CFUR Welcomes CANADALAND to the PG airwaves



If you follow Canadian media you're probably familiar with CANADALAND – the podcast network and website launched in 2013 by veteran journalist and broadcaster Jesse Brown.

CANADALAND is an exploration and, more importantly, a critique of Canadian media and politics and a look at where the two intersect.

In its first two years of broadcasting, CANADALAND has played a vital role in breaking major news stories, most notably the sexual assault allegations against CBC host Jian Ghomeshi. The show also spotlighted potential conflicts of interest for CBC hosts Peter Mansbridge and Rex Murphy, both of whom accepted thousands of dollars in speaking fees from the energy industry. Amanda Lang's ties to the Royal Bank of Canada were revealed by CANADALAND, and the show also exposed the influence of the energy industry on Canadian Geographic magazine, and revealed improper activities by newspaper editors at the Irving-family media empire, Brunswick News International.

Past guests on CANADALAND include: CBC broadcaster Michael Enright • Toronto Star columnists Chantal Hébert and Susan Delacourt • author Sheila Heti • Walrus editor Jonathan Kay • Colin Freeze - national security reporter for the Globe & Mail • former Canadian ambassador to Israel Norman Spector • Globe & Mail's Robyn Doolittle • Kids In The Hall alum Mark McKinney and Scott Thompson • former Globe & Mail reporter and current St. Thomas University professor Jan Wong • MP and Treasury Board President Tony Clement • investigative journalist and documentary producer Linden MacIntyre • The Tyee's founder David Beers • former NPR ombudsman Jeffrey Dvorkin • Daily Planet host Daniel Riskin • comedian Rebecca Kohler • Spin music critic Carl Wilson • cartoonist Kate Beaton • Glenn Greenwald – Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who exposed the Edward Snowden leaks • Vancouver-based investigative journalist Laura Robinson • Shad – host of CBC's Q • Paul Jay of the Real News Network • Karyn Pugliese, APTN's Director of News and Current Affairs Green Party leader Elizabeth May • actor Jay Baruchel • Halifax Examiner founder Tim Bousquet • National Post's Adrian Humphreys Vice's Hilary Beaumont and Justin Ling.