
15th Annual Homelessness Marathon - Airs 3am Wednesday Feb. 22nd


The 15th Annual Homelessness Marathon

Airs 3am Wednesday Feb. 22nd to 4:30am Feb. 23rd

Scheduled times below are shown in AST.  Convert times to PST using this convenient online source.

7pm CiTR (Vancouver, BC): Profiles of folk who live and work in the Downtown Eastside live from Megaphone Magazine; along with discussion of the opioid crisis and the resilience/activism with which the community has faced it.

8pm CICK (Smithers, BC): A compilation of interviews from people living on the street and those who provide services to them.

9pm CJSR (Edmonton, AB): Intimate portraits of individuals in academia who have experienced homelessness.

10pm CJSR (Edmonton, AB): Exploring displacement, specifically the challenges faced by newcomers to Canada and the displacement of Edmonton’s homelessness population.

11pm CKUT (Montreal, QC): A discussion featuring the voices of women of colour on homelessness and communities of colour.

12am CKUT (Montreal, QC): An open format space for people to share their experiences.

1am Local-FM (Saint John, NB): The FEMCORE Collective interviews local figures about the role of gender in homelessness. Abigail Smith speaks with Jennifer Megeney from the Coverdale Women’s Centre, and Diane Kerns and Julie Dingwell from AIDS Saint John.

2am CIVL (Abbotsford, BC): A discussion of issues pertaining to homelessness on the West Coast.

3am CHUO (Ottawa, ON): Interviews with people currently experiencing homelessness in Ottawa.

4am CKXU (Lethbridge, AB): Interviews with support workers involved in Lethbridge homelessness initiatives.

5am CFUR (Prince George, BC): Interviews with people working on the front line and people who have, or are presently, experiencing homelessness.

6am CFUZ (Penticton, BC): Focusing on themes of “Sharing When You Have Nothing” and ‘Keeping Your Dignity When You Are Ostracized.”

6:30am Groundwire: A collaborative production of community radio producers across Canada present a collection of pieces relating to homelessness.

7am CFCR (Saskatoon, SK): Laundry List – Women & Gender Topics

7:30am CFCR (Saskatoon, SK): Civically Speaking – Local Saskatoon Civic Politics

8am CFCR (Saskatoon, SK): Snake Mountain Mixtape – Open Music Show

NUGSS under pressure to adopt Oversight Board


The Northern Undergraduate Student Society has been under pressure from a group of students to adopt an Oversight Board. NUGSS has been getting plenty of scrutiny after the AGM in October where they announced the student government body was in deep financial problems. Years of mismanagement of funds and unprofitable years of the Thirsty Moose Pub has led to NUGSS inability to pay certain debt obligations like $100,000 debt to BC Transit for the U - pass.

Related Stories

These financial problems created many shocking announcements for the student body during that meeting. One announcement hit home for many students, and that was the possible closure of the Thirsty Moose Pub, a staple of UNBC life. This has motivated a group of students to ask "how has it come to this?"

Erike Searle and Chris King are two of those students, who plan to bring forward a motion on Wednesday, Feb 22nd's EGM (Extraordinary General meeting). The motion would effectively create a student elected board who would monitor the actions of the NUGSS  Executive Board to ensure they are complying with the wishes of students. The Oversight Board would scrutinize directors reports submitted by the NUGSS executive at the end of every month. According to the Facebook page "NUGSS Needs an Oversight Board" this is what they want to purpose.

"• 5 equal voting members elected by the student body at the same time every year as the regular NUGSS elections Powers: • To scrutinize and approve monthly director's reports • To under extreme circumstances, with sufficient grounds, and with the support of at least four of the five members of the Oversight Board bring a motion of censure, suspension, or impeachment against a member of the NUGSS Board of Directors Responsibilities: • To attend monthly meetings and hear monthly reports from the board of directors • To consistently act in the best interest of NUGSS Quorum: • At least four members of the oversight in must are in attendance to meet quorum" 

CFUR News sat down with Chris King one of the students heading Oversight Board Initiative 

According to King, the goal of this board is monitor what the directors are doing to ensure that proper usage of student funds are happening. There are concerns that current student representatives are claiming hours in their director reports which they are not doing. One of the most provocative parts of the proposal is the one to give powers to the Oversight Board to censure, suspended or impeach a member of the NUGSS Executive Board if the Oversight Board feels it is necessary. When asked about this part of the motion King said the only time a student would be impeached is if there was extremely unprofessional behavior, which has occurred. Example used was a past board where one student was coming to the meetings drunk.

