
Summer Festival Guide - north/central BC 2015

OK! It is officially the mid-point of summer. It is officially time to scrunch all 8 months of summer dreaming into the always down to party running around flailing in fields best friends of the year months of July and August. If your winter dreams include big skies accompanied by acoustic guitar, dancing barefoot like a pirate to accordions, eating from food trucks and car trunks, setting up tents at dusk, sipping sweet Wells scotch, and walking beneath big owl heads on stilts, look no further than some of the stunning summer music festivals of northern/central BC. This list is not exhaustive but will get the ball rolling!


Midsummer Music Festival – Smithers BC, July 3/4/5

Local favs: Black Spruce Bog, Rachelle Van Zanten, Miss Quincy & The Showdown

From afar: Pick a Piper, Adrian Glynn & Fringe Percussion, Napoleon Skywalker

Website: http://smithersmusicfest.com/


Arts on The Fly – Horesfly BC, July 10-11

Home town legends: Pharis & Jason Romero, Bernadette Ducharme, Marin Patenaude, Little Horsefly Country Band

Must see: Sam Tudor, Sober Becky, Blocktreat, Dawn Pemberton, Power Duo

Website: http://artsonthefly.com/


Atlin Arts & Music Festival - Atlin BC, July 10th-11

Holy macaroni: Ian Tyson, Death, Dana Sipos, Soda Pony

Visual Art: Jeanine Baker, Emma Barr, Mary Beattie


Willow River Daze – Willow River BC, July 11th

Black Spruce Bog! And best Chili making contest! CHILI!!


Prince George 100th Anniversary Celebration Lheidli T'enneh Park July 17 - Prince George BC

Music in a Park:The Pucks! Black Spruce Bog!

Pucks and Bogs ! OMG Canada.


Canolafest - Taylor BC, July 18th

Headliner: The Roadhammers – Juno nominated country

Local Favs: Lorissa Scriven, Folky Strum Strum, CC Brooks and The Dog Pony Show

Website: http://canolafest.com


Bella Cool Music Festival - Bella Coola BC, July 18th/19th

Oh me oh my: Fred Penner, Barney Bentall, Harpoonist & The Axe Murderer, Logan Staats, CR Avery, Miss Quincy & The Showdown

Website: bellacoolamusic.org


Grassy Plains Music Festival - Grassy Plains BC, July 17th-18th

PG Proud: Kym Gouchie, Black Spruce Bog


Hootstock Music Festival – Forest Grove BC, July 24-25

Must see: Winona Wilde, Twin Peaks, Joey Only, Red Haven, Doug Koyama, The Grid Pickers, Dead Body Juice

Stomping around dancing bands: Saturn Alien, Tax Free Liquor, Devil In The Woodshack, Folky Strum Strum



Artswells Festival of All Things Art – Wells BC, July 31-July2

You may have heard of: The Wooden Sky, Rodney DeCroo, Copilots, Sarah Burton

BC Favs: Bend Sinister, Colin Cowan & The Elastic Stars, Kym Gouchie, Navaz, The Chimney Swallows, Twin Peaks

Website: www.artswells.com


Robson Valley Music Festival  – Dunster BC, August 14-15

Check Out: Compassion Gorilla, Buckman Coe, Quique Escamilla, Old Time Honey

If you missed them earlier: Twin Peaks, Black Spruce Bog, Dead Body Juice

Website: http://www.robsonvalleymusicfestivalbc.com/


Music on The Mountain – Fort St James BC, August 21-23

Say goodbye to summer with: Drum & Bell Tower, Liz Stringer, Annie Becker, Barefoot Caravan, Dave Soroka, Devon Cayote, Dido Ne Drum & Dance

Website: http://momfestival.com/


music fest

Winona Wilde Album Review: You Loose Some, You Loose Some

New Music Review: Winona Wilde's You Loose Some, You Loose Some winona


Winona Wilde grabbed my hand and took me on a wagon ride touring her dynamic genre spanning 10 songs on “You Loose Some, You Loose Some”. From the trumpet speckled “Dating Song” which features Winona’s wit and humour alongside perfectly placed horn (which surely could make the grumpiest of cats to wiggle), to her wisdom and grit in the acapella’s “Six Feet of Earth Pt 1 & Pt 2”, to the smoky vocals and jazzed up arrangement with “Sugar Mama”, she showcases her diverse range and musical ability all without loosing ground of her own sound.

