Culture Confluence Airs Today - Thursday - at 4pm!

Culture Confluence is an exploration of arts & culture intersecting locally in Prince George BC, on the unceded traditional territory of the Lheidli T'enneh first nation. Original content produced in collaboration with the Community Arts Council and aired on CFUR 88.7fm as well as online at

Get in touch with host Michael Kast via email:

Wesley Mitchell

US Midterm Election Special - Hear it Online Tuesday 6-9pm - Democracy Now Special

The US Midterm election approaches quickly. We all know the USA is a big deal, and we don’t need to remind you or anyone else of that, but their activities ripple Northwards to us pretty quickly, and this election is going to make some waves! Live coverage is available for FREE online:

Catch the audio coverage of this momentous event with commentary provided by Amy Goodman and experts in their field on Democracy Now .org

We’ve decided not to interrupt our regular programming for the event, as it covers over some of our quality original programming at that time. But this coverage is available online at the link above.

If you feel it is important to hear this type of content in the future on our terrestrial broadcast, please let us know by informing management at

Culture Confluence Debuts Today - Thursday - at 4pm!

Culture Confluence is an exploration of arts & culture intersecting locally in Prince George BC, on the unceded traditional territory of the Lheidli T'enneh first nation. Original content produced in collaboration with the Community Arts Council and aired on CFUR 88.7fm as well as online at

Get in touch with host Michael Kast via email:

Erin Stagg

UNBC Global Fridays Presents - The Disunited Kingdom: Separatism in the Post-Brexit Era

UNBC’s continuing speaker series, Global Fridays, presents free public lecturs by leading experts on a variety of subjects that affect us all.

Hear it online via Zoom Webinar, or attend in-person at UNBC campus.

Date: Friday, November 4, 2022 - 12:00 to 13:30

Location: Agora Theatre 7-150

Global Friday Presents
Dr. Clare McGovern
Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Science
Simon Fraser University

Abstract: The new British government faces multiple economic and political crises, not least a fundamental challenge to the state itself. Brexit has strengthened support for Scottish nationalism. This October, the UK Supreme Court decides whether a second independence referendum can go ahead. Meanwhile, a trade dispute with the EU is threatening peace in Northern Ireland.
Can the Truss government keep the United Kingdom together? Should it even try? How can a country navigate break-up when it doesn’t have a clear written constitution to guide it? In this talk, Dr. McGovern will examine the British government’s response to these existential threats, comparing it to Canada and Spain’s approaches. She will argue the Supreme Court of Canada’s 1998 Secession judgment offers a useful blueprint, and that the UK should guarantee a legal right to secession, if a region votes for it in a free and fair referendum. While there is no guarantee the UK will stay together, this approach offers the best chance of peacefully and democratically deciding the future.

Speaker's Bio: Clare McGovern is a Senior Lecturer in Political Science at Simon Fraser University. She teaches courses on separatism and constitutional law, focusing particularly on Canada and the UK. Her research examines separatist political parties and evaluates innovations in university education.

In person: Agora 7-150
Online: Zoom Webinar - Peace-River, Liard

Find us on:

Global Fridays gratefully acknowledges funding from the Faculties of Indigenous Studies, Social Sciences and Humanities; Business and Economics; Environment; Human and Health Sciences; Science and Engineering.

Thank You For Your Support!

Thank you everyone who supported us over this past week of Radiothon fundraising. Thank you donors! Resonant Strategic, Canadian Tire Gas Bar, Sound Factory, David Hoksbergen, Northern Palace Restaurant, David Connel, ColdSnap Music Festival, Alissa Bates, Tristanne Basnett, Cal Hilde, Evan Mutual Michael Watson, Alycia Mutual, Shannon Williams, Karen Mohr, Blake Blok, Peter Reiners, Marieka Sax, Dorin Clough, to name a few! Barry White who printed some spectacular posters! NUGSS who operates a beautiful building to operate out of, the Thirsty Moose Pub for allowing us the space to attempt our antics in. Legion 43 for providing an amazing venue with great food & service you can’t beat, along with Mad Loon Entertainment who let us play with the equipment there. UNBC for helping us deal with some of the background donation efforts and providing education opportunities in the North.

