Broadcast License Renewal Application

Application to renew a broadcasting licence to operate a campus or community radio undertaking (including low-power) - Form 110General instructions Applicants should consult Campus and community radio policy, Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-499, 22 July 2010 (Broadcasting Regulatory Policy 2010-499), and more specifically paragraphs 12 to 17 to take note of campus and community radio definitions and mandates.

Filing File electronically via My CRTC Account by attaching the application to the cover page. My CRTC Account allows you to securely submit documents to the Commission with a user ID and password. Therefore, a signature is not required when using My CRTC Account. Applicants who file their application in this manner are not required to submit a hard copy of the application and its related documents.

Applicants who need further information relative to CRTC processes can contact a Commission specialist at 1-866-781-1911.

Instructions The following questionnaire is in HTML format and may be downloaded to the word processing software of your choice. This enables you to complete the downloaded questionnaire by inserting your response in bold letters immediately following the question. You may add lines to the tables if necessary but do not alter or delete any text from the questionnaire.

The application must be divided into sections as set out in the questionnaire and include the numbered questions followed by the corresponding response. Responses must be provided, at a minimum, in a size 10 font.

Naming convention for electronic documents The following documents should be submitted as separate electronic documents using the naming convention specified below. The document number (Doc#) indicates the ascending order in which the documents should appear on the public file.

Table 1 - Naming convention for electronic documents Document Electronic file name The Covering Letter (if any) Doc1 - Cover Letter dated _____________ The Application Form Doc2 - Form 110 - APP -"Application to Renew a Broadcasting Licence for a Campus or Community Radio Programming Undertaking" Appendix 1A Doc3 - Appendix 1A - Supplementary Brief Appendix 2A Doc4 - Appendix 2A - Amendments to constituting documents Each confidential document NOT WEB - Doc - Confidential - "brief description of the document" Each abridged version of each confidential document Doc - Abridged version - "same description of document for which confidentiality is requested" 1. General information Type of station: Campus Radio/Non-profit

AM undertaking ( ) FM undertaking ( X )

Campus ( X ) Community ( )

Location of undertaking: _______Prince George___________________ Call sign: _____CFUR 88.7fm______ List the transmitters and indicate their locations. Call sign Location CFUR 88.7fm Prince George, BC

1.1 Identification of applicant Name of legal entity who is authorized by the Commission to operate this undertaking: CFUR Radio Society

Address: 3333 University Way City: Prince George Province/Territory: British Columbia Postal Code: V2N 4Z9 Telephone: (250)960-7664 Fax: Email:

Contact person representing the applicant (if there is no appointed designated representative under question 1.2)

Name: Fraser Hayes Title: Station Manager Telephone: (250)960-5995 Email:

1.2 Appointment of designated representative I, _________________________, the applicant, hereby designate __________________ as my designated representative for and on my behalf and in my name to sign, file and complete (if necessary) an application with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission and to sign and file a reply with respect thereto and I do hereby ratify, confirm and adopt as my own act, such application and all replies made thereto.

Date: At: Example: city, province Signature (a signature is not required when submitting electronically):

Address of designated representative: Title: Telephone: Fax: Email:

1.3 Declaration of the applicant or its designated representative I, ____________Fraser Hayes_______________________ ,solemnly declare that:

a. I am the designated representative of the applicant named in this application brief and as such have knowledge of all matters declared therein.

b. The statements made in this application or any document filed pursuant to any request for further information by the Commission are (will be) to the best of my knowledge and belief true in all respects.

c. The opinions and estimates given in this application or any document filed pursuant to any request for further information by the Commission are (will be) based on facts as known to me.

d. I have examined the provisions of the Broadcasting Act,the broadcasting regulations and policies relevant to this application.