Tom Waits fans will find themselves nostalgic with “Winona’s Blues”, an unhurried but consistent waltz that made me feel as though I was being led along the dusty trails of a travelling musician. And then there is the simple yet potent acoustic “I Can Shout Louder”. This is my personal favourite, conjuring up feelings of my own stubbourness and strong will. This short but sweet gem leaves the listener feeling the fight and power of a strong woman on a mission. Rounding out the album is “Pop & Chips for the Apocalypse”, a solo piano ballad that beautifully paints the tensions of modern living and present day destructions, while still finding space to survive and thrive. At the end of this wagon ride, I felt as though I made a new friend, one who will always surprise me. Winona Wilde don’t mind looking the truth hard in the eye, she stares it down and then paints it out loud with the sweetness and depth of a deep brown sugar and a cool yet unflinching honesty.

You can catch Winona Wilde here in northern BC at these smashing events:

July 24-26 Hootstock Music Festival, near Williams Lake BC

July 28-30 Songwriting Camp, Wells BC

July 31-August 3 Artswells, Wells BC

You can also listen to her tunes on the airwaves from 9-10 am on our daily local show Due North.




coyotes The NHL has had a pet project for the past half-dozen years or so: the Arizona Coyotes. Hell, they were originally the Phoenix Coyotes when they came from Winnipeg in one of the worst franchise moves of any sport. The situation that the current “Yotes” face is one of absolute ridiculousness; they do not have a place to play their home games. The government of the city of Glendale has decided in its infinite wisdom to lock out the NHL franchise by ripping up their arena contract mere months before the team is set to step back onto the ice for the next season. The reason that the government ended the deal was for two reasons. First, the team has lost a grand total of $30 million over the past fiscal year, which includes the government giving them $15 million as part of the original arena deal. Second, a representative of the government’s negotiating committee during the arena deal flipped over to the Coyotes right after the deal was done. The government actually had a clause in the agreement in which if someone defected to the other side, the deal was open to being cancelled. A lot of people have been bagging on the Glendale officials for the way they have handled the whole situation, but I have one response to their actions; it’s about damn time! The Coyotes should not be in the state of Arizona to begin with. There are so many better places that the team could relocate to in a manner of months; here are the three that have been rumored.

1) Seattle: Seattle is the perfect market for a team like the Coyotes to move because of the rich sports atmosphere that already exists. The Seattle Mariners have one of the best fan bases despite being in a relatively small market comparative to other MLB teams. The Seattle Seahawks are not only just a year removed from hoisting the Vince Lombardi trophy, but they have the best fans in the NFL. The 12th man has never been as stronger in the northwest of the United States. Put in a team that, not only is a playoff contender most of the time, but has one of the best prospect talent pools in the entire league. With the likes of Tobias Reider and Oliver Ekman-Larson already anchoring the offense and defensive cores, the Yotes have young guns Max Domi and Anthony Duclair rising through the ranks. Now add 2 more 1st round draft picks in this year’s NHL draft and now the Coyotes are a team that the Seattle fans can go nuts over in the next couple of years. Couple the exciting team with the natural rivalry that will inevitably come to an outstanding boiling point with the Vancouver Canucks. Canucks fans should not kid themselves, their team is definitely an even match with the Yotes, especially in the next few years. The goaltending matchup already is intriguing with Miller and Smith between the pipes. I know that Smith has had a pretty rough time of it since leaving Russia with a gold medal around his neck. But, if he can gain back his form, there is no reason that the Seattle fans will have to go through much growing pains. The Seattle market has been itching to have an NHL team for a while; give it to them.

