VICE shows Blocktreat some love

16 Feb 2016 -- Williams Lake-native Brandon Hoffman, better known as Blocktreatwas shown some love by VICE's Noisey Canada Staff today! (Happy belated Valentine's Day?)

The article, entitled "Get Lost In Blocktreat's Catchy New Single 'Hinterland Steez,'" is accompanied by the release of a single from his soon-to-come album, Exciting New Ventures In Fucking Up.  In addition to the track, Noisey featured a photo of Brandon shot by singer-songwriter Sam Tudor of Big Lake, BC. Lots of love for the Cariboo!

Indie Shuffle was first to offer a taste of the new album with the single  "Follow Your Stupid Heart." These two tracks, in addition to Blocktreat's other albums, are perfect for riding the city bus or slothing around the library until 11pm or lying on your living room floor. 

If you're keen to hear more music by Williams Lake/Big Lake locals, I'll leave my Audiomap episode here. It features Blocktreat, Sam Tudor, and many others. You can listen if you'd like.

Post by Dara Campbell