And I have signed

Signature (a signature is not required when submitting electronically): Date: January 17, 2013

Witnessed by

Signature (a signature is not required when submitting electronically): Name: Jordan Tucker Date: January 17, 2013 At: Example: Prince George, BC

1.4 Procedural request The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure (the Rules of Procedure) allow an interested person to request that the Commission exercise a power under the Rules of Procedure or change the Rules of Procedure for a specific proceeding (sections 5 and 7). This is generally called a procedural request. You may consult Implementation of new Rules of Practice and Procedure, Broadcasting and Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-958, 23 December 2010, and Guidelines on the CRTC Rules of Practice and Procedure, Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-959, 23 December 2010, for more information.

Is the applicant requesting that the Commission make an exception to its Rules of Procedure in the treatment of this application?

Yes ( ) No (X)

If yes, please indicate which section of the Rules of Procedure you wish to vary and provide a detailed rationale as to why this request should be granted :

1.5 Application The Commission will return the application if it has not been duly completed. The onus will be on the applicant to submit a complete application that provides all of the relevant information, to identify all regulatory issues raised in the application and to provide supporting documentation.

Submit a website address or email address where an electronic copy of the application may be requested:

Website: Example:

Email: Example:

1.6 Compliance The undertaking is being operated in compliance with the provisions of the licence, the Broadcasting Act and all regulations and policies applicable to the CRTC.

Yes (X ) No ( )

If no, provide the full details of any non-compliance that occured during the licence term, including the reasons, any remedial action and, where applicable, the period of time expected before the undertaking is operating in compliance.

1.7 Community radio stations or campus radio stations The licensee will adhere to all conditions of licences set out in Standard conditions of licence for campus and community radio stations, Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2012-304, 22 May 2012 (Broadcasting Regulatory Policy 2012-304).

Yes (X ) No ( )

For each amendment proposed, provide the following information in a supplementary brief identified as Appendix 1:

a description of your current commitments as well as the status of those commitments; a description of your proposed changes; the reasons in support of the proposed changes in relation to your service overall, Broadcasting Regulatory Policy 2010-499, Broadcasting Regulatory Policy 2012-304, the broadcasting system and the Broadcasting Act; and the implications/repercussions of maintaining the current terms, conditions and definitions. If the supplementary brief exceeds 10 pages, include an executive summary.

In the case of changes to the technical installations, you must complete form 303, Amendment Application Form.

If you are proposing to continue the operation of an ethnic SCMO service, provide the language of the service and the ethnic group being served.

2. Ownership 2.1 If no changes or amendments were done to the constituting documents (for example, Letters Patent, By-Laws, etc.) of the licensee since the last renewal, please sign the following attestation:

I hereby declare that no changes were done since the last renewal.

Signature of licensee or its appointed agent (not required if submitting electronically):

2.2 Complete the following table relating to the directors and officers, including the Chief Executive Officer, of the licensee. Please note that all sections must be completed.

Directors and Officers Name Complete Home Address Canadian (x) Position Held Directors: date and term of appointment Campus: also indicate the group represented (see 2.3) Reza Akbari 209-2217 Regents Crescent, Prince George, BC, V2L 1E9

Director April 10, 2012 (Renewal), 2 year term, Graduate Student Fraser Hayes 1562 Gorse Street, Prince George, BC, V2L 1G4 X Station Manager (CEO) (Non-voting) April 10, 2012, 2 year term, Undergrad Student/Staff Andrew Kurjata 267 Clark Crescent, Prince George, BC, V2N 4W3 X President/Director April 10, 2012 (Renewal), 2 year term, Community Member/Volunteer Greg Mackay 2094 North Blackburn Road, Prince George, BC, V2N 6B9 X Director April 10, 2012, 2 year term, Community Member/Station Volunteer Justin Rodgers 5258 Chintu Court, 108 Mile Ranch, BC, V2K 2Z0 X Director April 10, 2012 (Renewal), 2 year term, Community Member Jordan Tucker 1527 Ingledew, Prince George, BC, V2L 2R4 X Music Director April 10, 2012, 2 year term, Undergrad Student/Staff Spencer Hammond 1112 Babine Crescent, Prince George, BC, V2M 6V8 X Director April 10, 2012, 2 year term, Undergrad Student/Volunteer Karen McDowell 1646 5th Avenue, Prince George, BC, V2L 3M1 X Director April 10, 2012, 2 year term, Community Member Gloria McGovern PO Box 1897, Merrit, BC, V1K 1B8 X Director April 10, 2012, 2 year term, Undergrad Student Darcie Smith 1904 Maple Street, Prince George, BC, V2L 1X3 X Director April 10, 2012, 2 year term (Renewal), Community Member Glen Yakemchuk 5493 Heyer Road, Prince George, BC, V2N 6J3 X Director April 10, 2012, 2 year term, UNBC Faculty/Volunteer

