Pemberton- Gord Downie & The Sadies

Gord Downie & The Sadies are the coolest. Period.The band is cool, the music is cool, Gord's hat is cool. Gord Downie, on top of being super cool, is the world's biggest ham. On top of singing the rollicking and raucous tunes he is known for, he pretended to shoot hoops, hunt fans with a spear fashioned from his mic stand, and gave Gene Simmons a run for his tongue-sticking-out money. He's the best. I love him. 2014 Pemberton day1 d 003 2014 Pemberton day1 d 004 2014 Pemberton day1 d 005 2014 Pemberton day1 d 006 2014 Pemberton day1 d 007 2014 Pemberton day1 d 008 2014 Pemberton day1 d 009 2014 Pemberton day1 d 010