Seth Jex Chair of Over the Edge and someone who is intimately involved in NUGSS spoke with CFUR stating "...this year we saw Johanne [Vice President of External Affairs] [experienced an attempted] impeachment, for missing board meetings. It is stated in the bylaws that if you miss three or more board meetings impeachment can be attempted." CFUR has learned though in the past NUGSS has given leeway to students in missing meetings to accommodate student busy lives. According to Jex if the use of this function is only needed in extream cases then it is unnecessary, this is because it is already in place and has been put to use by the current board.

CFUR has learned that NUGSS has been extremely dysfunctional this year with certain factions working against each other. Ana Saenz Vice President of Internal Affairs has stepped down from here position due to the dysfunctionality of the board. Ana Spoke to CFUR about the problems in NUGSS and why she and other board members are opposing the Oversight Committee.

Ana Saenz the Vice President of Internal Affairs, she is opposition to the Oversight Board

Arctica Cunningham, the President of NUGSS, sat down with CFUR to highlight the various issues being brought forward in the EGM and also the idea of the Oversight Board. When asked about the powers of censure, suspension, and impeachment which will be granted to this Oversight Board, she stated that is one of the areas which has divided the board.

"There are a lot of things that happen behind the scenes of student government organizations. A lot of work happens that if you haven't held a position like that before you don't realize the amount of expertise it takes, mistakes you make before you figure out what you are doing. There are concerns that there wouldn't be an understanding of what has happened behind the sense before a measure [Censure, Suspension, or Impeachment] like that is brought in" Cunningham stated. "I know the students have tried to write this to ensure that these are last ditch efforts."

Currently, NUGSS polices themselves regarding appropriate conduct of the board. However, in the current state of NUGSS, the board is prone to infighting and use of the impeachment mechanism.

CFUR sat down with Arctica Cunningham President of NUGSS

Cunningham also states in the interview that NUGSS was able to pay the $100,000.00 debt to BC Transit with help from UNBC. NUGSS also put in place a debt management police and others to ensure that NUGSS is not spending money or borrowing money without greater consideration. NUGSS also wants to reduce the board size from eleven to eight people. A possible increase of $6.50, to student fees at the Prince George Campus, is also on the table.

The impacts of the EGM are likely to have a bearing on the upcoming NUGSS election. Already CFUR has heard that the position of President will be contested. It is unsure what the outcomes of the EGM will be but it is sure to have students divided.


Wednesday, Feb. 22 2017

NUSC Space at 11 am

Disability Insurance as a Financial Strategy


We talked to Kevin Plouffe of MPY Financial Strategies here in Prince George to discuss how insurance can actually be used as a financial strategy. Good to know if you're striking it out on your own, you've finished school, starting a new business, are in the work force, or heading into the work force. Whatever industry you're in or headed towards, there is likely a risk associated with it. The opportunity to learn how to mitigate it is here.#howtohedgeyourbets!

You can catch a free seminar on the topic on March 6th @ UNBC's Senate Chambers 1-3 pm @ CNC's Rm 1306 4-6 pm It's open to the public, questions are welcome, with snacks and refreshments provided.

Email or call Wendie to register: 250-563-1212



Petition: Help protect Quesnel Lake!


Do you remember the Mount Polley Mine tailings dam failure in August 2014? This disastrous breach caused the loss of 17 million cubic meters of water and 8 million cubic meters of tailings/materials into Polley Lake, Hazeltine Creek and Quesnel Lake. As a long-term solution for wastewater management,

Imperial Metals is currently proposing to channel the mine's untreated effluent directly into Quesnel Lake.

Folks living in Cariboo communities (Likely, Big Lake, etc.) have put together a petition, urging the provincial government to look closer at potential long-term environmental impacts of this proposal.

You can help protect BC waterways + wildlife by signing this petition.

 It will be delivered to the BC Ministry of Environment, Minister of Environment of BC Mary Polak, and Cariboo North MLA Coralee Oakes. The petition page includes links to learn more about the issue, as well as Mary Polak's contact info.

Post by Dara Campbell

Site C Dam - Perspective of Yvonne Tupper, member of Saulteau First Nation


Yvonne Tupper of the Saulteau First Nation Speaks a Coresspondent at CFUR 88.7 FM in Prince George BC. Since the Peace River in British Columbia's Peace Country area was declared a working river, her family has been drastically affected by development along the river for generations. She shares her perspective on the most recent of British Columbia Hydro's major projects, the 8.8 Billion dollar Site-C Dam. Some information on the topic can be found at these sources:

You are encouraged to search out further sources and develop your own conclusions.


Pic Credit:

NUGSS goes into more detail


CFUR News reported yesterday after the NUGSS annual general meeting that the organization was coming on hard times. We sat down with Eric Depenau who is the Vice President of Finance for NUGSS.  

