Petition: Help protect Quesnel Lake!


Do you remember the Mount Polley Mine tailings dam failure in August 2014? This disastrous breach caused the loss of 17 million cubic meters of water and 8 million cubic meters of tailings/materials into Polley Lake, Hazeltine Creek and Quesnel Lake. As a long-term solution for wastewater management,

Imperial Metals is currently proposing to channel the mine's untreated effluent directly into Quesnel Lake.

Folks living in Cariboo communities (Likely, Big Lake, etc.) have put together a petition, urging the provincial government to look closer at potential long-term environmental impacts of this proposal.

You can help protect BC waterways + wildlife by signing this petition.

 It will be delivered to the BC Ministry of Environment, Minister of Environment of BC Mary Polak, and Cariboo North MLA Coralee Oakes. The petition page includes links to learn more about the issue, as well as Mary Polak's contact info.

Post by Dara Campbell