Bicycle Revolution in Prince George

Cycling is essential to any community, especially now, with climate change looming. Canada is fighting climate change by reducing emissions, but how can the emissions be reduced if one of the solutions to the problem is unsafe to execute?

To support the bicycle revolution come to Prince George City Hall @6pm on Wednesday, May 31st.

Click Here to Access Event Page for details.

Have you ever felt like you could not bike to your destination safely in Prince George? Was there a time when you were in danger while using the bike lanes? Approximately every 1 out of 17 people has experienced fast-moving traffic closer than 100 cm when cycling in Prince George. The main problem with the bike lanes in Prince George is the lack of a border between the vehicle and bike lanes. While a painted white line separates the two, it is simply not enough to ensure a cyclist’s safety. There are many ways to improve the safety of Prince George citizens. It could be done by imposing one of the following temporary solutions: a plastic flexible post, a moveable curb, a planter or a roadway median. The priority should be given to the busiest streets first, such as 5th Avenue, 15th Avenue, Ospika Boulevard, Massey Drive/Winnipeg Street and Ferry Avenue/Queensway. Once sufficient feedback is received, the provisional resolution can be made permanent as long as the budget permits.

Participate in the bicycle revolution by signing this Petition.