2) Quebec City: Talk about an automatic heated rivalry. Having the Habs against a team that could give them a run for their money is something that every fan east of Manitoba wants to see badly. Having fairly team genetics, the Yotes would instantly have a team that they could measure themselves against every year while creating some much need tension in Quebec. No longer will the focus of the Francophone’s be separating from our country, but now will have the biggest NHL games at least 6 times a year, with the chance of dismantling the young squad. Fans of the Nordiques are still in pain for losing Sakic, Forsberg, and Wendell Clark to Denver Colorado. The city has already made some significant steps towards inviting a franchise back to Quebec City by upgrading their arena as well as gauging the ticket sales that they would get through a petition. The only problem with Quebec City is that their city is still too fresh from losing their team in the eyes of the NHL elite, as well as, the Montreal Canadiens ownership not wanting the new team to damage their ticket sales by offering cheaper tickets for relatively the same quality of team. Some of the bigger franchises in the NHL have the power to veto any teams that they perceive to be encroaching on their potential ticket demographic. The odds for Quebec getting another team any time soon is very slim.

3) Las Vegas: Just when you thought that the NHL being in the dessert of Arizona was a dumbass idea, they go and top themselves by wanting to take the same team and move them to another hot as hades location. Does Gary Bettman not realize that he is dealing with an ICE HOCKEY team? People in both Arizona and Las Vegas don’t want to see a bunch of dudes skating on the ice that they would rather have on their glass. Las Vegas is a city where people go to gamble, have sex with overpriced hookers, and watch Penn and Teller bring back a mammoth from the dead and then proceed to cut it in pieces. Sports that have had success include the UFC and boxing. What do those two have in common that other sports do not? They are one-off events that people can flock to for the weekend. The NHL would literally have to schedule all of the Coyotes home games on the weekend or they would have as much fans show up as a preseason Florida Panthers game (less than 500). It’s all fun and games to have the NHL awards in Vegas because most NHL players and their families will show up, and Evander Kane will flaunt some his Sabres money while doing blow off a tigers back with his shirt off. There is no redeeming reason why the NHL would survive in Vegas, and to have the people running our great game think that this is a suitable location is quite frankly terrifying. There is a reason that the NFL, MLB, and NBA have not touched Sin City with a 25 foot pole.

In conclusion, the NHL should just move the Arizona Coyotes to Seattle so that they are in a city that will make the league money and give Vancouver fans a great rivalry for years to come. I am Smoke Stark and this has been my rant on the Arizona Coyotes mess. In the Game of Thrones, you either win or you die.

Smoke’s Rant: Women’s Soccer is Better Than Men’s

CANADA-WORLD-CUP Since June 6th, the world has focused its collective soccer minds on the nation of Canada as the host for the 2015 Women’s World Cup. The first day saw the host nation take on team China to open the tournament. Despite the lackluster effort by the Canadian squad, they managed to pull out a 1-0 victory with an extra time penalty kick goal by none other than Christine Sinclair. So why is even this match better than most men’s soccer? Because at least it had drama and built to an ultimate climax that rose a nation to its feet with one perfect swift motion of her right foot. Later in the day, the Netherlands pounced to a 1-0 lead over New Zealand and never looked back. With the exception of Germany completely dismantling the poor Ivory Coast, the games through the first five days have been very close. The odds on favorite United States were even in tough against a very game Australian team before the Americans decided to flex their soccer muscles and pot two late strikes to make it 3-1. Lastly, a game between the always insanely good looking nation of Sweden, versus the young fast Nigerian team was supposed to be an easy win for the Swedes. No one gave Nigeria that memo, as they kept on coming back and scoring after trailing. It was a back-and-forth match for the ages. By then end of the match, even one in the stadium, even some of the Swedish fans were happy that the Nigerians made history and grabbed an all important point in the standing. So, is that the only reason women’s soccer is better than men’s? Because some game were close?

