
NUGSS under pressure to adopt Oversight Board


The Northern Undergraduate Student Society has been under pressure from a group of students to adopt an Oversight Board. NUGSS has been getting plenty of scrutiny after the AGM in October where they announced the student government body was in deep financial problems. Years of mismanagement of funds and unprofitable years of the Thirsty Moose Pub has led to NUGSS inability to pay certain debt obligations like $100,000 debt to BC Transit for the U - pass.

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These financial problems created many shocking announcements for the student body during that meeting. One announcement hit home for many students, and that was the possible closure of the Thirsty Moose Pub, a staple of UNBC life. This has motivated a group of students to ask "how has it come to this?"

Erike Searle and Chris King are two of those students, who plan to bring forward a motion on Wednesday, Feb 22nd's EGM (Extraordinary General meeting). The motion would effectively create a student elected board who would monitor the actions of the NUGSS  Executive Board to ensure they are complying with the wishes of students. The Oversight Board would scrutinize directors reports submitted by the NUGSS executive at the end of every month. According to the Facebook page "NUGSS Needs an Oversight Board" this is what they want to purpose.

"• 5 equal voting members elected by the student body at the same time every year as the regular NUGSS elections Powers: • To scrutinize and approve monthly director's reports • To under extreme circumstances, with sufficient grounds, and with the support of at least four of the five members of the Oversight Board bring a motion of censure, suspension, or impeachment against a member of the NUGSS Board of Directors Responsibilities: • To attend monthly meetings and hear monthly reports from the board of directors • To consistently act in the best interest of NUGSS Quorum: • At least four members of the oversight in must are in attendance to meet quorum" 

CFUR News sat down with Chris King one of the students heading Oversight Board Initiative 

According to King, the goal of this board is monitor what the directors are doing to ensure that proper usage of student funds are happening. There are concerns that current student representatives are claiming hours in their director reports which they are not doing. One of the most provocative parts of the proposal is the one to give powers to the Oversight Board to censure, suspended or impeach a member of the NUGSS Executive Board if the Oversight Board feels it is necessary. When asked about this part of the motion King said the only time a student would be impeached is if there was extremely unprofessional behavior, which has occurred. Example used was a past board where one student was coming to the meetings drunk.

Seth Jex Chair of Over the Edge and someone who is intimately involved in NUGSS spoke with CFUR stating "...this year we saw Johanne [Vice President of External Affairs] [experienced an attempted] impeachment, for missing board meetings. It is stated in the bylaws that if you miss three or more board meetings impeachment can be attempted." CFUR has learned though in the past NUGSS has given leeway to students in missing meetings to accommodate student busy lives. According to Jex if the use of this function is only needed in extream cases then it is unnecessary, this is because it is already in place and has been put to use by the current board.

CFUR has learned that NUGSS has been extremely dysfunctional this year with certain factions working against each other. Ana Saenz Vice President of Internal Affairs has stepped down from here position due to the dysfunctionality of the board. Ana Spoke to CFUR about the problems in NUGSS and why she and other board members are opposing the Oversight Committee.

Ana Saenz the Vice President of Internal Affairs, she is opposition to the Oversight Board

Arctica Cunningham, the President of NUGSS, sat down with CFUR to highlight the various issues being brought forward in the EGM and also the idea of the Oversight Board. When asked about the powers of censure, suspension, and impeachment which will be granted to this Oversight Board, she stated that is one of the areas which has divided the board.

"There are a lot of things that happen behind the scenes of student government organizations. A lot of work happens that if you haven't held a position like that before you don't realize the amount of expertise it takes, mistakes you make before you figure out what you are doing. There are concerns that there wouldn't be an understanding of what has happened behind the sense before a measure [Censure, Suspension, or Impeachment] like that is brought in" Cunningham stated. "I know the students have tried to write this to ensure that these are last ditch efforts."

Currently, NUGSS polices themselves regarding appropriate conduct of the board. However, in the current state of NUGSS, the board is prone to infighting and use of the impeachment mechanism.

CFUR sat down with Arctica Cunningham President of NUGSS

Cunningham also states in the interview that NUGSS was able to pay the $100,000.00 debt to BC Transit with help from UNBC. NUGSS also put in place a debt management police and others to ensure that NUGSS is not spending money or borrowing money without greater consideration. NUGSS also wants to reduce the board size from eleven to eight people. A possible increase of $6.50, to student fees at the Prince George Campus, is also on the table.