2.3 For campus stations only In Broadcasting Regulatory Policy 2010-499, the Commission stated that the mandate for campus radio distinguishes itself from the mandate for community radio in several ways, including the board of directors. The Commission expects that the board of directors for campus stations include campus representatives, including a balanced representation from:

· the student body; · representation from the administration of the post-secondary institution; · station volunteers; and · the community at large. In light of the above, please provide a detailed description of the means used to ensure that the structure and composition of the board of directors comply with the policy or the reasons for which the policy should not apply to your station.

Supporting document to be appended Appendix 2A All changes or amendments to the constituting documents (for example, Letters Patent, By-Laws, etc.) of the licensee.

3. Programming The following section relates to the programming obligations set out in Broadcasting Regulatory Policy 2010-499.

For details on content categories and subcategories, applicants should refer to Revised content categories and subcategories for radio, Broadcasting Regulatory Policy 2010-819, 5 November 2010.

Licensees are reminded that, except where the Commission has otherwise provided in a condition of licence, they must also comply with the regulatory requirements set out in the Radio Regulations, 1986 (the Regulations), as amended from time to time.

For the purpose of answering the following section, applicants are reminded that in accordance with the Regulations, a "broadcast week" refers to the total number of hours devoted to broadcasting during the 126-hour period extending from 6 a.m. to midnight for seven consecutive days beginning on Sunday.

3.1 Total broadcast hours (maximum 126 hours, i.e. one broadcast week) The licensee proposes to broadcast___126__hours per broadcast week.

3.2 Language(s) of spoken word programming 1. The principal language of programming is: English 2. Other languages of programming are: None

Languages Per broadcast week Hours Minutes % of total programming Other official language (maximum)

Languages of Aboriginal Canadians (minimum)

Third-language programming (1)(minimum)

3. 4. The applicant proposes to devote ___15:00___(hours:minutes) per broadcast week to the broadcast of newscasts. Of this amount, indicate how many hours:minutes will consist of "pure news," which excludes weather and sports bulletins:___. 5. The applicant undertakes to devote during each broadcast week a minimum percentage of news time to the following:

Local news 5% Regional news 6% 6.

7. Please provide a list of communities that you consider "local" in terms of local news. Prince George 3.3 Sources of programming Note: The total number of hours of local programming (3.4(a)) and wrap-around programming (3.4(b)) must be equal to the total number of broadcast hours (3.1) per broadcast week.

3.4 Local programming (maximum 126 hours, i.e. one broadcast week) a. The applicant proposes to broadcast, during each broadcast week, a minimum of ____68___:____00___ (hours:minutes) of local programming (2).

Wrap-around programming b. Specify the number of hours of programming obtained from another station (or other stations) _17:00___ (hours:minutes) that the licensee will offer in each broadcast week during the next licence term.

c. Is the applicant proposing to operate as part of a network? Yes ( ) No ( X)

If yes, specify the name(s) of the network(s), the number of hours per broadcast day (6 a.m. to midnight) and the type of programming to be broadcast per week.