Hell no, the reason that women’s soccer is far and above better than men’s is because women are tougher. Not a single time, in the first 4 days, did I see a single girl go down and grab a different part of their body for dramatic effect. Not a single time did a woman need to be carted off the field by trainers only to run into the game a minute later like nothing happened. Adrianne Leon got elbowed in the face so hard I swear I could hear Ronda Rousey smile from Santa Monica, yet she got up and got back in position. If the same play happened in a game with Italy and Spain facing each other, the guy would have fallen down grabbing his face and his leg (for no reason), then claim someone had shot him in the stomach. The women leave the acting to Helen Mirren and Jennifer Lawrence. Don’t get me wrong, I like when men act, heck, I am a huge fan of Chris Pratt and Hugh Jackman; but leave the theatrics to Starlord and Wolverine.

So, when watching the Women’s World Cup over the next month and a half, take the time to appreciate the skill and determination that these female athletes. Take the time to see how much cleaner the beautiful game is played when women take to the pitch. After this tournament wraps up, go back to watching the la Liga or MLS, then tell me which gender is tougher; then tell me which gender is better to watch. I am Smoke Stark, and this has been my rant on the Women’s World Cup. In a world of ordinary mortals, you are a wonder woman.

Smoke’s Rant: the New Ice Age Gets A New Logo


Last Wednesday, Greg Pocock and the rest of the Prince George Cougars ownership and management unveiled the new logo that the team will wear in the upcoming 2015/2016 season. It is the latest step in rebranding the Cougars after the new ownership bought the WHL team from the Brodsky family last year. During the unveiling, the team had the past jersey’s all lined up in order to show the evolution of the club from its days in Victoria. The one constant was the cougars being the same colour as we have all come to expect, however, now the Cougar has taken a different shape and color. The logo look more streamline and slick than ever before. The Cougar looks even more menacing as it pops out of the logo in a more three dimensional manner than previous renditions. The large “C” not only gives reference to the name, but some people have said that it draws inspiration from the Vancouver Canucks and Calgary Flames logo from the NHL. Now, you may ask, is it a positive change from the last logo?

Hell Yeah, it’s a great change for the Prince George Cougars. The fact that it looks significantly different from the other versions of the logos, as well as, having the simplistic look is awesome. The gold trim around the “C” completes the effect of the team’s journey into a new chapter in the franchise. Gone are the days where you would go to a game and know that they are going to lose to every team in the league. This logo signifies that the New Ice Age is one that will revolutionize the way that this team will be seen by the citizens in Prince George as well as every opponent that takes to the ice at the CN Centre. Having a more simple design shows that the team will be looking to keep things simple when facing the opposition, instead of getting caught up in their old ways of mediocrity. But, this new unveiling doesn’t come without a modicum of complaints.

I have talked to a lot of Cougars fans over the past week to gauge what they think of the new logo and jersey. There were three consistent issue that were brought up.

1) Is that a Cougar??? The first issue that most of the fans identified was that the Cougar looks more like a Panther then an actual cougars. While this may be the case due to the colour scheme of the home jersey in particular, the overall aesthetic of the logo still feels like a cougar. The gold trim around the edges tries to convey the proper colour of a cougar without detracting from the overall design.

2) Where are the Patches??? The complaint that I agreed with the most was the absence of shoulder patches on the jersey. Most of the teams in the WHL and all of the teams in the NHL have patches on their shoulders to add more to the overall look of the jersey as well as celebrate some historical or geographical significance during the team’s evolution. The Vancouver Canucks have the old “stick and rink” logo from the 1970’s to commemorate their inception into the NHL alongside the Buffalo Sabres. The Victoria Royals, one of the Cougars rivals, has an alternate logo in the shoulder to pay respect to the city of Victoria. It’s a simple addition that goes a long way in completing the overall look of a jersey. Most of the fans that complained about the lack of a patch suggested they have a simple “P.G” or the original Victoria Cougars logo on the side to connect with the fans that have supported the team through thick and thin. Sometimes more can be a positive thing.

