
All of the things: October

Hey, it's October! Being the owner of a calendar never seems to lessen the surprise of another month gone by. The good news? Prince George's local arts scene is bumpin' and we've compiled a list of all the things.If you're a fan of music, theatre, or any combination of the two - read on.


Tuesday, Oct. 6th @ 7pm* - Eric Wynleau: "ONE NIGHT ONLY - Every Tuesday" at Nancy O's. Eric (of Black Spruce Bog) "pouring [his] heart out every Tuesday. And then picking it all up and taking it home again." No cover. - -

Wednesday, Oct. 7th @ 7:30pm - Quartetto Gelato at Artspace. Tickets are $30 at Books & Co. - -

Wednesday, Oct. 7th @ 8pm - Picker's Jam at the Legion. Hosted by Raghu Lokanathan. This will be the first of many bi-weekly jam sessions. All instruments welcome :) - -

Saturday, Oct. 10th @ 7:30pm - Fauré & Sibelius at Vanier Hall. Hosted by the Prince George Symphony Orchestra. Tickets available at the PGSO office and on Ticketmaster  - -

Saturday, Oct. 10th @ 8pm - Drum & Bell Tower and Blocktreat at the Legion. $10 at the door - -

Saturday, Oct. 10th @ 9pm* - Mama Drinks Bourbon at Nancy O's. $5 cover. - -

Thursday, Oct. 15th @ 6:30pm* - Jazz & Blues : hosted by Eric Tompkins at Nancy O's. Bring your instrument and/or voice for a communal evening of jazz, blues, soul, and R&B covers. Or simply enjoy the music and food. Thursday might be 12-dollar-pasta-day, but don't quote me on that. - -

Saturday, Oct. 17th @ 8:30pm* - Kill Matilda, The Nailheads, and Mediocre Minds at Westwood Pub. Doors at 7:30pm, punk at 8:30pm. $10 at the door. - -

Saturday, Oct. 17th @ 9pm* - SICKER THAN YOUR AVERAGE at Nancy O's. Resident DJs. $5 cover. - -

Monday, Oct. 19th - It's election day, baby! You know what to do. (And if you don't, there's ample information on Elections Canada)

Wednesday, Oct. 21st @ 8pm* - Zavan Trio at Nancy O's. $5 cover. - -

Wednesday, Oct. 21st to Saturday, Oct. 31st @ 8pm - Judy Russell Presents Evil Dead: The Musical at The Prince George Playhouse. Doors at 7pm. Tickets available at Studio 2880. Note: the Halloween show starts at 9pm, doors at 8pm. - -

Saturday Oct. 24th @ 8pm - Remember the Romance at Artspace. "Doug Jack is back with another evening of retro music and stories." Doors at 7pm, good stuff at 8pm. Tickets are $20 at Books & Co. - -

Saturday Oct. 24th @ 9:30pm* - Black Spruce Bog and WARLESS at Heartbreakers. Doors at 8:30pm, show at 9:30pm. Tickets are $30 at Books & Co., the UNBC Bookstore, Alfredo's, and Studio 2880. $35 at the door. - -

Friday, Oct 30th @ 8:30pm - Canadian Waste at the Legion. $10 at the door. - -


*All shows at Nancy O's, the Westwood Pub, and Heartbreakers are 19+ only. Sorry, kids!

If we missed mentioning something fun, be sure to tell your friends about it! Here's to a month of good music, good times, and all that jazz.

Interviews With Prince George's Federal Candidates


Grant Bachand, UNBC student, and host of CFUR's premier Talk show "Student Talks" wrangled Interviews with a large number of federal election candidates. Both regions, Prince George - Cariboo, and Prince George - Peace River - Northern Rockies came up to address the concerns of students and other constituents on 88.7 FMs bandwidth.

Find, click, and listen to the interviews below:

Prince George - Cariboo

Trent Derrick Interview by Student Talks on Mixcloud

Prince George - Peace River - Northern Rockieso

Matt Shaw interview by Student Talks on Mixcloud

Prince George - Cariboo

Tracy Calogheros Interview by Student Talks on Mixcloud

Prince George - Cariboo

Richard Jaques Interview by Student Talks on Mixcloud

Prince George - Peace River - Northern Rockies

Elizabeth Biggar Interview by Student Talks on Mixcloud

Prince George - Cariboo

Sheldon Clare Interview by Student Talks on Mixcloud

Prince George - Cariboo

Adam de Kroon Interview by Student Talks on Mixcloud

Prince George - Cariboo

Doug Strachan Interview by Student Talks on Mixcloud

Prince George - Cariboo


Bob Zimmer Interview by Student Talks on Mixcloud

Prince George - Cariboo


Todd Doherty Interview by Student Talks on Mixcloud


If you would like to catch ALL the candidates in a discussion, they will be in attendance at UNBC Student Centre's Canfor Theatre, Thursday Oct. 8th @ 7pm.

The discussion will be moderated by Tracey Somerville of UNBC's Poli-Sci Department.

Lunar Eclipse of the Hart

The second and last total lunar eclipse of 2015 seen from Canada will occur on the night of September 27. Unlike the previous one in April where the west coast and central North America witnessed most of the eclipse, this event will be completely seen from the east. First contact or when the full Harvest Moon begins to slide into the Earth’s shadow occurs at 9:07 p.m. EDT. Mid eclipse will be at 10:47 p.m. EDT with the celestial show ending at 12:37 a.m. EDT. The is also the so-called Super Moon. 2015 09 chart 4

A total lunar eclipse is a very safe and awe inspiring event. During mid eclipse the moon turns copper orange as sunlight refracts through Earth’s atmosphere much like a deep red sunset we witness on Earth. This will be the last of four consecutive total lunar eclipses know as a tetrad. The next total eclipse will be on January 21, 2019.


