CFUR Showcase: Women of The North

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Women of the North

a CFUR Showcase

A CFUR Showcase, Women of The North is a powerful event will take place in a new local arts venue, Omineca Arts Centre. There, we will gather enthusiasts of local music and culture to celebrate women musicians of our region, with the accompaniment of live painting and live and silent auctions, creating an evening of celebration and Northern flair. This action is supported by CFUR’s mandate and ever-growing ambitions of exposing and encouraging the arts in Northern BC.

A night of inspiration with Amy Blanding, Britt AM, The Nove Voce Vocal Choir, Kym Gouchie, and Rachelle van Zanten

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All will be experienced in a dynamic environment that changes according to the experience of the music thanks to Audrey McKinnon's visual art, as it develops throughout the performances.

Where: Omineca Arts Centre | 1119 3rd Avenue | Prince George BC | Canada

When: Saturday, 18 November 2017 from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM (PST)