3) Same Jersey??? The last issue that the fans had about the new jersey was that it was the same jersey, but with a different logo. Fans wanted more of an overhaul of the overall jersey than just the logo. Some were tired of the same colour scheme, others were frustrated with the lack of originality of overall design. My thought is, why mess with colours that we can be identified with. The Prince George Cougars have been wearing the same colours for as long as I have lived in this great town. When I see those colours anywhere I go, I think of the Cougars. True, I support the cry for a different design of the jersey to match the awesome logo, but don’t mess with the black, red, and white. Those colours signify hard working citizens of this town that do an honest day’s work for an honest pay. The Cougars are a blue collar team, and those are the colours that work best.

I think the New Ice Age, took an awesome step forward with this new rebranding. I for one will wear the new jersey with pride, because I know that everyone in the organization is trying to make this Prince George’s team once again. Support the New Ice Age, and support your local WHL team. Cougar loud and Cougar proud. I am Smoke Stark, and this has been my rant on the Prince George Cougars new logo. Beware my power, Green Lanterns light!

CFUR @ Levitation Vancouver - First Thoughts

It’s the end of my first day with the Levitation folks, and I wanted to get this out there into the world as soon as I could – I love whoever thought of this. This festival has been a mecca of good vibes and even better music. To say the least, I am enjoying myself. I set out on this journey with the intention of having a legitimate Vancouver festival experience, so I brought my bike. I’m staying with a friend who lives near Commercial and Broadway, and the seaside bicycle route isn’t far from her place. I rode in the middle of the day in the hot sun with no water, and arriving at Stanley Park, I didn’t find the fest as easily as I hoped, so when I finally heard Tacocat through the trees, I was relieved. The bike valet service was amazing from start to finish, friendly and knowledgable, they directed me to water right away – the beginning of more incredible interactions to come.

The set up is pretty incredible, the stage is in Malkin Bowl in Stanley Park, so the whole grounds are beautiful and lush. The people who set up Eastside Flea thought to set up these beautiful lace chilling spots, with nice thick blankets and pillows and shade from the sun. Those chilling tents really saved my day – that and the availability of a water fountain near the heart flutters* actual flush toilets. It is a rare thing to have toilets other than port-a-potties available at music festivals, and my white shawl has no blue dip dye thanks to that availability.

My first instinct at festivals is to find the alcohol and the food. The essentials, of course. The beer garden was quick and spacious – it filled up later on but never felt like it was uncomfortable. There was a great concession stand and two food trucks, so I felt secure in the fact that I wouldn't go hungry.

I was in awe of the people immediately, coming from a small city where 80% of the population is above 40. I have so much respect for all the beautiful clothing choices at this fest – it takes years to accumulate and grow into a style like this. Every piece of clothing, every tattoo, all those thrifted shirts from the 70s – that is love. The people attracted to this music – groovy, psychedelic, fuzzy, alternative, rock…. These are the kind of people I like to get to know. These cats know how to have a good time, this scene isn’t violent, it isn’t judgmental, it’s just a collection of folks who want to chill out and feel good vibes.

The musicians are unassuming and friendly, I went back stage briefly for an interview with Tacocat, and everyone was very cool. I’m a little timid and take a while to ease into things, but I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to break through and get some more soundbites and interviews.

I’ll talk more about the bands after I consolidate all my blitzed-out scribbles, but for now I will say one thing for sure about the music at Levitation Vancouver: it’s a little hazy, but oh so clear in my mind.

Stay fuzzy, Levitation and friends.

Smoke's Rant: Acceptance is a Virtue

caitlyn-jenner-bruce-jenner The biggest sports and entertainment story in the continent this week was the transformation of 1977 Gold Medal athlete Bruce Jenner. Now going by Caitlyn, Jenner has been in the spotlight her whole life since capturing the world's attention in Montreal over 3 decades ago. Hollywood and the rest of the world has been following Caitlyn ever since she announced that she was going to transition from a man into a woman.  Because of her very public family situation with the Kardashians and the revolving door of reality TV shows featuring her and her family, most people thought that this was a publicity stunt aimed at getting even more attention and landing another TV deal. I myself was a little cautious because of the negative attention that the family has been getting over the year. Not only that, I was also a little nervous about the reaction of fans and keyboard warriors possibly crucifying the very brave woman for what she was about to undertake. All of that speculation on whether Jenner was serious about the transition and if the operation was going to go well, and what the general reaction was going to be was silenced when the Vanity Fair issue featuring the new Caitlyn Jenner was released mere days ago.

