Today's Top Wikipedia Edits: Scrooge McDuck is the Richest Duck in the World


According to Wikipedia:

  • List of Wealthiest Animals: "Flossie, a dog owned by Drew Barrymore, barked to alert then-husband Tom Green of a fire. Barrymore then put her house in trust for  Flossie to show her gratitude.... Scrooge McDuck is the richest duck in the world"
  • Culture, blueberries, São Paolo, and coffee milk no longer exist
  • Melania Trump "will be the second foreign-born First Lady of the United States, following Louisa Adams in 1825, and the only First Lady to date not born a citizen of the United States or in what would later become the United States"

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to WikiNews on Tuesdays at 1pm and Saturdays at noon. Right here on CFUR 88.7 FM.


