
2016! An Unpopular, But Not Entirely Bad Year!


Happy New Year to you, our wonderful supporters and friends! While 2016 has been garnering rather unpopular reviews by most, we at CFUR look back on a year full of growth and good times here at the station! And the music! Egads, the music! 2016 may have taken a lot of greats off the bill, but there was a LOT of really good music released (both locally and otherwise), much to our delight.

Some of our favourite regional releases of 2016 include Blocktreat's Exciting New Ventures in Fucking Up, The Joey Only Outlaw Band's No More Trouble in the Peace, Flying Machine's Flying Machine EP and The Burden's Modern Disease.

As far as national and international acts, Tanya Tagaq's Retribution blew our minds, as well as Esperanza Spalding's Emily's D+Evolution, A Tribe Called Red's We Are the Halluci Nation, The Pack AD's Positive Thinking, Black Mountain's IV, and Damien Jurado's Visions of Us on the Land, amongst many other great albums released this year. Some of those are featured on Britt A.M.'s recent episode here:

[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

We look forward to another year of fantastic music coming down the pipe, and we THANK YOU, our listeners, for continuing to support us in bringing you music that highlights our local and regional scenes, as well as delivering some of the best independent and alternative music from across the land!

Here's to 2017!





Petition: Help protect Quesnel Lake!


Do you remember the Mount Polley Mine tailings dam failure in August 2014? This disastrous breach caused the loss of 17 million cubic meters of water and 8 million cubic meters of tailings/materials into Polley Lake, Hazeltine Creek and Quesnel Lake. As a long-term solution for wastewater management,

Imperial Metals is currently proposing to channel the mine's untreated effluent directly into Quesnel Lake.

Folks living in Cariboo communities (Likely, Big Lake, etc.) have put together a petition, urging the provincial government to look closer at potential long-term environmental impacts of this proposal.

You can help protect BC waterways + wildlife by signing this petition.

 It will be delivered to the BC Ministry of Environment, Minister of Environment of BC Mary Polak, and Cariboo North MLA Coralee Oakes. The petition page includes links to learn more about the issue, as well as Mary Polak's contact info.

Post by Dara Campbell

Site C Dam - Perspective of Yvonne Tupper, member of Saulteau First Nation


Yvonne Tupper of the Saulteau First Nation Speaks a Coresspondent at CFUR 88.7 FM in Prince George BC. Since the Peace River in British Columbia's Peace Country area was declared a working river, her family has been drastically affected by development along the river for generations. She shares her perspective on the most recent of British Columbia Hydro's major projects, the 8.8 Billion dollar Site-C Dam. Some information on the topic can be found at these sources:

You are encouraged to search out further sources and develop your own conclusions.


Pic Credit:

Donate to the Food Bank, win a Northern Sport Centre pass!

Wowzers! We have a 3-month pass to the Northern Sports Centre up for grabs!

All you have to do is bring a non-perishable food item to CFUR to enter the draw (which happens on Tuesday Dec. 5)!


#communityradio #gympass#sports #fooddrive #youwineitherway

All donations got to the NUGSS Food Bank

Accepting donations throughout the weekend.

Check us out on facebook!

[playlist ids="4656"]

Already have a pass? They make great gifts!

Alice In Wonderland Takes the Stage for Another 2 Nights!


Dine from the surreal buffet. From Nov-17th now to December 9th, take a romp through your imagination and out the other side in this year's fully original interpretation of Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland." It's an incredible journey through the perspective of a child, and the lens of the wisest mystic.

Get tickets & find out more here

The miniature orchestra pit, a performance in itself!






Go ask Alice...


UNBC makes a step forward


UNBC makes another step forward

by Grant Bachand


The University of Northern British Columbia and the Lheidli T’enneh signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The ceremony which was held Friday morning saw the unveiling of a sign at the entrance of UNBC in the Dakehl (Carrier) language which reads “House of Learning.” Accompanying the unveiling of the sign a Lheidli T'enneh flag has now been hoisted to fly high amongst the Canadian, British Columbia and Prince George flags.