Name Hours : Minutes Type (3)

d. Is the applicant proposing to broadcast programming originating from another station? Yes (X ) No ( )

If yes, specify the originating station (call letters and location): CKUT 90.3fm, Montreal, Quebec

e. If you answered yes to question 3.4 c) or 3.4 d), indicate how these networks or acquired programs will compliment local programs without replacing them. We Broadcast a program called Native Solidarity News from McGill. Prince George has a large First Nations community and there is currently no local programming that caters to these community members in Prince George. We are currently looking for a radio personality that can fill this void. If we are successful in our search, we will continue to broadcast Native Solidarity News. 3.5 Breakdown of music categories Please indicate the minimum percentage of each subcategory to be broadcast. The total percentage can be less than, but no more than, 100%.

Music Subcategory Breakdown - Specialty Formats Music Sub-category(4) Description Minimum % of Total Music 21 Pop, Rock and Dance 40% 22 Country and Country-Oriented 10% 23 Acoustic 5% 24 Easy Listening

31 Concert 5% 32 Folk and Folk-Oriented 2% 33 World Beat and International

34 Jazz and Blues 3% 35 Non-classic Religious

36 Experimental Music 5% 3.6 Local talent development Provide plans for the licence term with respect to the development of local talent in the fields of music and spoken word, such as projects to promote and feature music and spoken word creations by new Canadian artists, local artists and artists whose music is seldom heard on other stations.

We are currently developing a local artist playlist from our archives. This program will air 3-4 times per week for one hour. Currently, we have local artists in the studio for interview and live sessions on occasion but there is no programming devoted solely to local artists. We air Public Service Announcements for local live events, further helping to promote local music. We host at least one live show per year where we feature local musicians. We have a playlist that airs 41 hours per week that contains mostly (80%) Canadian artists.

3.7 Volunteer participation 1. Describe your current and proposed measures to facilitate access and participation by volunteers (as well as students in the case of campus stations) from the community to programming, production, broadcasting and station management activities.

Currently, we set up a table in a high traffic area of the University once per month. At the table we play our station, advertise upcoming events and solicite student to volunteer at the radio station to gain usefull broadcasting and reporting skills. We have an open door policy for all offices at CFUR, we regulary get students coming in and asking questions about volunteering. We always accept new volunteers regardless of previous experience in the industry. We are currently digitizing our entire music library so most of our new volunteers are working on this.

In the future, we propose to have an open house once per term to drive more traffic to the station. Along with this, we will visit the College (College of New Calidonia), Non-profit groups, and support networks throught Prince George to try and increace community participation.

2. Describe your current and proposed measures to promote the availability of training throughout the community.

Currently we have CFUR staff and volunteers attend as many community events and show as a representative of CFUR to promote the availibility of training at CFUR for those interested in broadcasting and media in general.

In the future, we would like to set up booths at community events such as the Farmers market, Voluteer PG, the many craft fairs.

3. Describe your current and proposed methods for training and supervising those within the community who wish to participate in programming and ensure that programming obligations are met throughout the licence term. We currently have two ongoing programs that facititate community involvement with the radio station. The first is a partnership with Future Cents, a youth group located in Downtown Prince George that focuses on getting youth off the streets and invelved in the community. This groups hosts a show for 6 months yearly and promotes local events. We also have a young broadcasters trainging program where one of our senior volunteers brings in interested high school students to host a show and learn about broadcasting. In the future we hope to build more partnerships with local organizations for make CFUR more of a community anchor. We hope to hire a volunteer coordinaor that can not only head these initiatives but also write a training manual and supervise new volunteers in the training period. 3.8 Ethnic programming · For more information on ethnic programming, licensees should consult Public Notice CRTC 1999-117 entitled Ethnic Broadcasting Policy, 5 September 1997 and consequent amendments to the Radio Regulations, 1986. · Licensees who provide ethnic programming must complete section 3.9 and 3.10. 3.9 Market with a local ethnic radio station The licensee operates in a market served by an ethnic radio station:

Yes ( ) No (X )

If yes, respond to question 3.10.