The impacts of the EGM are likely to have a bearing on the upcoming NUGSS election. Already CFUR has heard that the position of President will be contested. It is unsure what the outcomes of the EGM will be but it is sure to have students divided.


Wednesday, Feb. 22 2017

NUSC Space at 11 am

Rocking Out at the Legion


On Friday, January 13th, Legion Branch 43 was bursting with music. In the show, put on by CFUR, four sets of performers took the stage and got everyone dancing and rocking along with them. Sean Wesley Wood, Crones, Flying Machine, and the Karl Wyssen Trio kept the audience at the Legion enthusiastic and demanding encores. For the most part, the music from each band was a mix of rock and alternative rock genres. However, a few of the songs provided the audience with a different sound. "Surf Detective" by Crones was one song that did this. By using different settings on their microphones and electric keyboard, the band was able to give the song a futuristic sound that peaked the interest of the audience.

The Crones

The bands performed well into the night, but no one was tired. The air of the Legion was filled with energy and adrenaline. And when the performers weren't up on stage, they were on the floor dancing and rocking out with the rest of the audience.

By the time Crones took the stage, more than half of the audience had let loose and taken to the dance floor.

One of the highlights of the night was Rocking Ronnie, a performer who joined the Karl Wyssen Trio in a few songs with his harmonica. You wouldn't think that someone could rock so hard with an instrument like the harmonica, but Ronnie blew the audience away with his playing. From the very beginning of the show, Ronnie tried to get the audience involved and out of their shells by grooving to the songs of Sean, Crones, and Flying Machine.

Overall, the performances were impressive and left the audience at the Legion wanting more. By the end of the night, the mood was set and no one wanted to go home.

Article and photography by: Sarah Green

SHOW REVIEW: Songs Carry On; Remembering Musicians Lost in 2016 - January 7, 2017


Last Saturday at The Legion, took place the show Songs Carry On, to pay tribute to some of the great world-known musicians that died last year. Conceived by musician Britt Meierhofer, the concert brought together local artists to perform their favorite songs by legends like David Bowie, Prince and George Michael. “I chose songs by artists that have impacted and influenced me to some degree,” said Britt, who played The Bottle Let Me Down by Merle Haggard, 100 Days 100 Nights by Sharon Jones and Modern Love by David Bowie, among other songs. The Juno Lounge of the Legion Branch 43 is a place dedicated to the military veterans and their families. Everybody that enters the place is asked to take their hat or cap off in respect to those people who served the country. This act, in a certain way, helped all present demonstrate their respect for the amazing dead artists that contributed to transforming the music scene. “I think the show went well, the turnout was better than expected and everyone was very kind and supportive,” evaluated Britt.

Some of the poems by Leonard Cohen, such as My Mother Is Not Dead and This Isn't China, were read by Jordan Tucker between performances. Tucker opened the night with one of them and handed the microphone to Sean Wesley Wood, who created a melancholic atmosphere during his performance, playing his versions of songs like The Heat Is On by Glenn Frey. Nathan Kelly animated the audience, singing some of Prince’s, David Bowie’s and George Michael’s songs with great success, like TVC 15 (Bowie), Faith (Michael) and I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man (Prince). Naomi Kavka kept up the vibrant climate by singing Life on Mars by David Bowie and Careless Whisper by George Michael. At some point, all the local artists played together making the crowd dance. The show that began minimalist and intimate ended joyful and vivacious, like a big part of the awesome musicians that were honored that night. 

- Photo and article by Fernanda Paulilo

2016! An Unpopular, But Not Entirely Bad Year!


Happy New Year to you, our wonderful supporters and friends! While 2016 has been garnering rather unpopular reviews by most, we at CFUR look back on a year full of growth and good times here at the station! And the music! Egads, the music! 2016 may have taken a lot of greats off the bill, but there was a LOT of really good music released (both locally and otherwise), much to our delight.

Some of our favourite regional releases of 2016 include Blocktreat's Exciting New Ventures in Fucking Up, The Joey Only Outlaw Band's No More Trouble in the Peace, Flying Machine's Flying Machine EP and The Burden's Modern Disease.