Listen to the Full Interview here:

[mixcloud width="300" height="200" cover="1" mini="1" light="1" autoplay="1" tracklist="1" artwork="1" iframe="true" ][/mixcloud]


At present NUGSS is facing a $99,000 dollar deficit and $49,000 short term debt load for a loan taken out in 2010 to deal with operational revenue short falls. The final aspect to the NUGSS debt loan is on $1.8 million for a loan used to renovate the NUSC space when NUGSS originally started leasing the space from UNBC.

The loan which was originally for $100,000 and was from Bank of Montreal was taken out in 2010.

Subleasing the Thirsty Moose space, Degrees coffee shop as well as the office spaces on the top floor of the NUSC are one of a couple options NUGSS is looking at to balance the budget. Other options are raising the prices of food, or even the possible closure of the Thirsty Moose Pub and Degrees. Right now NUGSS is in talks with some outside groups to take over these business however nothing is definitive and they may not even go down that road, Depenau stressed.

Depenau stressed the idea that the past boards of NUGSS did the best job they could with the information they had. He also felt strongly that these austerity should put NUGSS in a better position as long as they also stick to long term planning. It is unclear after this interview if insitutional measures around accountability will be put in place after this trouble but on thing is sure NUGSS is keeping an open mind.

For more information:

*Updated as new information is learned*

NUGSS Hits Rough Waters


The Northern Undergraduate Student Society got some stark news from their auditor KPMG that shows the organization has taken losses year over year. The historical mismanagement of funds has led to a $100,000 debt to BC Transit for the Upass. NUGSS hopes to repay this back by the end of BC Transits fiscal year however that will require strict austerity measures. Eric Depeneau (left) delivering heavy news with Duncan Malkinson (GM) to the right

VP Finance:

According to KPMG “Negative cash flows from operations in the current year and has a working capital and general fund deficiency … these conditions, along with other matters indicate the existence of material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt about UNBC Northern Undergraduate Student Societies ability to continue as an ongoing concern”.

One of the first measures NUGSS is taking is to work with the university to ensure that student fee's go up to match CPI indexing. This was approved by the student population in 2012 but was never acted on, and therefore "tens of thousands" of dollars has been lost according to NUGSS.

The student health and dental reserve fund has not be properly built up over the years. The funds that were supposed to be going into this reserve were being allocated to general revenue instead. That has been changed and for the future funds will now consistently go to this fund in order to ensure that there is a backup in place.

The Student and Conference building is another area of concern. According to NUGSS $373,341 in "Building Fees" that ensure the upkeep of the Student Centre building, have also been going to operating costs instead. NUGSS plans to pull back on the spending of "building fees" for general operation over the years in order to build up a backup fund for the buildings repairs and maintenance needs.

dsc_1689In order to meet these mounting problems the Moose and Degrees are being looked at. Both NUGSS businesses lose money and it has been stated that that must to change. The board has asked management to look into possible solutions for both organizations. Reductions in hours, raising costs of products, leasing out of space to other organizations, or possibly even the closure of the business all together are on the table.

Other changes NUGSS will be looking at:

  • The board of NUGSS is looking to cut the current boards pay by 7.27%
  • General Manager volunteered to cut pay by 20%
  • Decrease MAC funding by 20% until current obligations are met
  • Get more tenants along the top floor of NUSC
  • Current tenants, Example CFUR, Over the Edge, Pride Centre, PGPIRG, will begin to be charged
  • Will not be shouldering the financial burden of Northern Students Give Back next year
  • GM to reduce risk and cost of the Backyard BBQ next year
  • No plans for direct oversight of NUGGS is on the table

These changes are by far extensive and far reaching however according to NUGSS necessary to ensure the past years of financial mismanagement are remedied.

*Update 10/27/2016* When asked about whether the financial mismanagement in the past would prompt more oversight of NUGSS. General Manager Duncan Malkinson replied that it is the purpose of the annual general meeting to hold NUGSS accountable.

Grant Bachand - News Director, @grantbachand

Due North Interview with Dr. Oscar Venter


Due North had Dr. Oscar Venter in the studio to discuss his research on the human impact on the environment. Dr.Venter highlights how the economic rate is growing but yet the environment impact is not keeping pace with it, could this mean we are getting more efficient? Dr. Venter explains what it all means. To see his map on human impact on the environment here is a link.


Interview with Spencer Morphy, of The Velveteins - 20160816


In August of 2016, we caught up with Spencer Morphy, of The Velveteins during breakfast and talked labels, surf, winter, and more. Check out their sound on bandcamp:

...and tune in to 88.7FM to catch them during the Barrage of Garage, Ether in the Attic, and soooo much more

Here's the interview:


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