Karl Domes is the NCRA's Volunteer of The Year!

Karl Domes, CFUR volunteer extroardinaire, has been rewarded for his efforts. The National Campus and Community Radio Association bestowed upon Karl the honour of Volunteer of The Year, across all of Canada, at their Community Radio Awards. A jury, composed of seven radio professionals from across the country, found Karl to be "the person who has worked tirelessly for [a] station without getting any money." The jury listened to clips of Karl's show, The Yellowhead Cafe, which showcases local music, especially Karen Cruise. They read letters from the Music and Program Directors detailing his absolute dedication to CFUR, his kindness and good cheer, and his devotion to the Northern Audio Archive, which he has singlehandedly archived and organized. The jury listened to clips from Karl's monthly spot promoting CFUR and the Northern Audio Archive on CBC Daybreak North, where his relentless enthusiasm and knowledge have made him a favourite for local listeners. Karl was against some stiff competition but ultimately won! 

All of our volunteers are fantastic, but it's pretty special when someone as exceptional as Karl gets recognition for his contributions on a national scale. Karl goes above and beyond, and we're very lucky to have him knocking about the studio. Karl will get a fancy trophy and a certificate, and perhaps a cookie. Thank you, Karl, for working so tirelessly and passionately for CFUR. You truly deserve this award, and it couldn't happen to a nicer and worthier guy. 

To view the complete list of awards, click here.