
Today's Top Wikipedia Edits: Make June 23 an Official UK Independence Day from the EU


According to Wikipedia:- "Canada is frequently described as nice" on Wikipedia's site for "Kindness" - "Sonic the Hedgehog's popularity inspired a number of unofficial variants, such as Somari, a pirated Nintendo conversion game featuring Mario in levels from the original Sonic the Hedgehog Megamix" - James Bond's 2012 film Skyfall was added to Wikipedia's "List of Films Featuring Home Invasions" - "There have been discussions by British politicians and public figures, as well as general public appeals and e-petitions to government on making June 23 an annual celebrated Independence Day in the UK," following the UK referendum to leave the EU (i.e. Brexit vote)

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to WikiNews Tuesdays at 1pm and Saturdays at noon. Right here on CFUR 88.7 FM.





Today's Top Wikipedia Edits: Man Killed by Exploding Lava Lamp


According to Wikipedia:

  • Lava Lamp: "In 2004, a man was killed by a lava lamp on a kitchen stove. Heat from the stove built up pressure in the lamp until it exploded and a shard pierced his heart, causing fatal injuries.
  • Footbag: In footbag net, players volley a footbag back and forth over a five-foot-high net. This game combines elements of tennis, badminton, and volleyball. Play in footbag net is very similar to Sepak Takraw: NET NET NET NET NET NET NET NET NET NET NET NET NET NUSHACK NET NET NET NET NET NET NET NET NET NET NET NET NUSHACK
  • History of firefighting: "The first ever Roman fire brigade was created by Marcus Licinius Crassus. One of his most lucrative schemes took advantage of the fact that Rome had no fire department, so Crassus created his own brigade. Upon arriving at the scene, however, the firefighters did nothing while their employer bargained over the price of their services with the distressed property owner. If Crassus could not negotiate a satisfactory price, his men simply let the structure burn, after which he offered to purchase it for a fraction of its value.

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to WikiNews Tuesdays at 1pm and Saturdays at noon. Right here on CFUR 88.7 FM.






Celtic Fire Season 12 Episode 12 Christmas Show

A very special episode tonight - not only is it the annual Christmas show, but I am also paying tribute to an exceptional lady who was taken from us this past weekend. Tune in to hear a tribute to Margaret Coyle. Also on the show, songs by Coig, Fiona Mackenzie, and Mary Ann Kennedy and Rachel Walker will be featured so tune in!

Happy holidays and all the best to you and yours in the new year!



Today's Top Wikipedia Edits: Donald Trump Uses Cheetos as Facial Concealer


According to Wikipedia:

  • "Cheetos have been the subject of public and media attention on multiple occasions due to Donald Trump using them as facial concealer and the unpredictable shapes that form during the manufacturing process"
  • Wikipedia's site for Cranberry [Previous edit]: "Two comprehensive reviews of available research concluded that there is no evidence that cranberry compounds are effective in preventing urinary tract infections
  • Wikipedia's site for Cranberry [Revised edit]: "Many studies conclude that there are benefits treating urinary tract infections with cranberries in various forms"
  • Wikipedia's site for Spane was redirected to Spain, because "Spane is currently being discussed by the Wikipedia community. The outcome of the discussion may result in a change of this page, or possibly its deletion in accordance with Wikipedia's deletion policy"

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to WikiNews Tuesdays at 1pm and Saturdays at noon. Right here on CFUR 88.7 FM.



Audiomap / Melbourne


Here is the latest episode of Audiomap! This morning I watched season 5 / episode 2 of Girls. At the end of the episode, Hannah is comforting her sad dad while Roll Up Your Sleeves by Meg Mac plays in the background. It felt very up-lifted. And so, I was inspired to play tunes from Meg's hometown - Melbourne, Australia. Thanks for reading my story and also thanks for listening to CFUR 88.7FM.

Post by Dara Campbell

Celtic Fire Season 12 Episode 11 Countdown to Christmas #3

Just three songs closer to Christmas! Next week is the annual Christmas show with all fantastic Celtic Christmas music coming your way. This week, however, we are just three songs short of a full show. Have a listen to Rita MacNeil, Fiona Mackenzie, the Rankin sisters, J.P. Cormier and more!  




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Today's Top Wikipedia Edits: Scrooge McDuck is the Richest Duck in the World


According to Wikipedia:

  • List of Wealthiest Animals: "Flossie, a dog owned by Drew Barrymore, barked to alert then-husband Tom Green of a fire. Barrymore then put her house in trust for  Flossie to show her gratitude.... Scrooge McDuck is the richest duck in the world"
  • Culture, blueberries, São Paolo, and coffee milk no longer exist
  • Melania Trump "will be the second foreign-born First Lady of the United States, following Louisa Adams in 1825, and the only First Lady to date not born a citizen of the United States or in what would later become the United States"

For more Wikipedia edits, tune in to WikiNews on Tuesdays at 1pm and Saturdays at noon. Right here on CFUR 88.7 FM.




Celtic Fire Season 12 Episode 10: The Countdown Continues!!

The second in the Countdown to Christmas mini season on Celtic Fire! Just two more shows until I break for the Christmas Break...and then only a week to go until the big day itself. On tonight's show: Eoghan MacDonald, Eric Angus Whyte, The Barra MacNeils and more! Tune on in!  



Celtic Fire Season 12 Episode 9: The Countdown Begins!

The annual Countdown to Christmas season begins on Celtic Fire tonight. Christmas music gradually takes over the show every week until the week before Christmas where it is all Celtic Christmas music. On tonight's show: Coig (the focus album for this month), Dominique Dodge, fiddler Dara MacDonald, One Tongue, and many more!  