There was an overwhelming amount of support for the gold medalist as she looked like a seasoned model posing for the popular magazine. Fans and celebrities alike took to social media to express their admiration for Jenner's bravery and for her outstanding look that was accomplished. One celebrity, Jessica Lange, responded to those who thought the two now looked alike by stating, " It's Wonderful" (cbsnews.com), that they comparision is being made. The positive reactions that have flooded the internet over the past while, are in stark contrast to the reaction that Jenner would have got even 5 or 10 years ago.

The acceptance of Caitlyn brings in a new era of tolerance that the world sorely needed. The transgendered community has been fighting for their right and fighting to be treated equally by the general society. Jenner's transformation is the newest and brightest beacon for that fight. Unfortunately you cannot have a fight without oposition. Despite all the positive reaction towards Caitlyn, there has also been some backlash about the Vanity Fair issue as well. There is a renown pastor in the Arkansas U.S that has called her "No longer America's athletic hero" (New York Daily News), and JR Smith of the Cleveland Cavaliers labelled her a "Science Project" (USAtoday.com). It's acts like this that makes one wonder how far society has actually gone.

Caitlyn Jenner is a hero to the transgendered community and is still a hero in the eyes of the sports world. No matter what anyone does, they can never get their accomplishments stripped from them, especially when that action is just becoming who you are inside.

My name is Smoke Stark, and this has been Smoke's Rant. Live long and prosper Caitlyn Jenner.

So a magazine called you a name: a survival guide from Canada’s Most Dangerous City™

Pulled from local blog andrewkurjata.ca

Dear Vancouver,

I understand you’re going through a bit of a phase. It seems the Economist magazine described you as “mind-numbingly boring” recently and, well, you didn’t take it well. Not just the mayor, but the premier, have had to comfort you, and commentators have penned pieces firing back, even at the magazine itself.

First of all, let me just observe that this feels like the scene where the straight-A student has a minor meltdown because they get a C in gym class or something. I mean, you’re consistently ranked one of the best places in the world to live and here you are freaking out because of literally two sentences in a minor masthead. Speaking as someone where this


was prominently printed in a national magazine, I’ll admit it’s hard to take your concerns all that seriously. But let me be the John Bender to yourClaire Standish and teach you how to handle it when a magazine calls you a bad name.

Step one: don’t lash out

We might be a little late on this one, but it’s worth remembering: you’ll never get better if you don’t think there’s anywhere to improve. When Maclean’s called Prince George the most dangerous city in Canada, people got upset. We tried things like changing the parameters. Sure, we might have more crime per capita than anywhere else said the mayor (paraphrasing), but the important thing is how many volunteers we have!

I’m not arguing, having volunteers is great, but if crime is an issue it doesn’t really solve things. Likewise, just because you think the Economist is boring, it doesn’t mean you have more places for garage bands to practice their new songs. Look inward. Is there something you could be doing better? If not, great. But if there is, try and improve it.

Prince George being most dangerous had to do with a number of other factors (including overflow from gang jostling down in Vancouver), but the RCMP and city started looking at what they could do better and through a variety of outreach and strategic programs, things turned around and there has been a decline in serious crimes. And we still have lots of volunteers.

The point is this: you’re a big city. You’re going to receive some criticism. That matters less than how you handle it.

