Things heating up on Otway rezoning Debate


Photo from City of Prince George Website

Things got a bit heated at city council on Monday when proponents and opponents spoke to L&M Engineering's application to have 6161 Otway Rd rezoned. The application would have the property rezoned to light industrial use, which is to the dismay of many residents of North Nechako. Last night's meeting was the second hearing about this application and it will go on to Wednesday May 11 at 6pm for a third session.

According to the residents of North Nechako the change would result in an increase of noise, water, air and light pollution. The residents kept reminding city council that the property sits above a delicate aquifer and having the property rezoned would increase the risk of contamination. Opponents made many presentations to city council ranging from the professional to the offensive. Mayor Lyn Hall had to reign in a couple presenters for use of antagonizing, or offensive language.

The proponents have stated that concerns to the project have been blown out of proportion. The area already has industrial business, and a CN rail line, that cause noise, air, and light pollution already. This according to the opponents existed in the area for years and in the residents don't like it they should not of bought in the area. Jack Fomenoff who is one of the applicants, stated that he "tired of the attacks" and made an off the cuff comment about possibly pursuing legal action.

By Grant Bachand (Twitter) @grantbachand