As far as national and international acts, Tanya Tagaq's Retribution blew our minds, as well as Esperanza Spalding's Emily's D+Evolution, A Tribe Called Red's We Are the Halluci Nation, The Pack AD's Positive Thinking, Black Mountain's IV, and Damien Jurado's Visions of Us on the Land, amongst many other great albums released this year. Some of those are featured on Britt A.M.'s recent episode here:

[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/britt-meierhofer/this-is-britt-am-episode-39-my-2016-faves/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

We look forward to another year of fantastic music coming down the pipe, and we THANK YOU, our listeners, for continuing to support us in bringing you music that highlights our local and regional scenes, as well as delivering some of the best independent and alternative music from across the land!

Here's to 2017!





Mob Bounce: Vision Quest

Since joining forces in 2010, The Northwest Kid (Craig Frank Edes) and Heebz The Earthchild (Travis Hebert) have released a mixtape, dropped a full-length album, performed alongside the likes of A Tribe Called Red and Born Ruffians, and gained a devoted social media following in the thousands — all without ever stepping foot inside a professional recording studio. That all changed on July 22, 2016, when the boys from Mob Bounce made their studio debut. But it wasn’t just any studio. Owned by Canadian icon Bryan Adams, and connected to artists like AC/DC and Justin Bieber, The Warehouse Studio occupies three stories of Vancouver’s oldest brick building in the heart of Gastown.

With access to killer acoustics, cutting-edge equipment and the keen ear of esteemed producer/engineer Eric Mosher, Mob Bounce spent the day creating a mind-blowing recording of Vision Quest. In this premiere episode of DD Studio Sessions, you are taken behind the scenes of their epic session and share the exclusive first look at the finished product.


Story Credit via Digital Drum

Petition: Help protect Quesnel Lake!


Do you remember the Mount Polley Mine tailings dam failure in August 2014? This disastrous breach caused the loss of 17 million cubic meters of water and 8 million cubic meters of tailings/materials into Polley Lake, Hazeltine Creek and Quesnel Lake. As a long-term solution for wastewater management,

Imperial Metals is currently proposing to channel the mine's untreated effluent directly into Quesnel Lake.

Folks living in Cariboo communities (Likely, Big Lake, etc.) have put together a petition, urging the provincial government to look closer at potential long-term environmental impacts of this proposal.

You can help protect BC waterways + wildlife by signing this petition.

 It will be delivered to the BC Ministry of Environment, Minister of Environment of BC Mary Polak, and Cariboo North MLA Coralee Oakes. The petition page includes links to learn more about the issue, as well as Mary Polak's contact info.


Post by Dara Campbell

New LIVE Blocktreat video!


Brandon Hoffman, also known as Blocktreat, has released a brand new video of a live outdoor performance! Here's what Brandon had to say about the video: "A big reason I got into instrumental music was to escape the negativity of the real world. Making and listening to instrumental music is so important for maintaining my sanity when shit starts going sideways. Lately with all this talk of western politics entering a 'post-truth' era, with Trump getting elected, then with Leonard dying, I feel like folks could use a little more space to just be comfortable with their thoughts (at least I do!). It's kind of a guilty satisfaction that my music feels more relevant the bleaker the news cycle gets."

This is Blocktreat's first live music video, shot on the Traditional Territory of the Secwempemc Nation (Williams Lake BC) in the fall of 2016. In the distance, plumes of steam bellow out of a power plant, which has recently received BC Ministry of Environment approval to burn millions of creosote-soaked railroad ties. This decision has caused a tear in the rural interior community, still struggling to overcome the 2014 breach of the Mount Polly Mine, which received national media coverage. Follow Your Stupid Heart is about keeping cool when the path seems impossibly murky.


Brandon Hoffman - mandolin and electronics

Brent Morton - drums

Shot by Rick Magnell and Casey Bennett

Edited by Sam Tudor

Donate to the Food Bank, win a Northern Sport Centre pass!

Wowzers! We have a 3-month pass to the Northern Sports Centre up for grabs!

All you have to do is bring a non-perishable food item to CFUR to enter the draw (which happens on Tuesday Dec. 5)!


#communityradio #gympass#sports #fooddrive #youwineitherway

All donations got to the NUGSS Food Bank

Accepting donations throughout the weekend.

Check us out on facebook!

[playlist ids="4656"]

Already have a pass? They make great gifts!