Thank you all those that supported us through this last week of fundraising, those that supported us on-air, and behind the scenes for the days, weeks, and months prior. The Hosts at CFURadio, Karen Mohr of The Fresh Sheet, Jo Van Winkle & guests of Pride Time, Ian Forman and Braden Croin of Hair of the Dog, Andrew McFayden of Celtic Fire, Shannon Williams of Riot Grrl Sleepover, Luke van Dykhuizen of Heavy Metal Headcrusher, Tessa Gregory of Horse Sense & Action Figures, Eliza Houg of DB-ANON, Karl Wyssen of Out of Phrase, Selina Mitchel of BC Time & Space Transporter, Darce Vader of Bad Not Cheap, Craig Norton of Radio Mod, I hope I didn’t forget anyone.

Thank you to our staff! Karl our Program Director who babysat the Loop to make sure it didn’t freak out, ran cable up down and around with me, produced IDs, ADs, coordinated schedule blocks, plus a million things, and Brin our Music Director who kept the fresh tunes churning, engineered the sound at the Wrap-Up party and lulled us to sleep during Radio Karaoke with his sweet lullabyes. We tried new things, took risks, and came together as a team, you’re the best a station could ask for.

Thank you to all the background volunteers who helped out with the myriad of details that add up to drive everyone crazy like drawing arrows, sitting at cashboxes, troubleshooting the stupid Square pos (point of sale) unit, and on and on, that’s you Elizabeth Norman, Nicholas Slugogki, Mich Ochieng, Ethan Cheng, Selina Mitchell, Colin & Keisha, I hope I didn’t forget anyone. PLUS a big thanks to our incredible Board of Directors, some of whom did a lot of heavy lifting, pavement pounding, and grunt work, ALL required to pull something like this off. Ryan O’Toole, Jordan Ho, Andreas Krebs, Mike Watson, Gen Tucker, Kristen Kieta, Shawn Hegan and Laura Binnette. Bless your hearts, we did it!

Thank you to the Khast’an Drummers who led a welcome on Sunday to start us off on the right foot, and saw us through on the final day at the Wrap-Up Party. It was a splendid affair with stellar performances form Grace Hoksbergen, Sean Wesley Wood, and Patchwork! Thank you for the heart & soul you spilled on stage :D It was great so many of you, dear audience, at the wrap-up party. It’s so fun to rub elbows and dance together in-person again.

The numbers are being tallied, some expenses yet to be paid, but we’re looking at a total of about $5050! THANKYOU! And thanks to my partner who put up with my general lack of focus forgetfulness and absence of mind & body for the last 3-4 weeks, I couldn’t do it without you!

We are proud & grateful to have operated and broadcasted on traditional Lheidli T’enneh territory for the past 21 years, and look forward to the next 21 inspired by your support.

Ian Gregg - CFURadio Station Manager

Radio Karaoke - Tonight @ the Thirsty Moose Pub - A CFURadiothon Event

Radio Karaoke, as crazy as it sounds…

4-8pm at the Thirsty Moose we plan to go LIVE with Karaoke over the Radio! Crazy as it sounds here's the scoop.
We're looking for 2 types of listeners to participate, Blockers and Hammers.

We'll broadcast the singer, and the audience has the opportunity to end the song preemptively by calling in at 778-693-2387 Ext.4 to let us know they've made a donation at That's how you throw a Hammer to end the song quickly, bump the singer off the stage, and start the next song.
However, if a listener LIKES the current singer, they can donate & call ahead of a Hammer to cancel out an upcoming yank on the current singer. That's a Blocker.
For fun, we'll refer to the stage as the button, why not.
Don't like phones? You're not alone/ Tweet us @CFURadio, FB message, whatever

Of course, anyone can make a donation at anytime for any reason at or

Cover charge for the event is by donation, to sing is by donation. We're not interested in excluding any singers b/c of money we want you to come and have a good time with us.

October 16th to 22nd, we’ll be on air as much as possible asking YOU dear listener for some much needed financial support. (88.7FM and We’re trying to fund-raise to keep our Program Director position, and we also have to get a new computer (several actually but one right now).
We’re planning a week full events including:
-a CD sale Oct 16-17
-Radio Karaoke Weds the 19th
-and an exclusive Radiothon Wrap Up Party on Saturday the 22nd. Featuring Grace Hoksbergen, Sean Wesley Wood & Patchwork!
YOU can access all of these things. For details: Follow our socials and tune in to The FUR at 88.7FM!
Charitable tax receipts are available there, and we’ll have Swag incentives galore including a new slate of stickers, Tshirts and a sweet, versatile, bonus swag surprise!
Please visit now, to lend us a hand.