Drum & Bell Tower w/ Blocktreat @ The Legion


"I've never heard anything so... full." My friend stammered. His eyes were wide. We were standing in the middle of the dance floor. It was his first Drum & Bell Tower and Blocktreat show.

This past Saturday, Brent Morton (D&BT) and Brandon Hoffman (Blocktreat) graced the stage at the Legion, filling our ears with hearty folk-rock introspection and mesmerizing electronica.

"Full" is indeed one of many ways to describe Brent's music. Others are "electro-fusion," "folk-stomp," and "dusk-rock." With lyrics like We sell our souls/When the price is right/We sell our souls, his songs are genuine, well-crafted, and sure to stay in your head long after the set. However, the weighty content doesn't affect Drum & Bell Tower's enjoyability on a lighter level; his shows bode well for those who like to sing and dance along.

Similarly, Brandon's sound is one that blends genres and crosses lines - in the best way possible. His sample-based style fuses electronic and acoustic, creating a soundscape of lush textures and dreamy plot lines. Perhaps the most beautiful aspect of Brandon's music is that it belongs to many worlds: organic, electronic, dreams, and bittersweet reality. Blocktreat isn't bound to a particular genre, scene, or audience - this became evident in the success of his show at The Legion, where the audience comprised of students, elders, and everyone in between.

For the entire length of Saturday night's show, there was a solid smattering of people glued the dance floor, swaying and singing and watching the two musicians in awe. Brent and Brandon are BC gems, to say the least. Their unique yet complementary sets boast a level of honest talent and wholesomeness that all live shows strive for.

If you missed these guys in Prince George (or just can't get enough of 'em), D&BT and Blocktreat are playing at Sunset Theatre in Wells on October 31st and at a house concert in Smithers on November 7th.

To Brent and Brandon: Prince George would love to have you back! Until then - safe travels and happy music-making :)


Drum & Bell Tower: http://www.drumandbelltower.org Blocktreat: http://www.blocktreat.ca

Post by Dara Campbell