Step two: recognize you probably care about this waaaay more than anyone else does

Honestly, I’m not sure I would have even heard about this thing if it weren’t for Vancouverites collectively freaking out about it. Do you really think that people are going to stop coming to the seawall based on this thing? It’s the same deal with Prince George. The first year we were called most dangerous, there was a big news conference and days of press. Second time, similar reaction, but more muted. By the time the third year came around, the city basically shrugged its shoulders. Now the ranking has gone away. Last year, Initiatives Prince George asked people across Canada what comes to mind when they hear “Prince George” and, yeah, “crime” was on there but so was “friendly” and “community”. It’ll be OK.

Step three: haters gonna hate

It’s time to make like Taylor Swift and shake if off. Over the last few years, various community organizations have embarked on campaigns showcasing the benefits of coming here. And rather than target people who are thinking to themselves “geez, Prince George is so dangerous” they’re looking for people who are interested in the lifestyle Prince George has to offer.

Put it this way: ever go to a party where everyone’s having a good time except that one dude going on about what a terrible party it is? Why try and change his mind? Whenever someone comes at me about how they would never want to live in Prince George it’s like great! I won’t have to deal with you! If “Gulliver” doesn’t want to come to Vancouver, who’s really losing out?

Step four: make your own headlines

Prince George got national media coverage again this year when it hosted the 2015 Canada Winter Games. People from all across the country came to the city to discover that not only did they not get stabbed, they had a pretty OK time, too! Already, more major events are showing interest in the city because of what was pulled off earlier this year, and national press showcased a side of Prince George most of the rest of Canada had never seen.

So get at it Vancouver! Show the world you know how to party. Is there maybe some sort of major international sporting event you could hold next winter? Something like maybe the- oh, you did that already?


Well, maybe you can get the royal family to name a baby after you or something.



Andrew Kurjata: local author, radio personality, journalist, and audio enthusiast


CFUR will be at Levitation Vancouver June 5-7!

CFUR is happy to announce that one of our lovely hosts will be attending the first Levitation Festival. Levitation is the sister-fest to Austin Psych Fest in Texas and it is sure to be a groovy time! Below is the press release from the organizers to give anyone who is interested in going a little more information.

~time to get weird and psychedelic, CFUR listeners~

It’s one of the many reasons why Austin, TX is known for great music, food, style and culture. Austin Psych Fest has become one of the most iconic music festivals in North America.

Now, for the first time ever, the independent and experimental histories of Austin Psych Fest and Timbre Concerts have teamed up to bring the sound and spirit of this legendary festival to Vancouver, BC.

Levitation Vancouver takes place June 5th to 7th at Malkin Bowl and at select venues along Main Street. All Access Passes are now sold out. Malkin Bowl Weekend Passes and Single Day Passes are still available.


The festival launch party kicks off Friday night at the Rickshaw Theatre with A Place To Bury Strangers, The Warlocks and Drenge. Psychedelic visuals/projections will be provided by The Mustachio Light Show from Austin, TX.

The gates at Malkin Bowl open Saturday morning at 11:30AM and the extended grounds in Stanley Park will be transformed into a living, breathing, international music festival.

APF - photo credit Cecilia Alejandra Blair

Highlights from the lineup include a headlining performance by local legends Black Mountain who are celebrating the 10th anniversary of their debut album. They are joined by friends and contemporaries including The Black Angels, Witch, Beach Fossils, King Tuff and many more.

To heighten the festival experience, The Eastside Flea will be hosting a vibed-out vendor marketplace featuring 20+ local and international artists, clothing designers, jewelry makers, record store pop-up shops and chill-out tents. There will also be food trucks, multiple beer gardens, water stations and a special merch area ran by The Reverberation Appreciation Society.

Biking is encouraged. The Standard Bike is offering festival goers complimentary bike valet service in Stanley Park; where it’s a quick pedal along some of the city’s most incredible bike paths to end up at one of the many night showcases along Main Street. Pass holders will also receive discounts at dozens of local businesses throughout the weekend including bike rentals from Yes Cycle.

Night showcases will be first come first serve, with multiple venues all within the same few blocks of each other.

Buy Passes: http://levitation-vancouver.com/

APF2 - photo credit Cecilia Alejandra Blair