AccessAbility Week

This year Prince George city is acknowledging the national AccessAbility Week by taking city staff and council members on a tour around downtown area with a mentor who had experienced life navigating around the town with a disability.
“Participants will learn that being disabled does not equal being powerless. Access issues aren’t limited to those with disabilities, they also affect seniors, parents with young children, and people that need mobility devices, either for the short or long term,” said committee chair, Kia Johnsen. “Thank you to MEDIchair North BC for providing the equipment including power and manual wheelchairs for council to try at the event.”

While it’s great to observe what Prince George is doing to celebrate the national AccessAbility Week, don’t miss out on your chance to show visible solidarity with people affected by disabilities, and celebrate their achievements by wearing red on Wednesday, May 31st! You can celebrate with us by stopping at the Bentley Center, UNBC @1pm.