3.10 Ethnic programming by linguistic category Complete the following table relating to the broadcast of ethnic and third-language programming.

Please note that a "broadcast week" refers to the total number of hours devoted to broadcasting during the 126-hour period extending from 6:00 a.m. to midnight, for seven consecutive days beginning on Sunday. Percentages should be based on the total number of hours of programming broadcast by the station in a broadcast week (that is, the total number of hours of programming by the station in a broadcast week may be less than or equal to 126 hours).

Please note that ethnic programming means programming provided in any language that is specifically directed to any culturally or racially distinct group other than one that is Aboriginal Canadian or from France or the British Isles. Ethnic programming may be in English, French, a third-language or a combination of languages. Third-language programming means programming in languages other than French, English or those of Aboriginal Canadians.

In determining the languages of ethnic programming, DO NOT consider music, advertising, station contests and community and emergency messages during a particular ethnic program. However, in calculating the actual duration of each program, those elements must be counted.

Language in which ethnic programming is provided Ethnic group to which it is directed Total duration of this programming per broadcast week (hours:minutes)

% of the total programming provided during each broadcast week that is devoted to this type of programming

% of the total programming provided during the broadcast week that is devoted to ethnic programming

% of the total programming provided during the broadcast week that is devoted to third-language programming

4. Request for documents to be designated as confidential Sections 30 to 34 of the Rules of Procedure set out a process by which parties to Commission proceedings may file information on the record of a public proceeding in confidence.

A party filing information can “designate” it as confidential at the time it is filed with the Commission (section 31) if it falls into one of the following categories:

a. Information that is a trade secret; b. Financial, commercial, scientific or technical information that is confidential and that is treated consistently in a confidential manner by the person who submitted it; or c. Information the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected : i. to result in material financial loss or gain to any person; ii. to prejudice the competitive position of any person; or iii. to affect contractual or other negotiations of any person. At the time that the party files the information it designates as confidential, it must provide an abridged version of the document along with an explanation of how the information falls into a category of information listed in section 31. The party must provide a detailed rationale to explain why the disclosure of the information is not in the public interest (section 32(1)).

The confidential version of the document must be filed separately and must be marked “confidential” on each page. If the document is filed electronically, each file containing confidential information must include “confidential” in the file name.

The abridged version of the document and the reasons for the designation of information as confidential will be placed on the public record of the proceeding.

Please consult Implementation of new Rules of Practice and Procedure, Broadcasting and Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-958, 23 December 2010, and Procedures for filing confidential information and requesting its disclosure in Commission proceedings, Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-961, 23 December 2010, for the complete process for filing confidential information.

4.1 Request for documents to be designated as confidential Are you requesting for some information to be designated as confidential?

Yes ( ) No (X )

If yes, you must provide a detailed rationale to explain why the disclosure of the information is not in the public interest:

Book of supporting documents Appendix Number and Name Appended (Yes or No) E-filed (Yes or No) Section 1: General Information 1A - Supplementary Brief

Section 2: Ownership 2A - Amendments to constituting documents

(1) Designates programs in languages other than English, French or those of Aboriginal Canadians. Applicants who broadcast ethnic programming must answer questions 3.9 and 3.10.

(2) Local programming includes programming that originates with the station or is produced separately and exclusively for the station. It does not include programming received from another station and rebroadcast simultaneously or at a later time, nor does it include network or syndicated programming that is five minutes or longer unless it is produced either by the station or in the local community by arrangement with the station. In their local programming, licensees must incorporate spoken word material of direct and particular relevance to the community served. This must include local news, weather, sports coverage as well as the promotion of local events and activities.

(3) Type of programming delivered by the network (for example, sports, talk, entertainment, etc.)

(4) See Revised content categories and subcategories for radio, Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-819, 5 November 2010.

CRTC 110 (2012-09-28) - Community Radio - Renewal

***End of Document***