“These permanent fixtures on campus are just more examples of how the UNBC community and the Lheidli T’enneh can continue to build a co-operative, long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationship where principles of respect, communication, trust and understanding will lead to positive and meaningful collaborations and partnerships.” - Daniel Weeks President of UNBC

This will be one of many steps forward in educating the students, staff and faculty at UNBC about the history of Prince George and the Lheidli T’enneh. Weeks talked about a new program going to be launched which will help educate new students, staff and faculty about the history as well.


Student Needs Approved!


            Yesterday, the Students Needs Committee (through councillor Jillian Merrick) proposed 6 ideas to City Council regarding ideas that students from UNBC, CNC, and SD57 wanted to see implemented. The Committee itself is made up from leadership students selected from each institution, and they meet multiple times over the school year to discuss what they would like to see in their education systems. Some of the points they brought up to Council were; better housing for students along with the addition of student housing in the downtown area, an improved transit system, and an increase in student engagement in the community along with adding more services and accessible facilities through the U Pass. Transport was one of the biggest issues the student committee addressed and it came up more than once in the meeting. The council saw the amount of people pushing for a boost in the quality of the transit system and approved a proposal to increase bus service during evenings, weekends, and stat holidays. The proposal is still waiting approval from BC Transit, but it should be implemented in September, just in time for the school year. However, it's not just about students, as some of the councillors brought up, but for all those who rely on transit. The Council unanimously voted in favour of both the transit and the 3 of the points the student needs committees brought up (the ones mentioned in this article) in hopes to help out the community some more.

Merrick stressed to council the importance in a quick approval, so the committee may receive some budgeting for the upcoming school year. She stated that the students of the committee believed that their next goal should be to take a more active role in the community. They want to not only give ideas but as well put on events that may fundraise for students groups/activities/etc , or simply get students out into the community. Merrick as well said that she didn't know exactly what the future holds for the group, but knows it gives a important perspective to issues in PG and is excited to see what happens when the group reconvenes in the school year.

-Laura Smith, Twitter: @lasmith98

Building Bridges at the Pride Parade


Prince George will soon be seeing a lot of colour, support, and love in its streets; because this weekend is pride weekend. The PG Pride society has been planning all year for their annual pride parade, and it's expected to be bigger than ever. This year marks it as its 19th annual,and  as PG pride president, Stacey Hewlett says, they have faced a lot of challenges over the years, but the support they have had from the community has been enormous. This year the parade is proud to be called the biggest parade in PG, and the weekend includes many other great activities. To start off the festivities, there will  be a 19 + drag show on july 8th at the Coast Inn of the North. The next day, on the Saturday, is when the festival and parade happens. It all starts at 10am with the parade at 11am.  The festival includes   food and item vendors, bouncy castles, a performance by the actors of Judy Russell's Mary Poppins,  a comedian, and more! The festival will be a great event for everyone and anyone. It will go until 4pm, but the entertainment, for those over 19, doesn't stop there. At 8pm you can head over to the Civic Center for the pride dance. It lasts all night, so prepare to party! If you are still awake enough for breakfast the next day, head down to the final event of the weekend, the Phoenix Breakfast,  happening at 11am in the Coast Inn of the North. It is the last event of the weekend but certainly not the least (A cliche , but in this case definitely true) . It is to honour the recipient of the Phoenix award, one who truly embodies the idea of ‘rising from the ashes’. The beautiful award was made by the  talented local artist Wendy Young.

President of PG Pride, Stacey Hewlett, says she is overwhelmed by the support the group has received around the entire event. She states that over the years her favourite part has always been the parade. She says that it is just amazing to see the way the community gets together and helps each other. She was born and raised in PG and says that not just the parade, but the whole city has grown. This year more than ever there has been an tremendous outreach from all parts of PG. City council is putting a float in the parade, Unions have been giving support, not  to  mention the police and ambulances that are going to help supervise the proceedings. It will be a truly spectacular weekend, and I am sure many will leave it feeling touched by the outpouring of love and support PG is able to offer. The theme of the weekend is building bridges and that will be very easy witness that first hand throughout the whole weekend. To get tickets for any of these events, excluding the festival which is free, head over to , and for more info check out Pg Pride's Facebook page or their website

-Laura Smith