
OCT 1: Best & Worst of the Reciprocity Shelf

Yo! Here at CFUR, we're big fans of the Reciprocity Shelf.


This wonderful thing can be found across from the Pride Centre on the third floor of the NUGSS building. If you aren't familiar with the Reciprocity Shelf, here's how it goes: when you have something useful but, for whatever reason, no longer need it - clothing, kitchen things, books, non-perishables, etc -  leave it on the Shelf. Another human will be thankful that you did. The beauty of the Reciprocity Shelf is in the name; when you're in need of something, it's a great place go looking.

In case you didn't have time to check out the Shelf this week, here's what you missed:


_DSC2307A onesie

ATTN cartoon-watchers, onesie-wearers and tall humans: there's an Adventuretime onesie up for grabs at the Shelf! It comes fully-equipped with a hoodie and padded footsies. What more could a cartoon-loving giant ask for?


_DSC2308Lidless tupperware

Whoever left these sad containers probably didn't understand the concept of tupperware. That shit needs a lid. This is definitely the worst of the Reciprocity Shelf this week.

That's all for now. Hey, check out this new Geoff Berner video:

Best and Worst of Reciprocity

Yo! I hope you know what the share shelf is at UNBC, your centre for reciprocity:


It’s on the third floor of the NUGSS building at UNBC. The idea is, you have some USEFUL that you no longer need. Instead of trashing it. Stick it on the shelf so your fellow humans in arms can continue to use it 😉

Here is the BEST of the reciprocity shelf this week. If you’re a dirtbag like me, you’re gonna love this! If you like to make fun of people from a distance, keep reading for the WORST of the reciprocity shelf 😀



are you balding? or plan on going bald? or predict that rainbow is the new dew for 2015?? then a wig suitcase could be your best bet when passing by the almighty reciprocity....cheeeeck iiit oouut foolksss!



dear: mr/mrs. apple drink dink

if you like apples and like them hot in your most people with a heart (sorry apple haters, no one actually thinks you don't have a just prefers a less desirable fruit) .... you take the evidence that proved its deliciousness...and dispose of it (in the greenest manner  possible of course).....because of you.....the hot apple deliciousness now ends up here..... an over exploited indisposed worstie.

Dance Party @ The Moose - Oct 2nd 2015 - Meet The Hosts


Hello CFURians!

Are you a volunteer? Are you a host? Have you thought about becoming one of these things? Have you thought about neither of these things, but just want to DANCE?

Well the doors of the Thirsty Moose Club are open to you on Friday October 2nd, if you're 19+ years old and have $5.00 in your hand (we like to pay our DJs). Witness the raw funk and soul talent of DJ Jazzy Jo & The Fresh Princess, while DJ Nelos spells out P-A-R-T-Y through the dynOmite sound system. (RSVP on Facebook)


cfur wants

You've never seen the Moose like this before, youve never seen the dance floor like this before. You've never seen the faces of these wild radio personalities before. Now you can! So mingle, become a volunteer if you like, and get your own show.

Dig it! See you there.

October 2nd 2015, 8pm @ the Thirsty Moose! on UNBC campus's NUGSS Building (#6)

Best Of Reciprocity Shelf - 15 Sept 2015

Yo! I hope you know what the share shelf is at UNBC, your centre for reciprocity: Reciprocate!

It's on the third floor of the NUGSS building at UNBC. The idea is, you have some USEFUL that you no longer need. Instead of trashing it. Stick it on the shelf so your fellow humans in arms can continue to use it ;)

Here is the BEST of the reciprocity shelf this week. If you're a dirtbag like me, you're gonna love this! If you like to make fun of people from a distance, stay tuned for best & WORST of the reciprocity shelf in the future :D

Bestie #1

Strain it!

A tea strainer with a screen on it and a plunger thing. WHAAAAT! Baby it's gettin' cold outside and this sucker will heat-you-up!

Bestie #2


Love it or hate it, snow is on its way. Snap this one up before it's toooo late. Picture yourself cruising down the snow plow pile and into the wildest half of the rest of your life!