Article courtesy of Gary Boyle

“The Backyard Astronomer”


Past President, Ottawa CentreRoyal Astronomical Society of Canada


Best and Worst of Reciprocity

Yo! I hope you know what the share shelf is at UNBC, your centre for reciprocity:


It’s on the third floor of the NUGSS building at UNBC. The idea is, you have some USEFUL that you no longer need. Instead of trashing it. Stick it on the shelf so your fellow humans in arms can continue to use it 😉

Here is the BEST of the reciprocity shelf this week. If you’re a dirtbag like me, you’re gonna love this! If you like to make fun of people from a distance, keep reading for the WORST of the reciprocity shelf 😀



are you balding? or plan on going bald? or predict that rainbow is the new dew for 2015?? then a wig suitcase could be your best bet when passing by the almighty reciprocity....cheeeeck iiit oouut foolksss!



dear: mr/mrs. apple drink dink

if you like apples and like them hot in your most people with a heart (sorry apple haters, no one actually thinks you don't have a just prefers a less desirable fruit) .... you take the evidence that proved its deliciousness...and dispose of it (in the greenest manner  possible of course).....because of you.....the hot apple deliciousness now ends up here..... an over exploited indisposed worstie.

Dance Party @ The Moose - Oct 2nd 2015 - Meet The Hosts


Hello CFURians!

Are you a volunteer? Are you a host? Have you thought about becoming one of these things? Have you thought about neither of these things, but just want to DANCE?

Well the doors of the Thirsty Moose Club are open to you on Friday October 2nd, if you're 19+ years old and have $5.00 in your hand (we like to pay our DJs). Witness the raw funk and soul talent of DJ Jazzy Jo & The Fresh Princess, while DJ Nelos spells out P-A-R-T-Y through the dynOmite sound system. (RSVP on Facebook)


cfur wants

You've never seen the Moose like this before, youve never seen the dance floor like this before. You've never seen the faces of these wild radio personalities before. Now you can! So mingle, become a volunteer if you like, and get your own show.

Dig it! See you there.

October 2nd 2015, 8pm @ the Thirsty Moose! on UNBC campus's NUGSS Building (#6)

Braden Gates Plays Tomorrow (Thurs 17 Sept) in College Heights

We are excited to announce the first Home Routes concert of the new season: Alberta's Braden Gates. Described as a "born raconteur," we anticipate Braden will put on a great show.

From Edmonton, Alberta, Braden Gates is quickly becoming one of the most intriguing singer/songwriters in the province. A born raconteur in both his songwriting and song introductions, he is often compared to a young Loudon Wainwright: for his similar grimacing as he hits the notes and the sharpness of his observation and sly humor. Drawn to those with a story to tell, Gates aims to communicate these stories in a way that brings people together – which is often the case in one of his intimate live shows. Gates’ second album, Ferris Wheel, is a combination of intricate guitar work, driving fiddle playing and honest story telling. Engineered by celebrated recording engineer and producer, Miles

DATE: Thursday, Sept 17th
TIME: 6 pm dinner, 7 pm show
PLACE: Private Residence, College Heights
COST: $20 at the door

Best Of Reciprocity Shelf - 15 Sept 2015

Yo! I hope you know what the share shelf is at UNBC, your centre for reciprocity: Reciprocate!

It's on the third floor of the NUGSS building at UNBC. The idea is, you have some USEFUL that you no longer need. Instead of trashing it. Stick it on the shelf so your fellow humans in arms can continue to use it ;)

Here is the BEST of the reciprocity shelf this week. If you're a dirtbag like me, you're gonna love this! If you like to make fun of people from a distance, stay tuned for best & WORST of the reciprocity shelf in the future :D

Bestie #1

Strain it!

A tea strainer with a screen on it and a plunger thing. WHAAAAT! Baby it's gettin' cold outside and this sucker will heat-you-up!

Bestie #2


Love it or hate it, snow is on its way. Snap this one up before it's toooo late. Picture yourself cruising down the snow plow pile and into the wildest half of the rest of your life!


My Peace River - #NoSiteC

My Peace River is a multimedia project showcasing the Peace Region by photographer Jodie Ponto and musician Jody Peck. The project was created in response to the threat of the Site C Dam on the Peace River. The two artist came together to raise awareness of the project around the province, and to celebrate the beauty of the Peace River. Jody Peck, also known as Miss Quincy, along with Twin Peaks, also from the Peace Region, will be releasing an EP with songs recorded live at the August 29th event Party For The Peace. All proceeds raised from the event and the sale of the EP will go directly to the Treaty 8 First Nations court battle against the Site C Dam.

Jodie Ponto has released postcards and will be selling prints of her photography to raise money and awareness for the court battle as well.

Pre-order the EP on Indiegogo and make sure to check out the store at to purchase prints and postcards.

They are also encouraging everyone to share photos and stories about the Peace Region via their Instagram and Facebook pages. Check out a sampling of these images below:



photo by @canadianacres



photo by @joanna_esau

"Love the Old Fort and the Mighty Peace " #mypeaceriver #nositec

Check out a CFUR live recording of one of the shows from the upcoming My Peace River EP: