode 16 - THE FINAL EPISODE

In this final episode of Celtic Fire, I am playing a selection of memorable songs to me from people who made a big impact on my life. I am also playing songs with messages here and there. Tune in for songs from Tide Lines, elder Peter Jack MacLean of Cape Breton, The Barra MacNeils, Martyn Bennett and more.

The song I play by The Rovers says it best...in title only...Wasn't That A Party? :-)

Bliadhna Mhath Ur dhuibh! Happy New Year!

Thank you for the years. Thank you for listening. Tapadh leibh airson gam eisdeachd air feadh a'bhliadhnaichean.

The first episode of Celtic Fire aired on Monday, October 3, 2005.

The final episode of Celtic Fire aired on Monday, January 1, 2024.

I hope that you enjoyed what I offered.

I doubt that I am finished with CFUR - you never know. I might be back with another show. Radio has been a huge part of my life since I was a wee lad.

Take care of yourselves AND EACH OTHER. Don't forget your humanity and treat everyone with respect and dignity regardless of ethnic origins, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We are all in this together.

Over and out…and things… :-)